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Entice Me (Austin Singles 2)

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“We have the permit, it’s in my office in the project folder. Just have Morgan go in and get it, scan it over to you, and you can show him. That should be good enough for him to sign off. Tell Morgan to send it to his email.”

“Her. Email.”

Nash groaned. “Shit. Is it Jessica?”

“Yep. Nothing like an old lover scorned.”

My head jerked over to Nash. His cheeks filled with red as he shook his head and cursed.

“I’ll take care of it.”

Pulling over to the side of the road, Nash grabbed his phone. “Sorry, I need to make a quick pit stop. I know we’re on a tight schedule.”

Motioning with my hands, I replied, “No. Take care of it.”

I watched as Nash got out of the truck and paced in front of his hood. His hand sliced through his hair I swore every few minutes. The frustration on his face was evident. What had the guy meant when he said an old lover scorned? It was wrong of me to do it, but I lowered the visor, then I rolled my window down some. Leaning forward like I was looking at myself, I adjusted myself to try and hear him.

If your mother could see you now, Kaelynn Shae. Listening in on a conversation clearly meant to be kept private.

He stopped at the corner of the passenger side as he looked out over the field. I strained to hear him.

“Jessica, you know all I have to do is send the permit over to your boss, and he’s going to see you’re dicking us around. It was a one-night stand months ago; we both knew that going in. Why are you so fucking bitter about it?”

I leaned back in my seat and sighed. The thought of Nash and this woman together made my stomach ache, and that bothered me. I wasn’t with Nash. I laid no claim to him. Yet . . . something deep inside of me wanted more with him, and I couldn’t deny it.

Flipping the visor up, my gaze caught his.

He was staring at me.

Busted eavesdropping. You’ve hit a new low, Kaelynn.

He raised a brow, and I gave him a shy smile and stupidly lifted my hand in a wave.

When he smiled at me, I knew he wasn’t hearing a word Jessica was saying to him. He was too focused on me, and that made my heartbeat instantly speed up. Butterflies replaced the ache that had previously sat in my lower stomach like a rock. I swallowed hard as the pulse between my legs grew stronger.

Oh no. I want Nash Barrett.

“Kaelynn, what are you doing?” I mumbled.

My tongue ran over my parched lips, and I saw the corner of Nash’s mouth twitch up, as if he wanted to smile but stopped himself. Then he narrowed his gaze. I swore the sound of my pounding heart filled the truck. I somehow managed to pull my eyes away from him in an attempt to regain what little bit of self-control I had left.

Taking in a deep breath, I steadied my breathing and caught a glimpse of Nash making his way back into the truck. I raised the window and blew out a steady breath.

The urge to jump across the seat and push myself against him was something new. Where was this side of me coming from? My libido was in control here.

“What is happening to me?” I whispered as I forced myself to breathe normally as Nash opened the door, climbed into his seat, and flashed me those dimples.

“Sorry about that. Ready?”

The only thing I could manage to do was nod. I was ready for something all right. Just what that something was, I hadn’t quite figured out yet.

STANDING OUTSIDE THE tall building in downtown Houston, I waited for Morgan to answer.

“Barrett Construction, Morgan speaking.”

“Did that contract come through on the Miller project?”

“Hello to you too, Nash. My gosh, can’t you take a day off?”

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