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Entice Me (Austin Singles 2)

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“Okay, so why swear off all women?”

“Maybe it’s just the multimillion-dollar trust-fund type of women I am swearing off.”

Kaelynn stared at me. She opened her mouth to say something, then snapped it shut. Something I had said seemed to bother her.

“I’m kidding, Kaelynn. I mean, I’m not really looking at getting into another relationship with someone who is in Lily’s financial situation. Not when I can’t compete with it.”

“Why do you feel like you have to compete with it? Do you not think a woman should be able to make more than you?”

I stared at her, shocked that her tone had turned a bit angry.

“No, I don’t think that at all. I guess I used the wrong wording. It was clear to me that Lily left because I would never be able to provide for her the things that she was used to, regardless if she could provide them herself. I tried that path and it burned me. I’m not looking to repeat history.”

“Nash. I’m sorry she did what she did to you, but to insinuate or think all women are like Lily . . .”

“No, they’re not.”

The rest of the meal was small talk. Forced small talk. Once Kaelynn got back into the truck, she got on her computer and worked the rest of the way back to Austin. It was clear whatever I had said earlier didn’t sit well with her.

When I pulled up to her hotel, I reached for her arm before she slipped out.

“Kaelynn, I think I came across as a dick earlier. I’m not against women being independent and wealthy. Hell, one of my best friends is one of the wealthiest women in Texas.”

“Charlie . . .” she said matter-of-factly.

“Yes, Charlie. It’s just, the whole situation with Lily threw me and it’s taken me a bit to get myself back to the point where I want to start thinking about a relationship. Opening myself up like that again has been an obstacle I haven’t been able to overcome just yet . . . but I know I’ll get there.”

“I understand.”

“No, I don’t think you do, because you clearly got pissed off. I get it, you’re a successful woman, and judging from the hotel you’re staying at, you manage your money well. I think that’s great. I want to see my own sister succeed at her career, and I hope she’s financially independent. I shouldn’t have said what I said, especially to you. I’m trying to let the past go because I really want to move on. I want to let that guard down and trust again.”

Her shoulders relaxed and she smiled. “I’m sorry if I was judging you earlier. I think we both misunderstood each other.”

I returned her smile. “Are you free tomorrow? Maybe we can grab some dinner?”

Kaelynn’s eyes filled with something that looked like panic. “I can’t, I’m sorry. Thank you again, Nash. I really appreciate you taking your whole day and driving me to Houston. Thank you for dinner as well. Have a good evening.”

My eyes widened in shock as she got out of my truck and headed to the entrance of the hotel. That was it? She was just going to walk away? Had I been reading this all wrong? Maybe Kaelynn didn’t feel an attraction toward me. I did tell her I was only interested in friendship, but I had sworn that I felt a few times throughout the day that we had connected. The way she was looking at me, the flirting that we exchanged. What in the fuck happened the past hour?

I watched her walk into the hotel and disappear. She hadn’t even glanced back over her shoulder once.

With a deep sigh, I shook my head and pulled out of the parking lot. I was done trying to figure out women. It was time to move on, and it was clear I wouldn’t be doing that with Kaelynn Dotson.

Two weeks later

MORGAN SET A box down in the middle of the room and spun around. “I can’t believe this is my office. My office.”

She smiled at me, and it was infectious.

“Yep, and if we don’t get things unpacked, you’re going to be seeing your first patient in an office that is filled with boxes.”

“Right. Thank you to so much, Kaelynn, for the suggestion of going to the VA hospital up in Killeen.”

“That’s what I’m here for. It was your idea to reach out to the support groups around town. That was a smart call. I’m happy you have four people booked to see you.”

“I know. The first thing I want to do is set up the art room. My office can wait until last since we have the therapy room to get settled.”

I motioned for her to lead the way. “You’re the boss.”

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