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Entice Me (Austin Singles 2)

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Before we got to the door, we were stopped.

“Oh. No. You are not taking her away.”

Terri stood in front of us, her arms crossed over her chest. “Tonight is my bachelorette party.”

“The night before your wedding?” I asked, shocked.

“Yes. I invited everyone to stay here. We’re going to be pampered this evening and tomorrow morning. Kaelynn, I really would love for you to stay.”

I couldn’t help but see the excitement on Kaelynn’s face. Then she looked at me, and her smile faded. “Oh, um, gosh thank you so much, and I would have loved that. I don’t have anything to wear for tonight and my dress is at my house.”

Terri laughed. “Nope. I had Morgan go to your house and get your stuff. She said she knew the dress you were wearing to the wedding, and she got it all for you. She’ll be here tonight too. Please, Kaelynn? I would really love for you to stay. Please!”

Glancing back my way, I winked. “You should stay. Have fun, and with Morgan being here, you’ll have even more fun.”

Kaelynn looked between Terri and me. “Well, it does sound like fun.”

“Then you’re staying!” Terri cried out!

“I’m staying!” Kaelynn echoed.

“I’ve already had my father book you a room, so you don’t have to worry about that. We’ll all be staying on the top floor here at the country club’s Omni hotel. We’re going to have so much fun.”

Charlie walked up to us and wrapped her arm around Kaelynn. “Okay, say goodbye to Nash. It’s girls’ night!”

“Wait! Wait, let me just have a minute with him,” Kaelynn said.

Charlie frowned, but then smiled. “Two minutes is all you get. I had to say goodbye to my precious baby girl, and I need something to drink to keep my mind off the fact I won’t see her for a few hours. I need this bachelorette thing to kick the hell off so I can sneak out and go to our room and be with Hannah and Tucker.”

Kaelynn giggled while I laughed. She walked up to me. “I’m sorry. It’s like fate is trying to keep us away from one another.”

Tucking a stray curl behind her ear, I leaned down and kissed her lightly on the lips. “Tomorrow after this wedding, you’re mine and I’m taking you away and spending time with you.”

“All yours,” she said, lifting up on her toes and kissing me. “Text me later?”

“I will.”

Taking a step back, Kaelynn reached for my hand and worried her lip. “Nash, there’s something I need to talk to you about, though. It’s nothing bad. After the wedding tomorrow, I’d like to find somewhere private to talk. It’s important to me.”

I could hear my own heartbeat in my ears. Tomorrow I would finally know what secret Kaelynn kept from me. The only problem was, I wasn’t sure I wanted to know anymore.

SITTING ON THE large sofa in the Palmer suite of the Omni, I reached for a strawberry and popped it into my mouth. The country club my parents belonged to had a hotel on property as well, but this hotel was amazing. I would have never known Terri came from such a wealthy family. Really, none of Nash’s friends were anything like the friends I had growing up. They were all rich snobs who would never think of working for nonprofits, becoming a vet, or spending their holidays helping the less fortunate. Of course, I was blessed with a few friends who were not spoiled brats.

“I want to sneak down and make sure everything is set up for the reception,” Terri stated, dropping down on the sofa and grabbing a handful of popcorn.

“No, I’ll go check. I’m the maid of honor,” Charlie said, standing and pointing to me. She had already gone and spent some time with Hannah before she came back to the party. Charlie reached for my hand and said, “Come on, Kaelynn. Let’s go.”

My mouth fell open as I stared at what I was wearing. Morgan thought she would be cute and bring my moose PJs and matching moose slippers.

“But I’m in my pajamas and more than slightly buzzed,” I said. Morgan laughed next to me, which made Terri start laughing, then Charlie. The rest of Terri’s friends were gathered around the fire pit outside. It was obvious who Terri’s dearest friends were.

“I’m in my PJs too,” Charlie stated.

“Let’s all go down like this!” Terri shouted as she jumped. “My father owns the place. What are they going to say? Leave?”

Another round of giggles echoed in the room.

“Fine, I’ll go,” I mumbled as I stood.

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