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Entice Me (Austin Singles 2)

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Lifting up both thumbs, Jim shouted, “Got it!”

Everyone laughed. Then the DJ stated to play a sexy tune and the crowd lost it in laughter. Nash shook his head and pointed to Tucker and Blake. They were both laughing their asses off.

“How did Nash get to be the lucky one?” I asked Charlie.

She looked at me and said, “He drew the short straw. He always draws the short straw! They tried to get Terri’s dad to do it, and it was a hard pass for him.”

The crowd went into a full-on laugh as we watched Jim start dancing sexy as he was guided to the chair. He stuck his hands out so Terri put her hands out in front of Nash so Jim wouldn’t know.

“No hands!” the DJ called out. I had to hand it to Nash; he kept his laughter in as his best friend dropped down and started to use his mouth to try and find what he thought was Terri’s leg. When he nuzzled his face against Nash’s leg, I thought Nash was going to fly out of the seat. He closed his eyes and cringed while the rest of us laughed and encouraged Jim on.

He reached his hands out and touched Nash’s leg, making everyone cry out in laughter.

“Dude! Do we need to tie your hands?” the DJ called out.

“No! No, I’ve got this,” Jim shouted

My eyes widened as Jim kissed up Nash’s leg until he found the garter. Terri had tears streaming down her face she was laughing so hard. She ran her fingers through Jim’s hair and Nash glared up at her.

Jim grabbed the garter between his teeth and gave it a shake in his mouth, causing Nash to cover his mouth to keep from laughing. Blake was bent over, gasping for air as Tucker wiped tears off his face.

“This is the best shit ever!” Morgan exclaimed.

Jim pulled the garter belt off and everyone cheered. Then he walked up to Nash, thinking it was Terri, and started to hip thrust in Nash’s face.

The guests went crazy with laughter as Nash pushed him away.

Tucker rushed over and untied the blindfold.

Jim looked shocked at the sight of Nash and jumped back, busting into laughter.

“You motherfuckers!” he cried out as Nash pulled the stocking off and let Jim engulf him in a brotherly hug. Then Jim pulled Terri into his arms and kissed her.

Everyone cheered and laughed, but all I could do was watch Nash. He laughed as he sat down on the chair and put his sock and shoe back on. My heart sped up and my lower stomach ached with desire. It was more than just a desire to make love to him, though. I wanted to spend every moment with him. Learn everything that made him happy, sad, angry. I wanted to know him like his friends knew him, but better. I wanted to be the person he went to when he had a bad day or a good day.

I wanted him in my life forever.

This man who loved with his entire being. Who did crazy things for his friends and who took a woman he hardly knew on a road trip to Houston simply because his sister asked him to.

Nash Barrett was unlike any man I had ever known.

And I was head over heels in love with him.

AFTER GETTING MY sock and shoe back on, I stood and let everyone give me a pat on the back for taking one for the team. I had to admit, when Tucker came up with the crazy idea of pranking Jim at his wedding, I was down for the idea. When I drew the short straw I had been pissed, but everything turned out great, and it would be a memory we would all remember and a video that would last a lifetime.

Turning, I looked for Kaelynn. I could feel her eyes on me, crazy as that sounded. When I found her, it was hard not to notice the way she looked at me—like she wanted to rip my clothes off and take me right here in front of everyone. I raised a brow and she licked her lips.

“Shit,” I whispered, feeling my cock harden.

I smiled and talked to people as I made my way over to Kaelynn, who stood next to Charlie and Morgan. As I approached them, Morgan hugged me and said, “I’m totally posting this everywhere and tagging you.”

Rolling my eyes, I laughed. “I’m sure Blake’s already beat you.”

Morgan’s brows drew in, and she glared over at Blake. “Damn it. If he posted it first, I’m going to be pissed! His sister gets first right of humiliation!”

She took off as fast as she could toward Blake.

“Great job, Nash. I thought for a second he was going to grind on you,” Charlie said, trying not to laugh.

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