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Entice Me (Austin Singles 2)

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How could he do this? How could he have someone poke into my private life and not say a word to me.

My hands came up and covered my mouth. A sickening thought hit me and caused me to run to the bathroom where I barely made it before I threw up.

I rinsed my mouth out, then splashed my face with water.

“He wouldn’t have done that. No. No.” I sobbed, shaking my head. “Not with how he treated me last night. How perfect everything was. He wouldn’t have used me like that.”

Tears started down my cheeks.

Thinking back to how angry Nash was when Blake handed him the envelope. Had he found out the truth about me? Did he sleep with me on his terms so he could leave me because I had kept the truth from him?

My head spun. I needed air. Time to think. I needed to figure out what to do. Nash had hired someone to find out the truth about me. How long had he been planning this? How long had he known?

After getting dressed, I found my purse and called an Uber. I prayed I wouldn’t run into Nash on the way out. I headed to the stairs so I wouldn’t run the chance of running into Nash on the elevator. If he had really even planned on coming back. For all I knew, he left and had no intentions of coming back to the hotel room.

A part of me knew deep down inside that wasn’t true. Nash had made love to me three times last night and had made me come twice as many times. Last night was real.

Wasn’t it?

Once I got into the stairwell, I covered my mouth and cried harder.

This was my fault. Had I only been honest with him in the first place, none of this would have happened. He suspected I was hiding something, and he took it upon himself to dig into my life.

I felt numb as I went down each step.

My phone rang, causing me to jump. One quick glance showed me it was Millie.


“Kaelynn? What’s wrong?” she asked, worry evident in her voice.

“He found out. Nash, he found out who I really was.”

“You told him and he didn’t take it well?”

Another sob slipped from between my lips. “No,” I managed to get out.

Stepping outside of the hotel, I saw a taxi. Not wanting to risk running into anyone while waiting for the Uber I ordered, I slipped inside the cab.

“Austin airport, please,” I stated.

“The airport? Why are you going to the airport? Where are you going, Kaelynn?”

“Home,” I said, this time letting the sobs free.

“Oh no,” Millie whispered. “What happened?”

“He r-ran a b-background check on . . . m-me.”

“What?” Millie shouted into the phone. “Are you freaking kidding me? Who does that?”

I shook my head as I as pushed my body into the seat of the taxi.

“Someone who had been . . . b-burned and doesn’t t-trust.”

“Take a few deep breaths.”

Doing as she said, I noticed the cab driver giving me a worried look.

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