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Entice Me (Austin Singles 2)

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With a sigh, I replied to them both.

Me: Let’s hope the pizza is still there.

Millie sent me a text separate from Jack’s.

Millie: How did it go last night?

Me: Not good. I think we’re over. He can’t forgive me for not telling him the truth.

Millie: What about him going behind your back and running that report?

Me: He said he wasn’t being deceitful and hiding the truth about himself all along. He’s right.

Millie: I’m so sorry, Kaelynn. I know how much you liked him.

Nash picked up a handful of snow, balled it up into a snowball, and gave it a toss. Janet must have given him one of Jack’s old coats with gloves and a hat. He looked adorable outside among the snow.

A tear made a track down my face as I looked from Nash

back to my phone.

Me: Yeah . . . I really did.

The light knock on my bedroom door made me jump. “Come in,” I called out.

“Good morning, Kaelynn. I have breakfast if you’d like to come down and eat. Mr. Barrett is out . . . well . . . exploring in the snow.”

I chuckled. “You mean playing in it.”

“It was rather cute to see how excited he got at all the snow coming down. He’s on his way back in. Shall I set two plates out?”

“Janet, you don’t have to cook or wait on us. Please. Why don’t you take the rest of the day off, the rest of the week, and just relax and enjoy the snowstorm.”

Her eyes widened in shock. “The week off? I don’t think I could do that.”

Laughing, I swung my legs around and stood. “Do you have enough food at your place?”

She nodded.

Janet lived in a small guest house just north of the main house.

“And there is plenty of food here?” I asked.

“Yes, I ran to the store after Mr. Barrett arrived. I knew the weather was turning, so I wanted to make sure we had enough in the main house for at least a week.”

“A week? How long is this storm supposed to last?”

“Well, at least two to three days of steady snow. The pass will for sure be closed for at least a day or two, depending on how much snow there is.”

I wrung my hands as I thought about being here with Nash for a week. Lifting my worried gaze, I asked Janet, “Did Nash happen to mention when his flight back to Texas was?”

Janet’s brows drew down. “He did mention yesterday he would be leaving early tomorrow morning. He didn’t tell you?”

My stomach dropped. “No, no, he didn’t mention it.”

She nodded and smiled. “Well, he won’t be making it. Are you sure you don’t want me to stay and help cook for you two?”

“No, it’s honestly fine. I promise not to mess up the house.”

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