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Entice Me (Austin Singles 2)

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“You scared the hell out of me, Kaelynn. I felt heartbroken after Lily, but the thought of falling for you and letting you in and something happening . . . I knew it would destroy me. I have never believed in love at first sight, or falling in love with someone almost instantly until you literally walked into my life.”

My hand covered my soft sobbing.

“The whole background check was stupid, and that was why I was angry at Blake at the wedding. I had called it off because it didn’t matter to me anymore. I was ready to take the risk with you and trust that what we had together was strong enough to make it through anything. I was pissed off that you ran. I told myself I was going to fly up here and explain why I started down that stupid path with Blake and his brother and then I would walk away. Because that morning when I walked into the hotel room and you were gone, I felt a piece of my heart leave with you and . . .”

His voice trailed off and he closed his eyes for a few moments before opening them and looking at me.

“I don’t think I could live in this world without you. I know we haven’t known each other very long, and most people would say it’s lust, not love. That night we spent together, I’ve never felt that way with any other woman, and to see you gone, knowing you would just leave without talking to me. It scared the fuck out of me, and I put up that wall again before it was too late. Before I admitted to myself that I was head over heels in love with you.”

“Nash,” I said, letting my tears fall freely. “I’m so sorry I ran. I’m so sorry I kept the truth from you.”

He shook his head. “You don’t have to be sorry. You got scared too, Kaelynn. It took me sitting in this room last night, hearing you crying as you ran off, for it to finally freaking set into my thick skull. You did what you did because I think you’re in love with me too.”

“Yes. So very much in love.”

Nash smiled, and it was all I could do to keep from crawling over and straddling him. I wanted his lips on mine. I needed his lips on mine.

I needed him.

“So, now what?” I asked.

Nash leaned forward and used his thumbs to wipe my face clean of tears again.

“We take advantage of being stuck together in a giant playground of a house.”

I couldn’t help but giggle.

“We admit that we were both wrong, and that in the future, we talk to each other. About anything that scares us, or makes us angry, or whatever the case may be. We trust one another.”

“Yes,” I whispered as Nash took me by the arms and pulled me onto him. Having me do what only moments ago I had wanted to do. I settled my throbbing core over him and felt him harden. A delicious want grew in my body, but I knew we needed to make sure we had everything taken care of first.

“I’m sorry, Kaelynn. I’m sorry I didn’t just ask you from the beginning.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t trust you with the truth.”

Nash looked around the room, then smirked. “It is pretty damn intimidating.”

“It’s my parents’ place, not mine.”

He drew his brows in and thought for a moment, then asked, “That day I ran into you at the Austonian, were you looking for a place to live, or was it a place for your folks?”

“Me, but I knew I didn’t want anything that crazy expensive or over the top like that. It’s not me. I like my place near Zilker Park. Mom and Dad bought a penthouse there, though,” I said with a frown.

“I figured. I saw you there with them.”

“I knew it! I knew you were there. I had the strangest feeling you had been there.”

He laughed and then cupped my face. “No more secrets for either of us.”

“No more secrets.”

“I love you, Kaelynn Shae Whitaker.”

My insides melted as I leaned closer to his mouth. “I love you, Nash . . . What is your middle name, by the way?”

He laughed, and I loved the way it made my heart feel like it skipped a beat.

“I guess I still have one secret.”

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