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Adore Me (Austin Singles 3)

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“I’ll never understand how someone can get so excited about a car.”

He opened the door to reveal sleek black leather seats. Lifting his hand to my mouth, he brushed a kiss over the back.

“I only get excited about two things, princess. Cars and sex.”

Swallowing hard, I forced a smile. This was Blake. He flirted all the time, yet never with me. I’d seen him in action before, so this shouldn’t surprise me in the least, but it felt different. His flirtatious joke had sounded more like a promise than a tease. My body shuddered, part of me wanting to drag him back into my house. That was pure insanity on my part.

“Good to know,” I replied with a wink before slipping into the seat. When he shut the door, I quickly pulled in a deep breath and let it out just as fast. I had flirted back.

“I’m starving. I didn’t have any dinner last night,” I added as he climbed into the driver’s seat, hoping it would wipe away my last comment.

I looked at him, taking in his profile. Good Lord, the man was good looking. I mean, I had noticed how handsome he was before, but today it was like I was seeing him in a whole new light. My fingers itched to reach over and touch the unshaven hair on his jawline. I balled my fists and placed them in my lap. Before I could look away, Blake turned and looked at me. Then he frowned, and I couldn’t help but wonder if it was because I had been staring at him like a lovesick teenager.

“You haven’t eaten since lunch yesterday?”

Wait. Was that genuine concern in his voice?

“No,” I said softly before clearing my throat. “Um, no. Honestly, I had just woken up and taken a shower when I called you.”

“I was tempted to stay last night with you.”


My stomach dropped.

“What? Oh my God. What did I say to you? Did I ask you to have sex with me? I’m so embarrassed.”


“I mean, I know I was drunk. Truth be told, I don’t even remember seeing you at the bar, or you taking me home. Putting me into bed. If I came on to you, I’m so sorry.”


“It’s just been a really long time since I’ve had sex, and you know how it is when you get drunk and you get horny. I mean, you say things to people you wouldn’t ever normally say things to. Like, hey, you’re so damn hot, and I really want to have sex with you. I mean, that could really go horribly wrong and—”

“Jesus, Morgan, please stop talking!” Blake cried out.

My mouth shut instantly. “Sorry.”

He gripped the steering wheel and took a few seconds to stare out the front window before facing me again.

“You didn’t come on to me in any way, and I didn’t take advantage of you.”

I gasped. “Blake! It never even crossed my mind you would do that.”

He grinned. “Good, I’m glad to hear that.”

Chewing on my lip, I peeked over at him. “Did I say anything embarrassing? I mean, besides what I said a second ago?”

With a shrug, Blake answered, “Not really. I mean, you told me I had a big dick when you felt me up in the Uber.”

My eyes widened with shock, and my hand came up to my face. I could feel my cheeks growing hot with embarrassment. “Oh. My. God.” His face was void of all hints he was kidding. I wanted to crawl into a hole and stay there for the rest of my life.

How. Embarrassing. And how messed up is that? I touched Blake, and I don’t even remember it! That’s a bummer.

Blake had pulled out and was on his way to the restaurant, which was only a couple of blocks away.

“I’m so embarrassed. I don’t even know where to begin to apologize to you.” Blake shrugged. “I hope you know I would never do that if I was . . . well . . . if I was in my right mind. I’m not that type of person.”

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