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Adore Me (Austin Singles 3)

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With a wink in Morgan’s direction, I said, “I know the owner.”

Morgan groaned and rolled her eyes.

The driver answered before I could. “Dude, if you have connections, I wouldn’t mind a hookup.”

Her eyes met mine. “It’s a dance club? What makes it so special?”

I shrugged. “I guess that not everyone knows about it. It’s under a condo building downtown. You’d never know it was there.”

“I’d rather go home, thank you.”

“That’s your problem, Morgan. You’re a homebody and too afraid to take a chance at fun.”

Laughing, she glared at me. “I’m the one who is afraid? That’s great coming from you.” Turning to the driver she said, “Do you now I offered this man a night of no-strings sex and he turned me down? He says it is because my brother is his best friend.”

The driver frowned. “Yeah, I’ve got to side with him, lady. That could be some deep shit. Or the dude really likes you and is afraid of losing both of you if you hooked up and things went south.”

Morgan and I stared at him.

Looking away, Morgan said, “He’d never find out.”

“I’d feel guilty lying,” I countered.

She huffed and recrossed her arms over her chest. I couldn’t help let my eyes swing down and stare.

Fuck me. I wanted to bury my face in those breasts of hers.

Clearing my throat, I started to talk, but the car came to a stop.

“Here ya go.”

“Drop us off, and then swing back around. I’ll leave your name at the door.”

The driver smiled. “For real, dude? You have that type of connection?”

I nodded. Once the driver told me his name, I got out of his car then reached back in for Morgan’s hand.

She declined and got out on her own side and slammed the door.

“Good luck, dude. I have a feeling you will need it with that one.”

“Yeah, me too.”

I shut the door and stepped away from the car. I walked over to Morgan and placed my hand on her lower back. The instant rush of warmth raced through my hand and straight into my body. If my touch affected her, she hid it well tonight.

“Come on, it’s this way.”

As we walked through the lobby of the building, the security guy glanced our way. I smiled and turned Morgan to the left and down a hall. After walking through a door, we came to an elevator, and I hit the down button.

“This is the entrance to the club?” she asked. “How do people who live here not find it?”

“They tell you about the club when you buy a condo here.”

Her nose wrinkled up in the most adorable way. “And how do you know?”

With a smirk, I replied, “Because I own a condo here.”

“You do? Why didn’t you ask the driver to take you home then?”

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