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Dangerous Temptations

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I nodded. “Ready.”

She opened the journal, and her mouth fell open.

“What! What is it?”

She lifted her eyes from the book. “It’s Quinn’s.”

“Quinn Soloman?”

She nodded.

“Read it! What does it say?”

Sydney began to read from the journal.

My Dearest Father.

Jonathon and I have been on quite an adventure. At times, the danger was so great, I thought for sure the Alchemists had found us. We will continue our quest in seeking the truth. It goes much deeper than any of us ever thought. Father, I am not sure where the truth ends and the lie begins.

We did meet a young man by the name of William Collins. He told us of a story his father had entrusted with him. He is a Truth-seeker as well. He is fearful for his life though, for the story that he has told us is shocking. Mr. Collins conveyed the belief that the midnight raid in the Boston Harbor was brought on by members of the Alchemists attempting to be rid of Thomas Hutchinson, who was governor of Massachusetts at the time. They arranged for the British Army to shoot into the crowd that fateful day, the 5th of March, 1770, hoping the mob would force Hutchinson to abandon the office. When that did not drive him out, they arranged for a mob to enter his house and destroy it. They were plotting an assassination of Hutchinson, which was to have taken place during the incident at Boston Harbor. They failed. Scared for his life, Mr. Hutchinson feared no one would believe that someone was trying to kill him. This was the true reason he went back to London in exile. While he was there, a Truth-seeker sent word to him about the Alchemists. When Mr. Hutchinson left England in 1774, he returned to America. Before he could give anyone the information he had acquired, he mysteriously died. William Collins claims he was murdered.

Father, they have countless connections. Not only in our own congress, but in the British Parliament, as well. Jonathon and I fear we are being followed. I’m hiding this journal in a safe place and have asked William to mail it out to you when Jonathon and I have left Boston and are certain we have not been followed. He has assured me he will do as I asked. He will also leave clues for other Truth-seekers should something happen to us. I have sent the coin Jonathon and I found to Ayana in a separate post. I have instructed her to keep it in my secret hiding place within Mother’s house.

We are not giving up. We cannot give up. But I am now with child, and we must think of our unborn baby. I hope that someday soon we will reunite and I will finally be able to get to know my true father.

My love to you always,

Quinn Hathorne Young

Sydney looked up from the journal. “Do you think she had her baby? Did they mak

e it back to her father? Why didn’t William send this journal to her father? The coin wasn’t found in my house. Was it there at one point? Did Ayana ever let John Hathorne see the coin? The letters from Quinn?”

I took the journal from Sydney’s hands and carefully set it on the table.

“Syd, I wish I had all the answers to your questions, but I don’t. I’m just as confused as you are.”

She stood and began to pace. “I have to find out. I need to know if she had her baby, Mike. If she and her family were safe. I know this probably sounds silly, but I have a strange connection to Quinn now because I felt like my grandpa wanted me to know. I need to finish this. I have to find the answers.”

“We’ll find out, baby. I swear to you.”

Sydney shook her head and dropped back onto the bed. “There is no way my grandfather knew any of this. How did he find this letter? Where did he get this?”

“I’m going to guess he stumbled upon the coin and letter somewhere in the house and thought it would be something fun for you to research.”

“Maybe. Probably.”

I glanced back down to the journal and turned a few pages. “Look at the inscription on the next page.”

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