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Dangerous Temptations

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So, my guess had been right. The animosity I’d sensed between them had to do with work. They were big boys; they’d sort it out. “Perfect. See ya, Wesley.”

“Bye, Sydney.”

The fax machine came to life again, and I picked up the letter.

Dear Sydney,

Have a great evening with Mike. I am headed to the Cheesecake Factory and then stopping by a friend’s house to play some cards. Tonight, I believe I’m going to get the s’mores cheesecake.

I think I figured out where my ex-wife has hidden the cameras. I should be able to fool her tonight.

Best regards,

Dex Murphy

Mike’s mom is having her ex-husband followed? That made me pause for a second. As I was contemplating this concept, the door opened.

“What are you smiling at?”

I held the piece of paper up. “Your dad.”

His eyebrows pinched in confusion. “What?”

I suppressed a laugh. “He’s been faxing me. Well, he searched for the vet clinic after your mother mentioned me. At first, he thought I was Grandpa since his name is Sydney Virgil Burch. Then when I explained I was his granddaughter, he said that explained why your mother squealed.”

“You’re kidding.” Mike shook his head. “I can’t believe my father is faxing you.”

“He’s so adorable. Here are the faxes. There’s a letter to you as well as a list of historical sites he would like to visit. I’m going to be his tour guide.”

Mike scanned through the letters. “They’re coming the weekend after next?”

“Oh, you didn’t know?”

“No. They were supposed to come in a few weeks. All I can say is you cannot judge me by their crazy behavior.”

From the faxes, I already knew I was going to love them. “I do have a question. Why does your dad think your mom has a camera on him or is following him? That seems… odd.”

Mike burst out laughing. “So Dad got a new phone, and my sister and my mother made sure his location service is activated on the phone. So, they’re tracking him through some app, and he doesn’t know.”

I gasped. “No! Oh my gosh! I am now in love with your mom.” My earlier pause was gone. She seemed as crazy as I was. I imagined the family was quite the handful, but I loved it. I missed the feeling of loving chaos that came with a family. “Well, if you don’t mind, your dad invited me to hang out some.”

“I’d love that.”

I was excited. Until you had no one, it was hard to understand the lonely feeling. “I hope my lack of filter doesn’t scare them off.”

Mike grabbed my hand as we walked toward the door. “Trust me, my mother can rival anyone. She’s very vocal and let’s say tenacious when she makes up her mind about something. They’re going to love you.”

That sounded fun. Putting us together was going to be interesting and most likely hilarious. “I hope so.”

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