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Dangerous Temptations

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“You’ll see. There’s also chocolate cake with raspberry filling topped with a raspberry sauce for dessert. I can’t take the credit for that one, though. It came from Caramel Patisserie.”

She tipped her head to one side as she looked at me. “I thought we might be having something else for dessert?”

My cock jumped in my pants. “You are the grand finale.”

She blushed. “I hope I live up to the expectations. That’s a lot of pressure.”

I leaned down and kissed her quickly once more. “Trust me, I’m going to make sure you see fireworks tonight. More than once.”

She ran her tongue over her lips, and I was pretty sure she let out a soft moan.

“I have some wine over there. Pick one out if you have a favorite.”

Sydney stared at me for a few moments. I wanted to laugh because I knew there had to be some crazy thoughts running through her head.

Finally, she snapped out of her musings and headed over to the wine refrigerator while I went back into the kitchen.

“It won’t be that much longer. I didn’t put any meat in the sauce—I hope that’s okay!” I called out.

“I think I’ll have plenty of meat la—I mean, no problem, I’ll have some later. I’ll swallow… no, I mean… um… wine opener? Where is your wine opener? Yes, wine opener. That’s what I need. I don’t need any meat. Vegetarian here.”


laughed and shook my head. “In the top drawer of the little bar next to you.”

Sydney was mumbling something to herself, and Mags barked back her response.

I sautéed the zucchini noodles, added a bit of garlic, poured the sauce over them, and mixed everything together.

The oven timer went off for the garlic bread, and I pulled it out and set it on the counter to cool before I cut it.

“You look sexy in the kitchen, Mike Murphy.”

I waggled my brows and replied, “I feel sexy.”

She giggled, placing two wineglasses on the table.

“What can I do to help?”

“Will you take salad on over while I cut the bread? There is some homemade Italian dressing in the refrigerator.”

“Grandma’s recipe?”

“Nope, my mom’s.”

Sydney also grabbed the plates and silverware I had sitting out and placed them on the table.

“Go on and sit down. I’ll put some on your plate,” I said as I motioned for her to sit.

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