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Ripple Effect (Effect 1)

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I laid her on the bed and then went to the bathroom across the hall to clean up before returning back to her. Shedding my jeans and shirt, I crawled into the bed with her.

She turned into me. “I like the new boundaries. It’ll make things easier with school and work. Is it bad that you’re not at the club on one of the busiest nights of the week?”

I trailed my fingers down her stomach. She had at least one more orgasm in her before I would let her rest.

“I’ve put in my fair share of hours. Last year, Brandt took off for a few months and then slowly came back to the club. He and I will work it out.”

I made contact with her clit, and her mouth formed an O. She was ready to go. I looked up and saw she had a headboard. It was time to try something a little different.

She was moving her hips. “Adam, please. I don’t know how you do it, but I need to go again.”

I liked that her pussy was shaved clean. It was going to add to the sensation. “Ainsley, I want to taste you again.”

Her lips moved to mine, and I obliged even though that wasn’t the kind of taste I was looking for.

“Ainsley, I want you to sit on your knees, face the wall, and grab the headboard.”

I withdrew my hand, and it took her a few seconds to process, but she did as I’d asked with no questions. When she let her body take over, the analytical Ainsley would leave, and a wanton creature came in her place.

I spread her legs and positioned myself underneath her. Her pussy was a glorious pink wet from the moisture of our pleasure. “Don’t let go of the headboard. Absorb the sensation.”

She nodded. I put both hands on each side of her hips and brought her down to me. I licked and sucked her core, working her, as I brought her to the point of no return. She tasted the perfect combination of sweet and salty and I probed her deeper. The sensation of my stubble on her bareness was causing her to grind further down on my face.

I fucking love it.

She was riding me and screaming out. I couldn’t get enough of her as I devoured all she was giving me. Ainsley was getting the escaped reality she had asked for tonight. The escaped reality we both needed.

“I’m so close. It feels so good.”

I went up to her clit and gave it a small nip, which had Ainsley falling apart. She collapsed, and I brought her to my side as she caught her breath.

I traced the area around her nipple, and she shivered.

“I like how you make me lose myself,” she said softly.

“Back at you, baby.”

We laid there for a few moments in silence as we slowly touched each other. Ainsley’s hand reached up to one of my tattoos on my upper shoulder. It was the words, This Too Shall Pass.

She was inquisitive. “I find your tattoos fascinating. What’s the significance behind this one?”

“It reminds me that regardless of what I’m going through, the situation will come to pass. I’ll survive and come out stronger in the end even if it’s not what I want.”

She traced the words with her index finger. “I was cheated on, too. My ex didn’t think I’d get him far enough in life, so he went elsewhere. I know what betrayal feels like.”

I had the urge to pummel the shit out of the dickwad who had done that to Ainsley. “When did you guys break up?”

“A few months ago. When were you cheated on?”

It was only fair that I answered her question. I wanted to answer her. “I found out the one and only year I went to college. Once everything surfaced, I found out her affair had been going on for some time.”

She nodded. I didn’t think either one of us wanted to delve deeper as we reflected.

“So, you drive a motorcycle?”

I liked the subject change. This was easy, not personal. “I do. I like the speed and freedom it gives. Do you like to ride?”

She laid her head on my chest. Being close to Ainsley like this felt natural.

“I’ve never been on one. They look fun.”

“I’ll take you sometime. You’ll love it.”

She yawned. “I’d like that.”

We lapsed into silence, and I listened to her breathing even out. I’d let her rest before I took her again. Looking down at her, I realized so many feelings were unearthing themselves with this new arrangement. They were stronger than what I remembered and scared the shit out of me.

I thought back to the end of my first year of school and a night when I had come home to my apartment to find my now ex-girlfriend, Selena.

Pulling up to the apartment I shared with Brandt a few blocks from the college campus, I noticed that Selena was already here. My girlfriend was a senior in college whereas I was just a freshman. Brandt and I had dicked around for a few years before deciding to give college a try. To pay the bills, Brandt and I worked as bartenders at a local club.

Selena and I were heading out tonight to celebrate our five-year anniversary, and I was going to propose to her. I knew she wanted to get engaged even though I thought we should wait. But hell, I wanted Selena to be happy. I loved her.

I walked through the door and saw my gorgeous girl sitting at the table. Her short black hair and green eyes got me every time. By the way she was chewing on her bottom lip, I knew something was bothering her. Hopefully, after tonight, she’d be on cloud nine for weeks as she showed all her friends her ring.

“Hey, sweetheart. What’s got you troubled?”

Selena turned to face me with a blank expression on her face. “Adam, we need to talk.”

Oh shit.

Those were the worst words anyone could hear. I walked over to sit at the table, and I put my hand on Selena’s knee, but she moved away from my touch.

“What’s going on, Selena?”

She cleared her throat. “Adam, this isn’t working for me anymore. I need more out of a relationship. I need to know that my life isn’t going to be a string of keg parties. I’m a senior, and you’re just starting school. I need someone who is serious about his future.”




My body was frozen as everything I’d planned shattered and dissolved into a million pieces.

She gave me a smile and continued on, “I hope we can still remain friends. It’s been fun, Adam. I do want you to know that I did believe I loved you until my eyes were opened.”

My vo

ice came out cold. “Have you been cheating on me?”

She stood. “I got all my stuff earlier. I’ll see you around. I wish you the best, Adam. I really do.”

“Did you fucking cheat on me?” I practically spit the words.

She walked to the door and put her hand on the knob. Before turning it, she turned back. “I didn’t want it to happen this way. I didn’t want or go looking for it. He loves me like I deserve. He’s ready to give me a future. I’m sorry.”

The door opened, and she walked out. My life had walked out the door. She was going to another man. Selena had taken my heart and obliterated it, leaving nothing left.

I will never put myself out there again. Never.

Taking the vase that was filled with flowers she had purchased off the table, I threw it against the wall. “MOTHERFUCKER!”

That memory is what kept me from allowing myself to get close to anyone. With all this additional time I was spending with Ainsley, I would need to remind myself about it over and over again to make sure the lines wouldn’t get blurred into something that wasn’t meant to be. Ainsley sighed in her sleep and wound her arms a little around me. I liked the way she made me feel, and I would enjoy it while it lasted.

This is temporary. It won’t last.

My phone beeped.

Brandt: I know you’re with Ainsley. Hampton is heading over to let me know what he’s found on Roach. I can handle it if you want.

Me: I know that, but I want to hear it, too. I’ll be there in twenty.

Brandt: Sounds good. We’ll wait for you.

I slowly extricated myself from Ainsley and then laid my phone on the bed while I got dressed. Finding a pad of paper and pen in the kitchen, I scrawled out a note, letting her know where I went. I laid it on the nightstand and then hurried out of her place after locking the door from the inside. I was anxious to get this whole thing with Roach and whoever this picture-taking prick was behind us.

Bending down, I gave her a light kiss on her forehead. Her eyes danced behind her eyelids and a small involuntary smile played out across her lips. As I watched her breathe in and out, looking like an angel, I decided that I wanted to do this different than I had other fuck buddies in the club. No relationship, but I didn’t want to go straight to the toys and games. I wanted to learn her body, appreciate the basics with the most exquisite woman I had been with. Changing that wasn’t going to alter the fact that we would one day go our separate ways. However, I was going to savor the time we did have together.

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