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Ripple Effect (Effect 1)

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Adam nodded solemnly. “I think I know that, but he’s done it before. He’s taken something that I thought made me happy, but all along, I was waiting for you to come into the picture. Nothing compares to what I feel for you. I didn’t…I couldn’t take a chance in losing you. Our connection is deeper, baby, but my fear took over in this case. I wasn’t ready to share you with my family until you knew everything. You’re too important to risk. When Jessica told me in the parking lot that Selena was pregnant and that Jake had left her, I felt nothing but pity for Selena. There were no residual feelings. You are my present and my future. You know the rest of the story with what you overheard. Saying that about you, about us, was a lie. You’re not my fuck buddy or a piece of ass. You’re my life.”

I closed my eyes as the scene that I had witnessed from the other side of the door reemerged in my mind, and a tear slipped out. His words that explained what had happened soothed me and began mending my once obliterated heart, but I was still scared to let myself hope too much.

“Ainsley, when my sister asked about you in my office, I panicked. I lied to my sister, so she’d drop it. I wanted to wait until you came to the club that evening, so I could tell you that I loved you. I want to be your forever.”

I watched him and his body posture, and it seemed like he was telling the truth, but I needed to think. I needed to process. My reality was altering from what I had conditioned myself to accept for two days, and now, that wasn’t the case anymore. My mind was a mixture of emotions.

I looked over to Adam. “Can I have a few minutes to think?”

“What?” His voice sounded shocked.

“I need a few minutes to think this all through. We’ve done this before, Adam. Please let me think.” The words felt wrong coming out of my mouth, but my protective measures in place refused to retract them. I looked down at my knotted hands, thinking about both times I had been reduced to feeling like a whore.

He looked utterly lost as he stood there, and then he walked out the door without a word. My heart ached as I let what felt like my true love leave. I was left in the room with Lindy as she cocked her head to one side, looking at me like I was the world’s biggest idiot.

I am an idiot.

Adam had come here and professed his love, and I had asked for a few minutes to think.

I love him. I know I love him.

What have I done? Oh my gosh.

Adam is here. He loves me. He loves me. He loves me.

My heart began racing with excitement. Still barefoot, I ran toward the door as Adam came bursting back through with a determined look on his face.

“Ainsley, I’m not letting you go. You’re mine. I should have never walked out that door. I know I fucked up. Hell, I’ve fucked up a lot. But you’re mine. Damn it, you’re mine. I fucking love you. You’re my everything.”

He was breathing rapidly, and seeing him be this honest shifted everything into focus.

“I want you to be my forever, too. I love you, Adam.”

Adam closed the gap between us, and his lips came to mine. He kissed me as both hands touched the sides of my face. His thumb stroked my cheek as his lips sought mine as if he was starved for me.

“I want to take you somewhere. Will you leave with me, baby?”

“Yes, can we drop off my car somewhere?”

His lips touched mine again for a brief second. “Brandt and Nora are going to swing by and pick up Lindy and your car. Then, I want to take you somewhere.”

“That sounds perfect.”

His nose ran down my jawline. “Perfect is going to be when we make love again.”

My hand went down to the hem of his shirt, and I reveled in the fact that he was in my arms again.

He pulled out his cell phone and typed a message. “They’ll be here in a few minutes. Let’s get you packed.”

He kissed me again as he faced the room.

“Did you have them on standby?”

“Yes. There was no way I was going to be separated from you after being apart for two days. Let’s get you packed.”

“Okay.” This was all going so fast, and I was trying to memorize every second of Adam coming to me, fighting for me, wanting me.

Packing consisted of Adam putting everything haphazardly into my backpack. There wasn’t much here, and he was done before my laptop finished shutting down.

“Anything else, baby?”

I looked around the room. “No, I think I have everything. I need to return the key to the front desk.”

Adam put his hands around my waist. “Let’s go. This place is a dump.” We walked toward the door as Adam issued a command. “Follow, Lindy.”

Lindy was by my side instantly, and the three of us made our way to the front office. Adam slipped on his aviator sunglasses. He looked intimidating.

He glanced down and smiled at me. “I’m glad to have you back in my arms.”

“I’m glad to be back in your arms.”

The same manager came out that was here when I’d checked in. “Sir, pets aren’t allowed on the premises for upkeep purposes.”

Adam stared blankly at the hotel manager, and the man swallowed. Adam looked down at me. I received a warm smile as he took the key from my hand and handed it to the hotel clerk.

“We’re leaving.”

The manager cleared his throat and looked around. I had noticed that Adam could generally make people nervous with his demeanor.

“Um…okay…I’ll need to check the room for incidentals since you had a dog. I didn’t know when she checked in. My boss would write me up.”

Adam took his free right hand and pulled out some bills from his jeans pocket. “My dog didn’t cause any damage, but this should more than cover anything you might happen to find.”

The guy looked stunned as he took the bills that probably amounted to a few hundred dollars.

“Yeah, thanks. That should cover anything I find.” He folded the money precisely.

We began walking.

Adam called out, “If you don’t find any damage, keep the money for yourself.”

Inside that tough exterior of the man I loved was a sweet, gentle caring man. We were about ten feet from the car when Brandt pulled in with his black SUV. Nora jumped out of the truck, wearing jeans and a T-shirt. H

er hair had blue tips now, which made me smile.

She walked up and gave me a hug. “I’m sorry I misdirected you. He told me everything, and I knew you loved him. I hope you’re not mad.”

I hugged her back. “Not at all. Thank you for telling him.” I lowered my voice as I said, “He loves me, Nora. He loves me.”

“I know, chica.”

Adam called out, “Lindy, load up.”

Lindy was by my side, and she nudged me. I let Nora go and pet Lindy’s ears the way she loved.

“We’ll be back later, sweetie. I promise. Go load up.”

Lindy took off and jumped in Brandt’s passenger side. Adam was smiling at me as he walked toward my side. Brandt petted Lindy and then came to stand by the front of the car.

I handed Nora my keys. “Thank you.”

“Your car will be at Adam’s house unless you want us to take it somewhere else.” She jingled the keys in her hands.

My eyes shifted to Adam as I said, “That’ll work. I don’t plan on being anywhere else.”

Nora started walking back toward the car as gravel crunched under her feet. “We’d better leave, Brandt, before these two spontaneously combust from nookie need.”

Brandt chuckled as Adam ushered me to the passenger side of his car.

I waved. “Thanks, Brandt.”

He winked at me. “Anytime. Go give your guy some attention. He’s been worried about you.”

A grin emerged on my face. “I plan on it.”

I ducked into the car, and Adam closed my door. Taking a deep breath, I memorized his scent. I had been without it for too long. He jogged over to his side and opened his door. Through the tinted window, I saw Brandt walk up to speak to Adam. With the door cracked, I was able to hear what he was saying.

“I’ll take care of everything. Shut off your phone. Spend time with your girl.”

“Thanks, Brandt. I plan on not letting her out of my sight for a while.”

Brandt gave him a manly slap on the shoulder. “I’m glad you didn’t make the same mistake I did.”

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