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Ripple Effect (Effect 1)

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My mom kissed my forehead. “I’m proud of you, too. I couldn’t be prouder with how you’ve turned out. I love you, Ainsley.”

“I love you, too.”

Doctor Jacobs looked at her watch. “Our time is almost up, Christine. Do you still want to do what we talked about?”

My mom stood. “Yes. If it’s okay with you, Ainsley, I’d like to say hello to Adam and give him a glimpse of the real me. Hopefully, it will make the transition easier when we’re all together again.”

I practically bounced out of my seat. “I’d love that. He’d love that.”

We all stood as Doctor Jacobs opened the door.

My mom looked relieved as she said, “Good. I think it will help when you guys come over.”

This was something my mom needed, and I wasn’t going to argue that it wouldn’t matter to Adam, that he would still love my mom because I did. To her, seeing Adam did matter, and that was what was important. We made our way to the reception area, and Adam was bent over his laptop, closely scrutinizing something. As if he could sense my presence, he rose and folded down his laptop as he gave me a gentle, loving smile. I walked up to him, and his hand came down around my waist.

“Christine, it’s wonderful to see you again.” His voice was warm and melting.

My mom’s fingers were fidgeting slightly. “Hey, Adam. It’s wonderful to see you, too. I wanted to come out here and thank you for everything you’ve done for both Ainsley and me.”

Adam released me and then extended his hand. My mom turned it into a quick hug.

“Christine, you’re more than welcome. You have an amazing daughter that I love.”

She patted my shoulder. “I know you do and thank you. I need to head back for a group session, but I can’t wait to have you both over for dinner.”

“I look forward to that. Once you and Ainsley decide on a date, I’ll clear my calendar.”

“That sounds great.” My mom looked relieved.

I hugged her. “Love you, Mom. Let me know if this same time works for you next week.”

She started to turn and follow Doctor Jacobs, but then she looked back. “It should. If something changes, I will let you know since I’ll be working. Love you, too, Ainsley.”

They disappeared behind the door, and I sank into Adam.

“She’s doing so well. I’m proud of what she’s accomplished.” There was pride in my voice.

“You should be proud of your mom. It’s tough to change a lifetime’s worth of habits.”

I looked down at my watch. “Can we stop by my place? I need to get a dress for the surprise party tomorrow night. I also need more clean clothes until I have a chance to return to my place to do some laundry.”

Adam’s brows scrunched together for a second and then smoothed. “Yeah, we can stop by your place to get some stuff.”

We started walking out to the parking lot. My mom is going to be okay. I am going to be okay.

We were at my place. Adam was sitting on my bed as I pulled a couple of dresses out of the closet. I had a duffel bag on the bed, and I had put a couple more days’ worth of clothes into the black bag. Considering how much time we spent together, not having a drawer at each other’s houses felt ridiculous.

Adam was playing with the bag straps as I threw in a pair of shoes.

He got up. “I’ll be right back. I need a drink.”


He seemed a little nervous, but it was probably because he was going to see Jake for the first time in a long time at the party tomorrow night.

I finished grabbing a couple of necklaces that I could wear with almost anything. The sound of the zipper closing filled the room.

Facial wash. I need facial wash.

Adam came in and resumed his spot on the edge of the bed.

“I’m almost done. Let me get something from the bathroom, and I’ll be right back.”

Adam smiled. “Sounds good. Hurry back.”

He was acting strange as I left the room. Adam’s leg was bouncing a million times a minute. I flicked on the light and opened up the cabinet below the sink to grab a new bottle of facial wash. When I stood up, a sticky note caught my eye. I leaned closer to make sure I wasn’t seeing things.

I stared at the note for a second as my heart began jumping out of my chest in excitement.

Is it too soon? Are we ready?

Moving in with Adam felt right. Even though we had recently started saying I love you, we were ready for the next step. Adam had asked me. He wasn’t being pressured to take this step. He wanted this, too.

I tried not to overanalyze it, and I went with what my heart was telling me. Giddiness filled me as I sprinted into the bedroom where Adam was perched on the corner edge of the bed. His eyes searched mine before I jumped into his arms. He was caught off guard, and we went tumbling toward the floor. I yelped as Adam stuck out his arm to brace the impact, and then he rolled me on top of him.

I was laughing as I raised my head. “I think you know my answer from my graceful entrance.”

His face lit up. “Really?”

“Yes, I want to move in with you.”

We’d talk later about me contributing what I could to the bills. I wasn’t going to take a free ride even though there was no way I could pay half with my current financial status. He had known that though, and he still wanted me to move in with him. It wasn’t worth mentioning right this minute.

He flipped me underneath him, pushed up my dress, and spread my legs. He snapped my thong from my body. His tatted arms were flexed as he held his body above mine. “I like that answer—a lot. Can we get you packed tonight?”

One of his hands had gone to his zipper, and he freed himself. He slowly aligned his tip at my entrance. I tried to move into him, but he pulled back to keep himself out of reach.

“What’s your answer, Ainsley?” He enjoyed playing with me, as his teasing tone implied.

I felt Adam’s tip tickle my entrance again.

“Will you give me what I want and not make me wait if I tell you?”

He smiled. “Yes.”

“Yes, we can pack up my stuff tonight.” Adam, pushed into me, filling me.

Adam was all I wanted.

All I needed.

All I had ever hoped for.

We were getting ready for Adam’s parents’ surprise party. I put on a light blue tank dress that had a slim, easy fit. It hit right below my knees. It was comfortable, and I needed comfort with what I imagined was going to be a pretty intens

e evening. I put on jeweled silver gladiator sandals as Adam came into the bedroom.

“You look beautiful. Are you about ready to go?”

He had been pacing the house the entire time I was getting ready.

I grabbed my silver hoop earrings from the dresser. “Almost.” I put them in. “Now, I’m ready.”

Adam scrubbed a hand down his face. He hadn’t shaved today, and he had a five o’clock shadow that matched his brown hair color. He had opted for slacks and a button-up black shirt that was rolled up at the sleeves.

“Okay, let’s go. We need to get there before my parents do.”

“Okay, sounds good.”

I looked at the clock, and we were leaving with almost forty minutes to spare. It wasn’t worth bringing up and adding to his stress that we’d be there in plenty of time since he seemed to need the extra time.

Grabbing my purse, I followed him out to the car and got in. He drove out of the neighborhood, drumming rapidly on the steering wheel with his thumbs. In moments like this, I always wanted to be left alone, and I believed Adam did, too. The restaurant we were going to was about ten minutes away. I was about to talk to Adam when my phone rang. It was my mom’s new number.

“Hey, Mom.”

She sounded like she was in a car. “Hey, I’m headed to the bookstore and wanted to let you know. They asked if I could come in today to get all the paperwork out of the way after they close along with their other new hire. The center approved since classes are done for the day. I’m taking a cab to the house to get my car, and then I’ll be at the bookstore for an hour or so. I’ll call you on my way back to tell you how it went. Wish me luck.”

She sounded so happy.

“Good luck, Mom. You’re going to do great.”

“Thanks, sweetie. I’ll call you as soon as I leave.”

“Sounds good. Bye, Mom.”


Adam was focused on the road and didn’t say a word. His knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel so hard. I knew being around Jake was going to be hard for him.

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