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Ripple Effect (Effect 1)

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“I know. Love you, too.”

Her words did soothe me as the door slightly creaked open. A loud unified word was yelled throughout the room. “SURPRISE!”

My parents looked around in shock and awe as my dad put his hand on my mom’s shoulder. I mentally laughed. Mom had made him wear khakis with a polo shirt tonight. Fifty bucks said that he had on one of his heavily used Falcons T-shirts underneath. My parents made eye contact with me and smiled when they saw Ainsley beside me. It made me feel good that so many family members had reached out and accepted me—well, us—as if I had never distanced myself. More than ever, I wanted the happiness my parents had.

Jessica was beaming behind my parents as she wore a pink-and-white striped maxi dress. My parents made their rounds as we began taking our seats at the assigned empty table where small name cards were placed with our choice of entree. On the RSVP card options for dinner, we had been given choices for steak, chicken, and fish. I had sent my response to Jess via text since I had responded so late.

I scooted Ainsley in when Jake took the seat across from me.


Before I spoke, I saw my parents were still across the room. Jake gave me a cocky grin, and his eyes darted toward Ainsley. My natural instinct was to spout off a slew of obscenities. I choked it down when Jessica walked up. Brandt was on guard beside me.

My sister sweetly said, “Jake, you are supposed to be seated across the room. Please don’t start anything. This is Mom and Dad’s day.”

I hated that Jake and I looked alike. Jake didn’t have the tattoos, and his hair was slicked over in the greasy car–salesman way. He worked at a sales company that sold electronics to major retailers.

Jessica turned to Ainsley. “It’s nice to finally meet you. Mom and Dad went on and on about you on the way here. I’m happy for you guys.”

Ainsley stood and gave a friendly embrace to my sister. Waiters were beginning to shuffle with trays.

“It’s nice to meet you, too, Jessica. Thank you. Your brother makes me very happy.”

Jessica looked toward Brandt and then walked to him. “Where has my favorite guy been hiding? It’s good to see you.”

Brandt and my sister had always gotten along well. “Good to see you, too, sis.”

A waiter approached. “Ms. Ryker, they’re serving the appetizer. The maître d’ asked when you wanted the cake to be brought in.”

Jessica turned toward us. “I’ll stop by again. Let me go talk about Mom and Dad’s cake.”

My sister was off as Ainsley took her seat again. Selena was watching us closely. She had on a dress similar in style to my sister but in red.

Selena spoke first, “Are you and Adam…dating?”

A shit-eating grin spread across Brandt’s face. Ainsley took her napkin and placed it on her lap.

Before responding, she gave me a look of love. “Yes, we have been for a while. He asked me to move in with him a couple of days ago, so I guess it’s a little more serious than dating now.”

Selena and Jake both looked shocked. Salads were placed in front of us. Selena was now staring at me intently.

“Can I talk to you Adam?”

Ainsley and I were both mid-bites when our forks hovered in the air as Selena’s spoken words registered.

Jake hissed, “What do you need to talk to him for?”

Selena’s green eyes shimmered as she watched us, not answering Jake. She was playing some sort of game with her Cheshire grin she was giving.

“We said everything we needed to say at the club.” My tone was matter-of-fact.

Jake looked at her. “Why the fuck were you at his club?” His voice rose.

I warned him. “Jake, this is Mom and Dad’s day. Nothing happened. She told me about the baby. Congrats by the way.”

Ainsley had put her fork down at this point, and she was taking the scene in with her head cocked to the side.

Jake pressed on, “Why were you at the club, Selena? Damn it, answer me.” He turned toward Ainsley. “He’ll never be faithful to you. He goes through women like water on some never-ending quest because he wants what’s mine.”

I looked around to make sure no one was beginning to watch. I’d leave before I let him ruin Mom and Dad’s party even if it made me look like the bad guy. We were still undetected. Brandt had his fists balled, but he looked toward me. I gave a slight shake of my head. There was no need for reinforcements.

“Jake, you and I are going to have problems if you keep this up. It won’t be tonight, but if you don’t cut the fucking crap, I am going to address it. All you and I have to talk about is the weather. Focus on your pregnant girlfriend. You’re about to be a dad. Grow the fuck up, and get over yourself.” My voice was low and hard as steel.

Jake looked toward Ainsley. “Did you know about his little rendezvous with my pregnant girlfriend?”


Selena was sitting there with a smug look on her face.


She was using this opportunity to make Jake jealous.

I was about to tell Jake not to speak to my girl.

Instead, Ainsley said, “Jake and Selena, I’m not one to beat around the bush. I like honesty and directness, so I am going to give you the same courtesy. I don’t want to cause problems, but you both need to understand something. Adam and I aren’t playing whatever little game you guys get off on. We’re in love and happy. Pulling this adolescent move tonight is having no impact. Whether I do or don’t know about their meeting is none of your business. You have a child on the way. Focus on that.”

A silence fell on the table, and my mouth quirked up in a smile as I watched Jake look back and forth between us. Brandt chuckled. I was sure Jake and Selena weren’t done with their shenanigans, but as long as we took away the power they tried to hold over us, they would be ineffective. Ainsley’s hand found my knee, and she squeezed it as she took another bite of salad, seemingly unaffected.

Dinner progressed in silence, and the cake was served. All of the food was fabulous, but I wanted to get out of here. Regardless of how strong Ainsley and I were, I didn’t like her near my toxic brother.

My parents walked up to the table. This was my time to escape.

I stood. “I think we are going to leave and head back home. Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad.”

Brandt stood with us and echoed my sentiments, “Happy anniversary, Mum and Dad.

Ainsley stood, too, as my mo

m went to hug her. “Thank you all for coming. This meant the world to me. Maybe we can do lunch next week?”

My girl’s smile lit up the room every time I saw it. “I’d love that. Thank you for having me. Happy anniversary to you both.”

Mom went over to Brandt and gave him a hug. She whispered something in his ear, and he nodded. My dad was telling Ainsley good-bye. Next, Mom came over to me.

As her arms went around my shoulders, she whispered in my ear, “I’m glad you found your way. She’s perfect for you and loves you like you deserve.”

“Thanks, Mom. She’s my world.”

We started to walk out as Jessica came up. “Thanks for coming.” She turned to Ainsley. “I’m glad to have finally met you. I’ll call Adam, so maybe we can get together soon.” She poked Brandt in the chest. “Don’t be a stranger.”

We all three responded. Jessica was on cloud nine, having had an event with little drama.

As we walked out to the car, I said, “You handled Jake well.”

“Hell yeah, she did. You have a feisty one on your hands.” Brandt gave Ainsley a hard sisterly pat on the back as she laughed. Before we had a chance to respond, Brandt continued, “Well, I’m going to split and head back to the club. I’ll see you guys later.”

Ainsley and I both called out in unison, “See ya.”

The night had set in, and the crickets were beginning to make their presence known. The car was in the back corner of the lot, and the parking light was out. She began talking, and I realized it was in reference to my earlier comment about handling Jake.

“I think when you refuse to play the game, it eventually gets boring playing all by yourself. Jake’s jealous of you, and Selena found a way to still play her cards. If it works for them, that’s their thing, I won’t participate though and be a pawn in their game.”

We made it to the car, and I opened the door.

“Agreed, baby. Let’s get home, so I can sink inside you.”

“I would love nothing more.”

She gave me a quick kiss before getting in the car.

We were halfway home when Ainsley’s eyes were slowly starting to drift shut from the party. Her head was beginning to bob as I put on low soothing music in the car to further lull her to sleep. She hadn’t been getting much sleep lately between class work and my incessant need to have her. I was half-tempted to go to the club to sleep in our room since it was closer, but we’d do that another time. Staying there, would end up in a long marathon of love making. I wanted her home and in our bed.

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