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“I would be too.”

We laughed as we approached the guesthouse. I hesitantly wheeled Millie’s surprise bag into the house. The wood and rock combination from the main house was continued into the guest home. It was stunning with the cedar beams. The rustic feel made me want to curl up with a good book.

Opening the door, the cream-colored theme continued with the dark accented furniture. Class and elegance were my initial thoughts.

“You’re going to get spoiled living here.” Dad’s voice was excited. I raised my eyebrow with apprehension. Before my thoughts could go forward, he voiced, “You deserve a little spoiling, London.”

I wasn’t sure what to say as I looked down. A hand came on my shoulder. “Let’s explore and get you settled. But, I’m not helping with Millie’s bag. She told me not to open it.”

A giggle escaped helping to abate the earlier dimmer thoughts. As we walked around, the place was larger than it appeared on the outside. It was three-bedroom and two bathrooms. The third bedroom had been converted to a playroom for Ty. I smiled at the dump truck stencils on the walls.

“Do Pam and Levi have any other grandchildren besides Ty?” I yelled back down the hall.

Dad appeared in the hallway coming from the master bedroom where he’d placed my bags. “Yes, one with Sydney. Ty was unexpected from what I understand. The granddaughter, Mallory is older. I think she’s thirteen.”

I imagined Jaxson and his sister where in their mid to late thirties from the bits and pieces of information I received from Dad on the way up.

“Well, punkin’, I need to get some sleep.”

A bittersweet feeling came over me. I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to him. Time had flown by too fast. But, I had to be strong. Keep him safe. “Dad, I’m going to miss you.”

Giving me a squeeze, Dad kissed the top of my head. “I’ll miss you too. I can already tell a difference. This place will be good for you. The McCole’s are good people.”

“I think so too. Make sure to wake me up when you get up. I want to spend as much time with you as possible.”

He gave me a kiss on the forehead. “I will. Night, punkin’.”

“Night, Dad.”

I made my way to the master bedroom. The deep-purple, plum bed called my name. The two days of traveling caught up to me. Up against the right wall, four suitcases stood. I knew what was in three of them. What had Millie sent? Curiosity getting the best of me, I laid the red suitcase on the ground. Taking a deep breath, I unzipped it. Whew. It didn’t explode. Inside laid a note.

I laughed. Dylan’s girl. Millie had been obsessed with Dylan from the moment we’d first seen a rerun. She claimed he was hers. Inside I kept a silent crush on him. As I looked through the bag, there were all sorts of folded clothes—jeans, shirts, swimsuits, pajamas, dresses. Inside I felt like a giddy schoolgirl.

My best friend always knew how to cheer me up. New clothes. New beginning. People were going to get to see the real me and not the shadow cast on me for the last four years.

Quickly I pulled out my phone.

Me: THANK YOU! I love the clothes!

Millie: You’re so welcome! Did you see the lingerie?

My mouth dropped open as I dug deeper to see pieces of clothing which covered nothing. I blushed in the privacy of my room.

Me: OMG! Millie, what in the world am I going to do with lingerie?

Millie: You never know. I needed my bestie prepared for all circumstances.

Me: Well, I doubt I will need it. But, thank you.

Millie: I packed you a vibrator just in case Colorado doesn’t have any hot guys.

I froze again as I saw a box. Quickly, I shoved the clothes on top of the box that read Thunder Down Under. She bought me a vibrator. Oh my gosh. My dad was in the next room and I had a vibrator. I jumped on the bed like the bag would explode. My phone vibrated again.

Millie: You’ll thank me later. I’ve put in for some time off at work so you can hug me then for the awesome purchase. I’ll let you know when I get approved.

Me: I can’t wait to see you. Have a house all to myself. You’ll love it.

Millie: Yes! 90210 marathon, here we come! Got to go. Hot date with a cop.

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