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Kneeling beside the bed, I read. Not five pages in, Ty was fast asleep. He was either full throttle or dead to the world. I tiptoed quietly out the door where I met Pam. An apprehensive look was apparent on her face. “You’re good with him. What do you think?”

“He’s adorable. Full of energy.”

Pam’s brows creased. “Is he too much? You don’t have to watch him. I hope you know that’s not conditional.”

I touched her shoulder. “I love watching him. We had a fun time today. It’s therapeutic I think. Ty doesn’t let me think too much about what happened.”

“Okay. I know how tough it can be with his energy. I wanted to make sure. We love him to death. A true blessing.”

Curiosity got the best of me as I asked. “Is his mom around? Ty never mentioned her, but talks about Jaxson all the time.”

We moved a few steps down the hallway before stopping. The television in the master bedroom at the far end was on. I assumed Levi was in there. “Ty was unexpected. When he was two months old, the mother dropped him off on the front porch in the middle of the night. Left a note claiming he was Jaxson’s. We took him without question. He was in bad shape—malnourished, dirty, and sick.”

My hand covered my mouth as I gasped. I couldn’t imagine that sweet boy being neglected. Pam continued. “The lawyers suggested a DNA test, but Jaxson knew Ty was his. He was involved exclusively with the mother for a while before things went south. To make it official, Jaxson took the test and now, he has sole custody. Ty doesn’t know the specifics yet. Jaxson will figure out when is the right time. We had no idea Ty existed until he was dropped off on our doorstep.”

There were so many questions I had, but wasn’t comfortable probing further. We took a few more steps down the hallway. “I hate imagining any child being neglected. Ty mentioned earlier today he was ready for a brother or sister.”

Stopping, I assumed we were at my room. Pam shook her head. “He’d love a brother or sister. Someday Jaxson will meet the right girl. If it’s meant to be, it will happen. Ty was the best thing to happen to Jaxson.”

“Kids are balm to the soul. That’s what my grandma always said before she passed when there was a rowdy kid anywhere near her.”

Chuckling, Pam said, “That they ar

e. Goodnight, London. We’re happy you’re here.”

“Thanks. I’m loving it.” Happiness emanated out.

She gave me a hug. “Thanks for taking a chance on us. Here’s your room, next to Ty’s if that’s okay.”

“It’s perfect. Thank you.”

Stepping inside, I closed the door and took a deep breath. Today was a good day. My phone vibrated with a text.

Millie: Did they do a full blood panel on you after the wreck?

That was sudden and unexpected. The clawing sensation I thought I’d overcome quickly returned as old memories dredged to the surface. I had to take a few deep breaths before I responded too harshly to my friend.

Me: Why?

Millie: Sorry for asking. I know this brings up bad memories. It’s important. I promise.

There was no telling why she asked about the report. I didn’t want to know. The trail would lead nowhere like it always had. After I responded, I would focus on all the wonderful memories made today.

Me: Yes, they did. They admitted the records as part of the evidence which I think you can get copies of if you need it. No drugs were found in my system. They believe I lost consciousness from all the alcohol.

Millie: Thanks! Big help. Love ya!

Me: Love ya too!

There was no doubt in my mind Millie was up to something. Lying in bed, I pulled the cranberry-colored duvet up over my head. The sooner I fell asleep, the quicker I would escape any more thoughts from the accident.

“LONDON?” GROGGILY, I OPENED MY eyes to find a little boy an inch away from my face. I gasped. “London, I’m thirsty and had a bad dream.”

Ty. It was Ty. Calm down. It was Ty. For a mere moment I thought I was talking to Alec and my nightmares had returned.

My voice was scratchy as I responded, “Okay, buddy. I’ll get you some water.”

I had been in a deep sleep and it took me a minute to get my bearings straight. “Let’s get you back to bed and I’ll be right back.”

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