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I turned around to see Pam, Dad, and Millie sitting on opposite ends of the couch. Dad was out of his element, but I loved him for being part of this process since Mom wasn’t able. Through all this, not having Mom by my side was the hardest part. Harder than I ever imagined. It helped having a short engagement.

The wedding was in two days. Earlier in the week, I came with Pam to pick out the dress and get it altered. From the moment I tried it on, I knew it was the one.

Everything sunk in. I was getting married. Really getting married.

“London?” Dad’s voice had emotions spilling over.

I walked to him and threw my arms around him. “Dad. Is this really my life? Did I really finally find happiness?”

“Yes, punkin’. This is real. It’s yours and no one is taking it.”

I took a deep breath. “It’s perfect.”

Everyone broke out into excited chatter. Pam and Millie took over the entire wedding planning. Jaxson and I wanted to be surprised. The only thing we’d been involved with was the cake. It was an Italian crème flavor to die for. We were only doing one cake since our wedding consisted of about twenty people.

Pam touched my shoulder. “It’s beautiful. I can’t wait for you to officially be my daughter.”

“I can’t wait either. Thank you for all you did this last week.”

We checked out and left the dress at the bridal shop to be steamed. Millie would pick it up tomorrow and keep it at Pam’s house. Jaxson was dying to see what I picked out and there was no reason to tempt him.

Jaxson, Ty and Levi were at the ice cream parlor. The store was a block over. Pam refused to let them be on the same street in case Jaxson walked by the window and saw the dress.

As we entered the ice cream parlor, the sweet dairy smell filled the air. Jaxson rose to greet me with a kiss on the cheek. “Is everything good with the dress?”

Eagerly, I nodded. “Yes. It’s beautiful.”

“Oh, Jaxson. It’s gorgeous. Simply stunning on London.” Pam had been wonderful through all of the planning. She documented every step to show Mom at some point. I knew it was more than likely pointless, but the memories were captured nonetheless.

Ty’s chocolate face lit up. “So, you really are going to be with Dad and me forever?”

“Forever and ever. In two days.”

Grabbing a napkin, I wiped off his face. Ty craved motherly attention and let me always dote over him.

An hour later, we were headed back to the ranch. Dad and Levi left to go on an afternoon fishing trip. Pam and Millie left to run a few errands, which left Jaxson, Ty, and me in the truck.

There was nothing new to report from Millie’s investigations, which I was glad. By all means, I wanted the person behind this caught, but I wanted a drama-free wedding also. Millie’s mom received good news. The cancer was gone and now she’d be having a double mastectomy.

The quiet hum of the radio filled the background while I filled Jaxson in about Dad’s invite. “Two weeks after the wedding, Dad has an awards dinner he’s presenting at. He asked if we’d be available to go, but understood if not. I think he wants to show off his new son-in-law.”

Typically, kids weren’t able to attend events like this.

Jaxson gave me a brilliant smile. “We’ll make it. I’ll take any opportunity to show off my wife. There was pride in his voice. “I’ll talk to Mom or Sydney to see if they can watch Ty.”

The event was in Mobile, Alabama. After all the shame I brought on my family, or that I thought I had brought on my family, this was going to feel good to have something to be proud of to show everyone. “I’ll tell him. Our first event as husband and wife.”

“We’ll have the McCole Classic a few weeks after that.” Over the past month, I’d been helping Pam prepare for it but there was a lot to do between caterers, cleanup crews, security, and more.

I sighed contentedly. “I can’t wait.”

The vehicle fell back into a comfortable silence.

“So, Mom. Can we bake cookies this afternoon?”

Mom, he called me Mom. A lump formed in my throat. Don’t overreact, London. Be natural. I wondered why out of all the times, Ty now decided to start using that name. The words came out filled with emotion. “I would love to.”

As if reading my mind, Ty continued. “Since I know you’re not leaving us, I can call you mom now.”

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