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“What?” I made further progress with the tape and tried not to wince as it refused to let go of my skin.

She tsked. “Let’s just say you would not have been present to be having this conversation. They released you early and I wasn’t notified. With you out of the picture, Charles would have been married to a family who would have ensured his way to the presidency. Do you know he’s trying to back out of the engagement even though you’re married?”

The tape freed and gently I pulled out the needle barely able to hide the burn. Caroline was on a roll as she walked to the end of the bed. “Even your mother got too close. Dr. Michaels, rest his soul for growing a conscience, had to force Dementia on your mother with a cocktail. I started the symptoms by poisoning her tea. She visited him and he upped the dose in a syringe with what was supposed to be allergy shots. It actually had Ativan, Xanax, Restoril, and Serax in a high dose.”

I froze. “Mom doesn’t have Dementia?”

What else had this woman done in my life?

Humorously, she laughed to a joke only Caroline thought funny. “She didn’t. But there’s no telling what those drugs have done to her system. After we dealt with Dr. Michaels, Rachel was able to get her uncle at the pharmacy to change the prescriptions. Too many deaths would have brought out suspicion.”

My head swam with all the new information. The blood drained from my face. “I don’t want Charles. I’m married to Jaxson. Pregnant with his child.”

Caroline tilted her face. “It doesn’t matter. Only your death will get him focused on the path he needs and not some misguided attempt that he still has a shot with you.”

Walking back to the IV port, I knew time was up. The needle neared the line and her hand was calm and steady. I scooted the needle away in case whatever she was injecting me with could be absorbed through the skin. I shifted on the bed, moving the line to where the tip hung off.

“I’m sorry it’s come to this, London. I hoped we could all live separately. Your husband’s ex is a real piece of work by the way. Crystal, the little bastard’s mother, helped keep the attention off of Charles. But, don’t worry, your husband will pay too for that threat at the charity.”

Caroline leaned in closer only inches away. “No one fucks with my son, you whore. He couldn’t let you go. You were going to lead him astray from the life he was destined to have.”

Standing, Caroline pushed the needle and plummeted the plunger. “It won’t be long now. You’ll look like you went into cardiac arrest.”




Water from the needle dripped on the floor. Caroline’s head jerked down and she realized what happened. “You bitch. You took out your needle.” Another syringe was produced. “Good thing I came prepared.”

I hurled myself off the other side of the bed, letting out a scream as my ribs and head protested the sudden movement. On shaky legs, I stood. Caroline was right there with the syringe. With all my might, I held it away. The needle edged slowly to my throat.

I would not die.

My child would live.

Jaxson would not lose a wife.

I would be Ty’s mother.

With a surge of adrenaline, I pushed her with all my might. Pure terror set through me as I scrambled toward the door, stumbling and falling to my knees my head still woozy from being hit by the car.

A few feet away, the door burst open to the room. Another dark figure appeared and my eyes focused in.


He had come.

Come for me.

For the baby.

We were safe.

My tired body collapsed and Jaxson was by my side in a second hoisting me up.

Caroline watched on with shock on her face. Her mouth twisted in a grimace as she removed the syringe from her chest and it bounced off the floor.

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