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Jaxson was my happily ever after.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Jaxson asked while watching me with concern.

“Thinking about everything that’s happened. How blessed I am.” Jaxson gave me a beautiful smile I loved. I wanted a subject change. “Ty’s going to be so excited for his surprise.”

He chuckled. “Yes, he is.”

I snapped my fingers remembering what I’d wanted to tell him when he’d first arrived from rounds at the barn. “Dad called this afternoon. Mom’s making great progress. She remembered a date her and dad had at the beginning of their relationship. Doctors are pleased with her progress. They’re hoping I get to see her soon.”

Jaxson’s warm voice filled the car. “That’s excellent. I know you’re anxious to see her.”

“I am.”

The tests came back five days ago. It was confirmed she was being poisoned with those drugs which imitate the symptoms of Dementia. For the hope of the best improvement, Mom was moved to a facility that was slowly taking her off of the medicine. Counseling was also going to be needed considering four years of her life were robbed. It was devastating to know the lengths Caroline had gone to. It was a sick and twisted game we had all been caught up in.

Per the doctors, it would be lethal to cut her off cold turkey. In a sense she was addicted and needed the drugs. The goal was to make the transition as easy as possible.

I wondered what part of Mom would still be left and what the drugs permanently took away. I prayed for the best. We wouldn’t know for a while. Only Dad was allowed to visit right now. They weren’t sure how long it would be until I was able to, but Mom needed as little stress as possible. I agreed, but longed for the day for Mom to look at me and know it was me, London. Not a stranger she told about her daughter.

The truck shifted into park.

“Are we there yet?”

Lips touched my cheek. “Yes, we are.”

The door opened and closed. A few seconds later, Jaxson helped me from his truck only to help me on the tailgate. A horse whinnied nearby. Jaxson hopped in the truck bed and brought me against him. One hand untied the blindfold. The dark starry night sky greeted us. “This was where we came the first night to watch the stars together.”

“I remember.”

Jaxson pulled out a bag. “We missed our one-month anniversary with you in the hospital. I wanted you to open your gift in the place we had our first date.”

“Oh, Jaxson.”

I giggled as I opened the bag revealing a certificate. This was probably what Dwayne delivered to the house. Reading the certificate there was a star named after me. Warm breath tickled my neck. “I know you no longer wish upon shooting stars, but I wanted you to have one that burns bright and reminds you I’ll always be there, never fading. My wish came true that night, London. I got you and a beautiful family. I found love and happiness.”

Turning in his lap, I kissed him. Hard. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you. I love it. You are my bright shining star.”

“There’s more.”

Grabbing the bag, I dug through it. Two tickets to the ballet were in it for a show in . . . I had to read it twice to verify it said London.

“We’re going to London.” For as many years as I could remember, I’d wanted to visit the ballet there. It was a dream of mine I once wished upon a shooting star.

“For a honeymoon. One you didn’t get because you were sick. It’s for next month. The doctor said it was fine for you to fly.”

I clutched Jaxson to me. “Thank you! I love it. I’ve always wanted to see the London Ballet.”

“I know. I will do everything in my power to give you all that I have. I love you more than life itself.”

“I love you too with all that I am.”

We held each other under the night sky as we talked about dreams of our future. Our family. Our hopes.

Jaxson’s phone vibrated. “Dad says the puppy has arrived. Are we ready to give Ty his present?”

“Yes! He’s going to be so excited.”

We drove back to Pam and Levi’s. As we pulled up, Ty ran out of my house, the front yard illuminated by the front porch lights. “Do I have a brother or sister yet?”

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