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White Lies (A Twisted Fate 1)

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“I can look, too, Willow, if you want.” Carson offered.

“Yes. Please.” I put my attention on Trent. “Run it by Carson. He’ll send it to my accountant.”

Trent stood. “I’ll make it happen. Let me check in with my team. Reorganize. I’ll keep you posted.”

We stood. “Thanks, Trent.”

He left with the phone to his ear.

This was all too much. Where in the world do I start to think about it all?

I was tired. “I’m going to go lie down.”

“I’ll be here. I’ve informed Francesca of the change in plans.”

Francesca had to be wondering what in the world had happened. Touching Carson’s shoulder, I made a decision. “Tell her everything if you want. I don’t want there to be any secrets between you.”

“Thanks, angel. Let me make some arrangements. I’ll be down the hall if you need anything.”


Safely inside my room, I took out the phone and checked my messages. There were numerous ones from Tack that all read about the same.

Tack: What happened?

Tack: Are you okay?

Tack: Willow, I need you to answer me.

I checked the time. The last one came ten minutes ago.

Me: I’m okay. I got another threat. I was with Trent and Carson.

My phone rang.


He sighed. “Thank fuck you’re okay. I saw you pulled over. I thought you were sick. What happened?”

I got under the covers. “Commander Taylor called me today to check in. It was creepy. I disclosed where I was headed, not thinking about security. While Eva visited her friend upstairs, a package was delivered to her for me. She brought it back and put it in her purse without thinking. I opened it without telling Trent. It was a clusterfuck, really. In it was a finger with Alex’s wedding ring. And a note that said ‘We’re coming for you.’”

“Where’s the note?” A shiver ran down my spine at the steel in Tack’s voice.

“Trent and his team have it. They’re analyzing it. They’re also trying to find Commander Taylor.”

We grew quiet for a minute. “I’m going to be coming to you soon, Willow. Sooner than a month. I’m missing a big fucking piece of the puzzle, and I can’t figure it out yet. But I’m not jeopardizing you or the baby’s safety. Are you staying in tomorrow?”

“Yes. I want this all to end.” My voice cracked.

“Me, too, sweetheart. Me, too. Keep your ringer on when you’re alone in your room.”

“I will.”

He paused. “And Willow?”


“I’m counting down the seconds until there’s nothing else between us.”

My heart jumped in anticipation. “Me, too.”

“Hey, Nonno, sorry I missed your call earlier. The Whitmores were over for lunch. We roasted marshmallows for old time’s sake.”

Having everyone over had proven to be a great distraction from yesterday’s events. It had been Francesca’s idea.

A chuckle came from the other end of the call. “Did Carson still burn the shit out of his?”

“Yes, he gave up and had me make them. I’m afraid Francesca is as bad as he is.” Nonno had witnessed many a roasting disaster throughout the years.

Another laugh. “Sounds like a match made in heaven. Is everything set for the show tomorrow?”

The show. I had so many mixed emotions. Apprehension was winning at the moment. “It is. Your ticket will be at the check-in. If you need anything, let someone know. Marie and Bennett are going to pick you up.”

“I’m so proud of you, baby girl. You did this on your own. If your dad was alive, he’d tell you the same thing.” Pride was evident in his voice. I hoped Dad and Mom were able to see me from heaven.

“Thank you, Nonno. Thank you for sharing.”

“Anytime, baby girl. Never doubt his love or how proud he was.”

“I won’t.”




I fumbled with the phone on the nightstand. Who the hell was calling this late? Or maybe it was early? Whichever it was, I wanted the annoying noise to go away.


It was Tack, and he was wide awake. “Willow, has Trent called you?” An urgency similar to the situation in Italy filled Tack’s voice.

“No. What’s going on?”

“Commander Taylor was found dead.”

I gasped. “What?”

“Yes, burned like Alex.” Dread filled me. “Whoever’s doing this is—”

I cut him off. “Is tying up loose ends.”

“It appears that way.”

I hated Alex. He met me. Found out about the painting. Then he tried to steal it for his payday. When that didn’t work, he played me. And now my life was inside out and upside down. And my innocent baby was being dragged into this mess, as well.

Tack’s voice came back. “No one is getting near you except me. I need to get to the crime scene to see if there’s anything that will help. Will you let me know if Trent knows anything? I’m sorry to call and wake you, but I wanted you to know.”

“Yes, I’ll tell you what I find out. Be careful, Tack.”


We were on our way to my art show. I felt like I radiated nerves. Surprisingly, I had forced the events in my personal life aside for the day after Trent told me about Commander Taylor. There were no additional leads. I’d let Tack know he was empty-handed, also.

Tomorrow, the problems would still be there; today, I enjoyed my accomplishment and the events after the show—Carson planned to propose to Francesca at my house. This filled me with delight. She had no idea and wasn’t pushing for the proposal. Mildred had made Carson’s favorite ravioli to celebrate.

Afterward, he planned to take her to the beach house he’d ended up buying through all this madness. That home would be the perfect place for them.

After checking my phone for the tenth time, Trent’s hand came on top of mine. He was dressed in a tux, looking quite dashing. “There’s nothing to be nervous about, Willow. I, or another member of security, will be with you the entire time. Don’t take anything from anyone. I’ll intercede in a professional manner if need be.”

“I got it.”

He released me. I

t was a brotherly feeling. Comforting. Flexing my fingers, I resisted the urge to check my phone… again.

I adjusted my lavender chiffon dress, careful not to snag any of the teardrop beads dangling from it. It was sophisticated elegance. I found it earlier this year, and I’d been dying to wear it. The dress had been love at first sight. I never dreamed I would be wearing it to my own art show.

My fingers went to turn over my phone, but I resisted. Trent smiled and shook his head, trying to suppress a laugh. “I know. I know. I feel like a neurotic mess.”

“I don’t think I said this before, but congratulations, Willow, on your show. It’s an incredible achievement. Having worked security for many, I know how significant this is.”

“Thank you. It’s pretty surreal.”

The gallery’s brick building came into view. A few press members hung out front. Generally at any event like this, there were a few paparazzi hovering in hopes of catching someone rich and famous dropping by.

The box with the finger flashed through my mind. Whoever was after me knew I would be here tonight.

Put it aside. Enjoy tonight. I will be safe.

Trent reassured me. “I promise everything will be fine.”

And I was beginning to truly trust him—and not simply because my father had. We veered off the main road to the alley that led to the back door to enter without anyone in the way.

A beep signaled a text message on Trent’s phone. He quickly read it. “Everyone is set up. Some security will filter in as guests. There will also be normal security around so the increase in personnel doesn’t raise suspicions. If anything is bothering you, look at me and blink three times. We’ll get you out of there. No questions asked.”

Andre radioed someone from the front seat and the alley door opened. We were quickly ushered inside. I looked over my shoulder, wondering if the person causing all this was watching and waiting for the perfect moment to take me. The kidnapping threat had everyone on high alert. Commander Taylor’s murder only added to the stress.

Eva greeted us wearing a pink ombré silk gown. Her hair had been elegantly smoothed down. In her element, Eva exuded enthusiasm. “Hello, darling. Everything is set. We’ve already had someone buy one of the paintings. It’s above asking price, so I went against protocol and sold it. I hope that was okay. I have a feeling tonight is going to be stupendous.”

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