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As I passed Aiden, he gave me a wink. Surely he wouldn’t look like this if it meant bad news for me. I followed Tasha into her office and sat in a black leather chair. Stack of papers and newspapers littered nearly every surface.

Sitting behind her desk, Tasha looked at me, assessing. “So, Aiden wants you to be his research assistant. Our budget has been cut so he’s taking a few more assignments. Do you have any qualifications for this job?”

If only I could tell her how qualified I was with the research I had done. But, that would reveal too much about myself. “I’ve never worked for a paper. Well, really anywhere. But, I can promise you that I will do a good job. You won’t be disappointed in giving me a chance.”

Her fingers tapped the desk and I knew that she wanted me to have more experience. I was losing my shot. Think Kenzie, think.

“Why do you want this position, Kenzie?” The tone was merely curious, but at the same time doubtful.

This answer was pivotal in me getting the job. Speaking from the heart, I hoped it was enough. “I love learning. It’s my passion. Taking something and figuring out all the details is magical to me. A research assistant seems like a natural extension.” The passion was evident in my thirst for knowledge as I moved my hands about as I spoke.

Too bad, I wasn’t able to explain the depth of how much I’d had to research as of late. This job would be perfect for me to keep learning and adapting.

She sat back in her chair and tapped her chin. “I need someone who can dig deep and get Aiden what he needs efficiently.”

Sitting farther up in my chair, I pushed all of my reserve out of the way. “I know I can research anything Aiden needs. All I’m asking is for you to take a chance on me. If you don’t think I’ll work out, I can quit. I’ll work hard.”

Tasha stood and I wanted to puke. “All right. Aiden thinks you’re perfect for what he needs, so I’m going to trust him and give you a chance. Normally, I require a lot more experience. You’ll need to work with Aiden on your schedule, but it ranges around three to five hours a day, five days a week. That’s as much as the work-study program will allow. The pay is eight dollars and fifty cents an hour. I’ll get the request in the system to get your student ID access to the office. Any questions.”

It was hard not to do the jumping and clapping thing that Brooklyn did in a moment like this, but I remained calm. “No, none. Thank you. Thank you for taking a chance on me.”

“You’re welcome, Kenzie. I have a feeling Aiden was right about you. Don’t let me be wrong. I take this paper seriously.” Tasha was firm but kind. I was going to like working for her.

Nodding my head, I grabbed my bag. “I won’t. Thank you.”

“I’ll let you

tell Aiden. I need to finish a few things.”

Tasha focused back on her task behind her desk and I quietly left. Quickly, I did the math in my head. Depending on my hours I would make between one-hundred and twenty-five dollars to two-hundred and ten dollars a week. Even the lower end would at least cover my monthly rent. I’d still have to find another job to cover food and other supplies needed, but this was a start.

What had begun as a horrible day with Stacy was turning into a great one. Aiden gathered a few things at his desk. It was one of the messier ones as he shifted through papers and it made me quietly chuckle to myself. Aiden and I would be working together—a lot. I liked the idea of it more than I should.

Glancing up after putting a piece of paper in his bag, Aiden saw my meeting was over. “How’d it go?”

“Can we go out in the hall to talk?” People were still in here and I didn’t want to draw unnecessary attention toward me.

His brows furrowed in confusion. “Okay. Sure.” Looking toward Tasha’s office, he looked back at me, pausing for a second, then kept walking after me.

As soon as we cleared the doors and no one could hear us, I jumped. “I got it, Aiden! I got it!”

He chuckled. “Shit, you had me worried. I told Tasha I wanted you.”

Stopping my crazy tirade in the hall, I asked, “I hope I didn’t prevent someone more qualified from getting the job. Or someone that could help you more.”

“I wanted you.” He emphasized the words and took a step closer.

Without thinking, I took a step closer. “Thank you. I won’t disappoint you. I promise.”

Leaning to me, but keeping a little distance between our bodies, Aiden brought his lips to my ear. Reasoning was becoming hazy. Warm breaths tickled my neck, leaving a trail of goose bumps. “You’re welcome. I’ll have to think of more things to do to get this kind of attention from you.”

His words had me remembering myself and slightly putting distance between us. Holding my hips, Aiden didn’t allow much space between us. A magnetic pull happened as our faces inched closer. I had no idea what I was doing, but my body went on auto pilot.

“Are you and Stacy together?” I brought my hands to my mouth and gasped at my brashness. Not even sure why that was the first thing I said, I fumbled, “Ignore that question. I didn’t mean to ask it. She had mentioned it today.” I was rambling now. I needed to stop. “Ignore everything I just said. Let’s rewind to the part of me getting the job.”

Aiden watched me with a smile that spread across his face. “We’re not together. I’m single.”


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