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“Umm . . . I can’t this weekend. Sounds like fun though.”

Brooklyn was going with Mike, who was a Sigma Chi brother also. That had been what most of our talks were about this week. Things were going slow between them and she thought that they’d be taking it to the next level this weekend. Whatever that meant. I went with it and figured when the next level happened, I’d have my answer.

Stepping closer to me, Trent came into my personal space. “I’m going to give you my number again. Call me. We can go get coffee or something.”

At this point, it was easier to take the number and never call. “Okay.”

Trent pulled out a pencil and ripped a piece of paper from a notebook from his backpack. He scrawled his number down again and handed me the piece of paper. “I’ll be waiting.”

I gave a placating smile. A girl called from across the lawn. “Got to go. I’ll talk to you later, Kenzie.”

“See ya.”

Trent jogged across the lawn. Whoever it was gave him a huge smile as he approached. Coffee didn’t seem like it would hurt anything, but the memory of Aiden’s face when Trent had given me his number would have me throwing the piece of paper away again when I got home.

A long weekend was ahead. I planned on studying and relaxing. No socializing. As I made my way closer to my apartment, my hand was yanked from behind, bringing me to a stop.

“What the hell are you doing? I thought we had an understanding?” Stacy. I closed my eyes at the shrilly voice from behind.

It appeared I couldn’t catch a break today. Extricating my arm, I turned around. Besides scathing looks and the occasional jab about my appearance, she had left me alone. “What are you talking about?”


“Aiden is taking you to the party this weekend.” It wasn’t a question, but an accusation.

“Aiden and I are going to a party together?” My voice matched my perplexed expression. Aiden hadn’t asked me to do anything this weekend. He normally asked if I wanted to come, but he hadn’t yet. He was probably tired of asking and me having to study.

She narrowed her eyes. “The Sigma Chi party this weekend.”

“I’m not going to the party with Aiden. He hasn’t even brought it up to me. Whoever you’re getting your information from is wrong. Even if I was going with him, it would be none of your business.” Stacy was wearing on my last nerve. As my confidence grew in my new way of life, I felt my inner self becoming stronger.

“I wish you would go back to the hole you crawled out of and take your ugly-ass clothes with you.” The sneer in her voice had me taking a step back.

The words shouldn’t bother me, but they still hurt.

Tasha appeared at my side. With that don’t-mess-with-me-look, she eyed Stacy. “Hey, Kenzie. I wanted to talk to you about an article next week. Am I interrupting?”

Over the last month, I had gotten to know Tasha well. I respected her and she seemed like someone I could trust. Well, trust as much I as could anyone at this point. There were still things I would never be able to disclose.

Stacy looked like she was about to blow a cap. I was beyond thankful to Tasha for interrupting this interrogation from the blonde-haired monster. “We were finishing up. Stacy, it was nice catching up. I’ll see you around.”

She huffed and paced off. I hoped Stacy was over the Aiden factor, even though nothing had happened between us. Apparently, she wasn’t.

“Girl, you pissed in her cheerios.”

I had no idea what Tasha was talking about, but I assumed it was bad. The slang still threw me.

Shrugging, we walked and I tried to explain what I knew. “She has a thing for Aiden and thinks I’m in her way.”

A colder breeze blew and my legs were cold. It was going to be necessary to get new clothes tomorrow. “She’s had a thing for him. That girl is a piece of work. You know Aiden has a thing for you. Why haven’t you guys started dating yet?”

That had me stopping in my tracks. “What are you talking about? We work together and are friends.”

Tasha and I came to a fork in the road. Looking at me like I was crazy, she shook her head. “You keep telling yourself that, Kenzie. Aiden’s a good guy.”

“I know he is.” What else was I supposed to say? Why was everyone so focused on Aiden and me? The last thing I wanted was for Aiden to get unnecessary pressure from everyone and pull away.

Tasha nodded toward the office. “Okay, I’m headed to the office. There wasn’t really anything I needed to talk to you about. That bitch rubbed me the wrong way with how she was acting toward you. I’ll see you on Monday.”

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