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Aiden flipped on a couple of other lights and paced. I decided to speak up. “I don’t have any expectations besides being your friend.”

He stopped. “Kenzie, I don’t want to be just your friend. Shit. Fuck. I keep messing this up. I’m so nervous.” Aiden’s cursing increased significantly when he was at a loss for words. Rubbing the back of his neck as he looked at me, I felt the intensity of the moment. I wasn’t sure how to read the situation with how his eyes pleaded with mine. “I had this speech all planned out. Then, I saw you and it all went to hell.”

He took a deep breath and came to sit next to me, taking my hand in his. “I want us to date, Kenzie. Since the day I ran you over, I’ve wanted to ask you out.”

“Really?” I couldn’t believe my ears.

Nodding, I felt the pressure of his hand increase. “I couldn’t believe my luck when you ended up being Brooklyn’s roommate. At first you seemed too scared, so I thought we’d be friends first—see how it worked out. This last month, I could feel something happening between us. Fuck, I sound like a pansy.”

Pausing, he looked at our entwined hands. Those familiar tingles erupted through me. Elation coursed through me. “When I came over here for the movie, it felt like we were finally ready. Then you mentioned us being friends and I didn’t want to chance losing you altogether. That’s why Brooklyn staged that run in at the gym. She hoped I would see your reaction to me and wouldn’t chicken out like I had the other million times I wanted to ask you out. I like you, Kenzie—a lot.”

I couldn’t stop grinning. Keeping it simple, I responded, “I like you, too.”

Aiden stood and I followed. Both thumbs came up to the side of my face. “I’ve been dying to kiss you. Please let me.”

I had never kissed anyone before, but I wanted to with Aiden. I wanted him to be the first one. He slowly brought his mouth to mine. His tongue touched my lips as if he was asking permission and I opened up. Aiden was strong and commanding with his mouth and I melded to him, letting him take the lead.

Hands came to my lower back and brought me closer to him as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Warmth radiated throughout my body and I moaned. He tasted like my mint toothpaste. The kiss heated up as our tongues moved with more fervor. As we approached an unknown precipice, Aiden pulled back slightly, changing the pace and ending the kiss with a few small pecks.

“That was amazing, Kenzie.”

Amazing felt like an understatement to what I was feeling. “I’d have to agree.”

Aiden still had his hands on my lower back. “I have to go to this party. But, we’ll leave as soon as we can.”

Was Aiden already looking for the next step? Brooklyn had been with Mike for a month before she took the next step. There was no way I’d be ready in a day. My throat thickened. “Aiden, I’m not ready if you’re wanting it to go further this fast. I haven’t. I mean . . . I’m not—”

He silenced me with another kiss. Putting a hair’s distance between us his breath tickled my lips. “We’ll take this slow. I don’t want you stressed about us. We’ll never do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.”

“I like slow.” I let out a breath. There was so much uncharted territory here that I had no idea where to begin.

Grabbing my hand, he interlaced our fingers. “Let’s go to the party. Then we can come back here or wherever.”

I nodded as we made our way to the door. Jokingly, I gave him a hard time. “Do you think you’ll actually get in the car this time?”

Aiden cocked his eyebrow as a satisfied smile graced his lips. “We’ll be leaving this time. You’re mine now and that’s all I needed before.”

The possessive words had me wanting to leap into his arms and never let go. After getting into the vehicle, we drove five minutes to the fraternity house. Cars and people were everywhere.

“Wow, this is a big party.” It was more chaotic than I had imagined.

Aiden put his car into park. “Yeah, I know you’ve never been to one. Stay close to me. Don’t take anything to drink unless I give it to you. If we get separated hang out by the front door and I’ll find you.”

All these warnings had me on edge as to what I was getting into. “Should I be worried?”

Turning my way, his thumb came up to my cheek. His touch alone was a soothing balm. “No. But it is a party and people will be drunk. I don’t want anyone hassling you.” Glancing back out to the party, some guy crushed a can to his skull. Aiden’s voice brought my attention back to him. “The guy at the front door, Nathan, will be sober. He makes sure no one leaves with keys if they are drunk.”

“I got it.”

As we approached the house, the music grew louder as well as the denseness of people. Aiden brought me possessively closer to his side and I leaned into him. Several people called his name. He waved back, talking to them briefly. Aiden seemed to be able to adapt well in different situations. I envied his confidence.

As we entered, the inside was packed with people, nearly shoulder to shoulder. A few guys glanced my way, then Aiden’s.

Talking in my ear so I could hear, he told me, “Brooklyn will be here in a bit. Let’s head downstairs. The music won’t be as

loud there.”

People were gyrating and moving to the music. Some of it looked pretty provocative. It wasn’t as shocking anymore seeing stuff like this as I immersed into the culture, but I wasn’t sure I’d be ever able to move like that and not die of humiliation.

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