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“Yes. It makes a lot more sense now that I’ve seen the movie.” When Brooklyn had first suggested the costume, I’d stared back at her confused. Further explaining had enlightened me and resulted in a group date movie night with Aiden, her, and Mike.

It was cute since Lois Lane and Superman, who was also Clark Kent, worked at a newspaper together.

Beaming, Brooklyn sat on the bed. “You guys are going to be adorable. Mike finally agreed to be a devil since I’m going as an angel.”

“Good, I know he wanted you to be a naughty nurse.” Scoffing, a small grin played on her lips. I didn’t want to know. A few seconds later, Brooklyn touched the different flowers on the bedspread. Something was on her mind.

“What’s up, Brooklyn? You seem, hesitant or something.”

A long breath came out. “I’m horrible at being discreet. So, I know I’m about to probably step over a boundary, but I’m looking out for you. Please keep that in mind. Okay?”

“Okay.” My nerves shot up a little. Quickly, I tried to think of what in the world it could be.

“Are you on birth control?” Brooklyn gave me a sweet smile that eased my nerves.

Birth control. They had birth control. “No. Why?”

I felt stupid having not even thought about any type of safety measures if we were to take things further.

“Oh, this is gross thinking about my brother. I’m trying to not see his face.” Brooklyn paused and took another deep breath. “Okay. I swear Aiden doesn’t say anything to me, but I can tell things are heating up between you two. It’s obvious.”

Was I being a slut? I blushed from embarrassment from not being indiscreet and casted my eyes downward.

Brooklyn took my hand. “Kenzie, it’s not a bad thing. It’s a little gross because we’re talking about my brother, but I’ve never seen him as happy as he is with you. He’s fallen for you hard and I think you have too.”

“I have.”

Brooklyn grinned huge, then took my hand. “Guys don’t always think about it. Yeah, they wrap it before they tap it, but if you guys are getting close to sex, I would suggest getting on birth control. You can never be too safe about pregnancy.”

There was no way I wanted to chance a baby. Birth control was in my immediate future. “Where do I go to get it?”

This was going to require a trip to the library to find out all about birth control.

“If you want me to come to the clinic with you, I can go the day after tomorrow.”

That would give me time to research my options. “Sounds like a plan.”

Brooklyn patted my knee. “Do you want me to order a pizza?”

My stomach growled. “That’d be great. I’m too tired to cook.”

“Me too. Mike kept me up to late.” I snickered as she wiggled her eyebrows. Standing, Brooklyn made her way to the door. “Just make sure Aiden still wraps it before he taps it.”

I threw my pillow. “Brooklyn!”

She laughed as she jogged down the stairs.

After researching, we’d gone to the clinic and I’d chosen to get the shot. It beat having to remember to take your pill everyday around the same time. Aiden still didn’t know I was on birth control. The last thing I wanted was to come off too eager.

From the distance, I saw two people making out against the outside wall. With the way that their uncoordinated limbs were moving, I’d say that they were drunk. Turning my attention back on Aiden, he looked my way and gave me a smile. Talking to his friends, he said something, then came over to see me.

He snagged me in his embrace. “Are you ready to go, Lois?”

“Fly me away, Superman.”

He chuckled and the deep vibrations had me wanting to be alone with him. As we made our way out, the couple I saw earlier fell in front of us. Stacy sprawled out on the floor and Trent was on top, still sloppily kissing her. Opening her eyes, Stacy saw Aiden. She stopped, alarmed. Limbs went rigid. Stacy seemed lost and I felt sorry for her.

I glanced to Aiden. He looked at her with pity. There was no interest that I could see. I was confident in our relationship, but Stacy had a strong piece of Aiden’s past and I sometimes wondered if I was really enough.

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