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Closing the door behind him, Stacy and I were left in my room together. I remained silent and busied myself with the fringe on the bedspread. A sense of loathing rolled off her in waves.

“You probably think I deserve this,” Stacy spoke sharply and I glanced up. Pinning me with her eyes, I wished she’d gone in the hallway too.

Regardless how I felt about her, I was going to take the higher road. It was the right thing to do even if I’d learned that trait from a murderous group. “No, I don’t think anyone deserves something they don’t want.”

She nodded, then stared at the floor. “Trent and I are too young to have a kid. We don’t love each other. I can’t abort it.” Her foot drew something invisible in the carpet. “I shouldn’t even be telling you this.”

Extricating myself from the covers, I sat on the edge of the bed. I remembered something I’d read in a pamphlet at the clinic when I had my appointment to get birth control. Maybe it would help, though I’m sure it was commonly known.

Sometimes though, I knew from experience, it wasn’t always easy to think straight under severe pressure. “There’s also adoption. You’d be able to pick someone who was ready and give the baby a happy home.”

Stacy looked at me, puzzled. “Why are you being so nice to me?”

“Because you look scared and lost.” Mentally, I added, because you look like I did when I left The Society. If people hadn’t been nice to me, there’s no telling where I’d be.

She nodded and played with the hem of her leather jacket. “Will you let Aiden come with me to tell my parents?”

“That’s up to, Aiden. I won’t stop him.”

The door opened up. Pamela stepped in and gave Stacy a hug. Kenneth was

gone. Sweetly, she put her arms around Stacy. “Let’s go to the kitchen and talk.”

“Okay. Is Aiden coming?”

Pamela looked my way. “I think it’s best for him to stay up here. I’ll explain my thoughts over a cup of hot tea.”

Stacy left the room in Pamela’s arms. Glancing at the clock, it was after five in the morning. There was no way I would be going back to sleep. Aiden paced the room for a few minutes. I let him get his thoughts together.

“I’m sorry about that.” He kept pacing. “Stacy’s parents aren’t loving. They’re uninvolved. She spends her time getting criticized and yelled at when she’s home. They’ve told her before they wished she was never born. Shit like that.”

That explained some of the reasons why she was not the nicest person to be around at times. My heart hurt for her. At least my mom did love me. I had no doubt about that. “I hate that for her. I really do. Are you going over there?”

Looking to the ceiling, Aiden let out a long breath. “No, I’m not. My parents and I both agree that they’ll think the baby’s mine which will start unnecessary bullshit for everyone.”

“Your parents are wonderful people. How are you doing with this?”

Aiden rolled his neck. “I don’t have any feelings for Stacy, Kenzie. I love you. But . . . it’s hard with who’s involved. I hate seeing her struggle.”

“I know.”

Hopefully, we were nearing the end of this situation.

Aiden was still coming down from the stress as he paced back and forth. “Yeah, Mom is offering to be there when Stacy tells her parents. She’s also going to encourage her to tell Trent.”

Getting out of the bed, I walked to Aiden and wrapped my arms around his middle. Birth control and condoms were definitely a must. No skipping either. The realizations of motherhood were harsh.

Wrapping me in his arms, Aiden asked, “Was Stacy a bitch to you?”

“Stacy’s scared. I would be too.”

His thumb came out and stroked my face. “I hate this for her.”

“No one deserves to be treated poorly.”

He touched his lips gently to mine. “You’re like no one I’ve ever met before.”

I kissed him back. “Same to you.”

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