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Tempting Perfection

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I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the cabinet, relishing the feel of him owning every molecule of my body with only his touch.


In the blink of an eye, Kurt ripped the front of my dress down the middle until I was completely exposed.


In response, he thrust his finger inside me. I was ready for him. And all was forgiven. He could rip every dress I owned if this was the response I’d receive. His lips nibbled along my neck as he worked his way up to my ear. “So fucking hot.” His words reverberated through me, increasing my desire.

“Please, I need to come.”

Slowly, Kurt trailed kisses back down my neck to my nipples as he worked my core. The impending orgasm built higher. Only Kurt had ever been able to take me this high. Only Kurt. After one bite on my nipple, he moved lower and lower. The man had a tongue for sin. He put it around my clit and sucked while caressing it, and I detonated on the spot as I came.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! So much better than my vibrator.”

Kurt stood back up slowly, his teasing finger still inside me and building me up again. “I’ve been going fucking mad hearing that every night. Those sweet little moans. I came in my fist every time you did.”

Oh my. “Does it help to know I was thinking of you?”


I hopped off the counter and grabbed the front of his jeans. Without wasting another moment, I yanked them open. No boxers. Nice. His dick was right there, eagerly waiting for me. And it was mine. Only mine. I gave it a few long strokes, and his eyes fluttered for the briefest of seconds.

“Where’s a condom?” I asked.

Kurt pulled one from his wallet, and I savagely opened it with my teeth while he watched. “Faster, Sawyer. I need to be in your sweet pussy.”

I licked my lips and put the condom in my mouth, wanting to make him mad with need, too. Kneeling, I used my lips to push it down the length of his throbbing cock. The lack of a gag reflex allowed me to deep throat him to finish rolling on the condom. Kurt loved when I did this. “Yes, fuck yes!”

I ran my tongue along his length while looking up, and I knew I had lost control of the situation. The hunger in his eyes only advanced my own. No more waiting. It was time.

Kurt yanked me up and lifted me into the air to where I could wrap my legs around him. In one swift movement, he impaled me, and we both cried out from the amazing feeling of being connected again. Nothing was better than feeling him stretch and fill me.

Our mouths clashed as Kurt haphazardly moved toward a flat surface. I moved my hips against him, needing to feel his throbbing head inside me. We crashed into a wall where Kurt picked up the pace inside me. We were wild for each other as he fucked me—hard. I used my hands on his shoulders to gain more leverage and he thrust into me like a wild animal. One more pump and we called out as euphoria overtook us.

Forever. This man would own me forever.

Kurt leaned his forehead against mine. “It’s true what I said in LA. You’ve wrecked me. Forever.”

“I’ll never be the same.”

It was a dream—a perfect dream I never wanted to wake from.

* * *

Sometime later, after numerous orgasms, we lay entwined on the bed. Kurt dozed beside me. We were together. And I knew this time was different. I felt it deep in my core. Something within Kurt had changed. Together, we would find our way.

“You’re thinking so hard it woke me up.” Kurt’s sleepy, sexy growl made me smile.

I snuggled in deeper and took a deep breath, inhaling his masculine smell. “This feels like a dream. I’m afraid I’ll wake up and it’ll all be over.”

He trailed his fingers down my back. “When you do wake up, we’ll still be together. You can sleep, Sawyer. It feels good to finally fuckin’ sleep. I don’t think I’ve had one decent night since Thanksgiving.”

I knew this from the countless nights we’d met in the kitchen, unable to rest. “We were both miserable.”

Bringing me closer, he kissed the top of my head. “And by the way, I know what you did. Spraying your damn perfume all over my mattress was a cheap move. I had to sleep on the floor the entire time you were gone.”

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