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Max (Cold Fury Hockey 6)

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My jaw drops slightly from her fierce attitude, but then I snap it shut. Cheeks red, I give her a nod. "Okay, if you're sure."

"I'm sure I'm sure," she says with a grin. "Now turn back around and watch your man's ass while he's in goal."

My head snaps toward the ice and I immediately lock eyes on Max, the puck having been dropped and action commenced. And damn...even in those big, bulky goalie pads, he still looks phenomenal.

It really didn't hit me until I walked into this arena tonight with the kids.

My boyfriend plays professional hockey.

My boyfriend is Max Fournier...the starting goalie for the Carolina Cold Fury.

Not once in the past five weeks have I really had that sink in, and it's probably because Max and I haven't really spent much time together, but our developing relationship was never about something like that. It was about a man seeing a woman who he wanted to help and lift up, and a woman taking a chance on a man who believed in her.

But here...listening to the fans chant his name or scream at the top of their lungs when he makes a great's a heady feeling knowing that he's mine.


After the game, Kate brings me and the kids to the family gathering room that's just down from the locker room. We wait with a host of other wives and kids, waiting for the guys to have a quick team meeting and get showered. Kate introduces me to Olivia Case, who works at Fleurish. She's waiting for her boyfriend, Garrett Samuelson, and she spends five minutes gushing about my art. It embarrasses me, but I end up kind of falling a little for Olivia. She's got such a sunny personality and a hippie vibe, it's hard not to be drawn to her. In the few evenings Max had eaten dinner at my place this week, he filled me in on his other teammates and their significant others. I knew about Olivia's cancer and that she's in remission right now.

I also get to meet Sutton, who's married to the team captain, Alex Crossman, and also happens to be Olivia's cousin. She's just as awesome and it truly feels like I'm being welcomed into the fold. By the time Max walks into the room, looking amazing in a dark gray suit with a pink dress shirt, hair still wet from his shower, I'd made tentative plans to get together with the three women standing around me. When I would do that was beyond me as I had almost no free time, and what little I did have, I wanted Max to have it all. But we exchanged phone numbers and we'd figure something out, I'm sure.

Max spends a few more minutes introducing me to some other people and then I give hugs and kisses to Annabelle, Levy, and Rocco with promises I'll see them first thing in the morning. It's not lost on me when Annabelle holds on a little longer than normal, and just before she lets go, she whispers, "Love you, Mommy."

My voice quavers as I whisper back, "Love you too, Annabelle."

Max watches quietly, and when I stand up, his hand goes to my lower back, where his thumb rubs against me in acknowledgment of that emotional moment.

Then he takes me out through the back exit that leads to the players' parking lot. He opens the passenger door and I climb in. After Max gets into the driver's seat I give out a little cry of surprise when he grabs me behind the neck, pulls me halfway across into his seat and kisses me hard.

As he pulls away, he puts his forehead against mine and murmurs, "I missed you and I cannot wait to get my mouth on you tonight when we get back to my place."

"We could bypass Houlihan's and head right to your place," I suggest with a grin, although I really kind of want to go to Houlihan's. I'm curious as to what Max is like when he's out in public and has to play the role of star goalie.

"We could do that," he agrees. "But I really want you to meet Hawke and Vale and they agreed to meet us there for a few beers. But we won't stay long."

"Deal," I agree readily, because honestly, I don't care what we do as long as I can be in his presence.

So Max starts his car, puts it in gear, and drives the less than one mile to Houlihan's so I can meet more of his friends.

I walk into Houlihan's holding tight onto Jules' hand. I've been here hundreds of times, many of them after a game such as tonight. It's where the Cold Fury hangs out and it's always packed shoulder to shoulder on game night, mostly with fans who hope to get a picture or an autograph. That's usually what these visits are about. Hanging out and giving back to the fans.

But tonight is different for me because I want Jules to see this part of my life, and I want this part of my life to see Jules. I want my teammates to meet her and see how fabulous she is, and I want them to know that she's important.

Which isn't to say I haven't brought women I've dated here before, because I have. While it's true I've only had one serious relationship in my past, it doesn't mean I haven't had relationships. I'm the type of guy who likes dating one woman. I like the intimacy of having that person's full attention, and I like the security that comes with it. So yes, I've dated before, and some of them have lasted months. Some of them I've brought here.

None of them hold a candle to Jules, including Christine, who was the first woman I loved. And I did love her, but it just wasn't the type that could be sustained.

Yes, I like commitment and monogamy. Maybe I'm a romantic at heart, and that's probably due solely to my parents, who have a solid, passionate, and deep connection that they've had for almost thirty years. So it's only natural I want that too.

That is also not to say I haven't had one night stands. Not to say I haven't gotten blind, stinkin' drunk and fucked women that I couldn't even remember their names. I did go through a bit of a wild period after Christine broke things off with me and I spread myself around with meaningless sex.

So you see...I've had it both ways, and the way I feel right now with Jules by my's a fucking no-brainer. I do believe she's what I've been searching for.

I do believe she's what I'm ready for now.

Leading Jules through the crowd, I nod at a few familiar faces I see. The hardcore fans that are always there to either celebrate with us or mourn a loss. They're also the ones that tend to be unobtrusive, and over the years I've gotten to know some of them pretty well. I take Jules toward the back of the restaurant and away from the bar area where most of the team is congregated around a bunch of tables. While the kitchen is still open, hardly anyone here this late orders sit-down dinners, and the management doesn't mind us invading this part of the restaurant.

The Cold Fury group is diverse, with a mix of players, team management, training staff, and significant others. The players are diverse as well, some married, others in committed relationships, and still others yet that are complete men-whores. And with the men-whores come the throng of women who are trying to get noticed by them, some accepting that it's just frivolous sex if they hook up but many hoping for something more lasting.

Cassie Gates is one such woman, and I see her standing next to her sister, Allie, who's married to one of our defensemen, Kyle Steppernech. Great player, greater douche. Allie is a bitch. Cassie has her claws poised to sink into any available player. At one point she had her sights set on Alex Crossman, our team captain, and he took advantage of that for sure. But after he met Sutton, it was all over with Cassi

e. That didn't mean she went away though, and for a brief moment she turned her attention to me. I shut that shit down fast and made her perfectly aware I wasn't interested. Looks like tonight though her current target is poor Mikkel Erat, who is also a defenseman.

Cassie's wearing a tight Cold Fury T-shirt that's straining to hold her breasts in, her cleavage so deep her navel's practically on display. She's got both arms wound tight around Mikkel, almost as if she's afraid she'll get left behind. She doesn't need to worry though. Mikkel can barely keep his eyes off her tits. He's not going anywhere tonight, and I sort of feel bad for the dude. His English is horrible and his accent thick, so I'm pretty sure he's not had the pleasure of having a deep conversation with her, so he probably doesn't get he's being manipulated.

"Well, that's an interesting outfit she has on," Jules mutters dryly as she leans into me. I look down at her and see her eyes are pinned on Cassie.

"She's a puck bunny," I tell her with an amused smirk.

"A what?" she asks, her eyebrows furrowing as she takes Cassie in, perhaps trying to see if she's got secret bunny ears or a tail.

I laugh and pull her in tighter. "It's just a term for those women that want to hook up with a hockey player."

"Oh," she says thoughtfully, then gives me a grin. "Well, I totally want to hook up with you so I guess that makes me a puck bunny like her."

Shaking my head, my lips curved up, I tell her, "You are nothing like her. You are so not a puck bunny."

As Jules laughs at me, I lead her over to a table where I see Hawke, Vale, Garrett, and Olivia. They've all got beers in their hands and just as I reach them a waitress materializes and takes our order. I ask for a Molson and Jules goes standard American with a Bud Light.

"That's just nasty," I tease over her choice of beers.

She sniffs, gives me a slight elbow to my ribs and retorts, "We can't all be as refined as you, Mr. Fournier."

I throw my head back and laugh, because fuck, she's cute. She ignores me and turns to Garrett, who has his arm around Olivia. Jules puts her hand out. "And you must be Garrett?"

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