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Max (Cold Fury Hockey 6)

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"Max?" Jules pants at me.

My head snaps up, my hips still powering hard.

"I want it harder," she huffs out, the words sounding staccato because of the pounding I'm giving her.


Um...yeah, can totally do that.

"I got you," I assure her and kick up the pace. Turn up the speed. Punch my dick deeper into my sweet Jules like she asked me to, and the headboard starts a rhythmic beating up against the wall. I send out a mental apology to whoever's on the other side right now.

"Yes, yes, yes," she starts to chant and that right there adds fuel to my already blazing fire.

I start driving into Jules with an abandon I've never felt. I lurch into her body, possibly wanting to crawl all the way in and brand myself inside of her. Fuse us together.

Make what we have infinite.

I'm caught off guard when Jules' pussy clamps down tight on me and her back bows clear off the bed. Her eyes squeeze tight and her teeth dig into her lower lip and she orgasms so fucking beautifully that I'm completely enthralled.

And when her back relaxes and sinks down to the mattress, she opens those eyes that are now brighter than ever...looking like the sun, and she whispers, "I love you," I feel those words all the way through to my balls and straight through to the end of my dick, which slams into her one more time before my entire body seizes up.

Extreme pleasure grabs ahold of me, and the most exquisite and explosive orgasm I've ever felt ricochets through me. A massive shudder quakes up my spine, ripples back down, and when Jules' pussy contracts again on me, a second wave of pleasure hits me so hard, I pull my cock back involuntarily and slam it in again.

I feel myself shoot off again inside of her.

"Oh, fuck," I groan as I pull her leg from my chest so I can drop down onto her, grinding the last of my orgasm out.

Causing her hand that's caught in between us to press back against her clit, and she gives a cry as I feel her body shudder again. I lay there, still in her, completely on her, and wait for our bodies to quiet.

"Motherfucker," I gasp as I move my forehead to rest against hers. "That was...that was fucking unbelievable."

"I can't even..." she says and then doesn't say anything else because apparently she can't even.

It takes every bit of strength I have to lift my head so I can look down at her. She smiles back up at me, her eyes now glowing softly with complete satisfaction.

"You know the bad part to what just happened, right?" I ask her.

She shakes her head.

"You and I just set the bar incredibly high for ourselves," I point out.

"I am quite sure we can outdo that," she returns confidently.

I grin at her. "I look forward to trying."

"Me too," she agrees.

"Any idea if Max has a pie pan?" Marilyn Fournier asks me from across the island counter of Max's kitchen.

I look up from the green bean casserole I'm putting together, the last item on the list of dishes I'm making for Thanksgiving. I nod toward the stacked set of cabinets beside his refrigerator. "Try in there."

She turns and walks two steps to the cabinets, opens up the top set and hits pay dirt. "Hot damn," she says as she reaches inside. "He actually has a pie dish."

I laugh and return to my task, sprinkling french-fried onions on the top of my casserole.

Max's mother is nothing like I thought she'd be. When he told me she was a public speaking coach, I just assumed that meant she would be professionally sedate. Instead, she's an absolute firecracker, and while I haven't met his father because he's at a medical conference, I totally see he gets his humor from his mom.

Marilyn's just a tad shorter than I am, with golden blond hair that's worn a few inches above her shoulders in big barrel curls. Her face is so youthful, I can't believe she has a twenty-seven-year-old son, and about the only thing that gives her away as a mom is that she does wear mom jeans that sit high on her slim waist.

I only met her yesterday but that was not the first time we'd talked. Max had put me on the phone with her the night he called to invite his parents for Thanksgiving, and I was at an utter loss as to what to say. Turns out, Marilyn was chatty enough for the both of us and she was very excited for the opportunity to come see her son. Since that first talk, she's continued to text me, including several times this week so we could iron out the Thanksgiving meal.

Marilyn is American so she's all on board with the traditional turkey and side dishes, but she's also making some classic French-Canadian dishes for Max and his brother Lucas, who should be arriving very soon from the airport. Max left to go pick him up about half an hour ago and he's beyond excited. He's super close to Lucas, and given that he's just a short plane ride from New Jersey, Lucas also jumped on the chance to come to Raleigh to see his mom and brother.

I am beyond excited as well, to get to know his family better. I'm not quite sure the extent of what Max has told them about me but they'll figure it out soon enough.

Glancing into the den that bleeds right into the open-air kitchen, I see the kids are still firmly rooted to the couches, watching The Incredibles. They've been angels today and I can't decide if it's because they're in Max's house for the first time or if they have sensed something's changed between me and Max or even that they're a little shy because of Marilyn being here, although she's been quite engaging with them. Still, she's an older authority figure and maybe that's it.

"I'm going to make a tourtiere for Max and Lucas," Marilyn says. "It's one of their favorite dishes."

"What is it?" I ask companionably as I pull a piece of Saran Wrap off and cover the casserole. It won't go into the oven for a few hours yet, once the turkey's done.

"It's a meat pie with ground beef and pork, sage, thyme, garlic, cloves. I'll give you the recipe if you want and you can make it for Max."

She smiles at me as she starts pulling items from the refrigerator. Marilyn arrived last night, and first thing she did this morning was hit the grocery store so she could make her dishes, which include obviously the tourtiere, but also sucre a la creme, a sweet, creamy treat the consistency of fudge, and pouding chomeur, which is a vanilla cake with maple syrup sauce.

Because it was me and Marilyn doing the cooking and because I had to work yesterday, I went with store-bought pie, even though that brings me a little shame. Still, her homemade desserts will more than make up for it, and we'll just have to suffer with Mrs. Smith's pumpkin pie.

"So how's the painting going?" Marilyn says as she moves to Max's spice cabinet. I wet a washcloth and start to wipe down the counters. "Your work is just stunning."

One of the first things that happened after Max introduced me to his mother was that she raved over the painting Max had bought and shipped to her. She went on for over thirty minutes, which completely embarrassed me. Max got a total kick out of it though.

"It's going well," I say, not willing to admit it's going so much better than I'd expected. I'm still having a hard time accepting that my talent is really worth money. "I'm hoping maybe I can cut back my hours at the nursing home since the money from my art is so much more than I expected. Certainly better than what I made at the gas station."

Marilyn chuckles and shakes her head. "I still can't get over that story about how you met. You know Max called me after he saw you the second time at Sweetbrier and told me how he got your job back for you at the convenience store?"

"He did?" I ask with surprise.

She nods and gives me a sage look. "That boy knew from the start you were the one, Jules."

My heart swells, contracts, and then swells larger with this knowledge, remaining full and light with happiness. "Took me a bit longer to give in to it," I admit candidly. "Your son is so...overwhelmingly confident. I'm still convinced he's crazy to be attaching himself to me."

"Why would you say such a thing?" she asks, her head tilted to the side and a jar of cloves in her hand.

My eyes flick to the kids a

nd then back to her. "I'm not an easy person to be with."

"Max isn't easy either," his mom says, and I blink at her in surprise. "He has a grueling work schedule and is gone fifty percent of the time. That has to suck in a relationship."

"But it doesn't," I tell her quickly. "I mean...I accept that about him. We work with it."

She nods wisely. "Just as he accepts those kids come with you. And all the trials and tribulations that come with that."


Is it that simple?

Do we just accept all those things about our lives, be thankful that there's more good than bad, and work with what we've got?

I think that's what she's saying.

"I love your son," I tell her, my eyes once again sliding over to the kids, who are still engrossed in the TV.

She smiles, her eyes warm and soft. "I know. And let me tell you something about Max. He's the type that loves deeply. He'll not only give you every bit of his heart, but he'll give you his soul."

Oh, wow.

Marilyn pauses, and while the smile remains as warm as ever, I see a bluntness filter into her eyes. "He deserves to have that back."

A lump forms in my throat and I nod in agreement. Max absolutely deserves that in return from me, and with all my heart, that's my intention. I just hope I'm good enough for a man such as him. I hope that as strong as Max thinks I am, I can prove to be exactly what he thinks.

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