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Lucas (Cold Fury Hockey 8)

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"Somewhere close and fast," I say as I head back to my room to get changed. "Then you and I have some time to make up for in the bedroom. It's been a long five days without you."

The air is practically knocked from my lungs when I find myself scooped up in Lucas's arms and then he's propelling us through my bedroom door. He takes me straight to the bed, where he sits me down on it and starts taking off my pajamas.

Laughing, I try to push him away, but I don't really mean it. "What are you doing? I thought we were going to eat."

"We need to fuck first," he tells me as he starts pulling off my pants. "You're's been a long five days."

I bat his hands away from me. "Get your own clothes off. It will go faster."

Lucas grins and we both start stripping as fast as we can. Within moments we're tangled in the bed and it's really the only place I want to be right now.


Lucas pulls out of me and I hate that I feel so empty when he does. But he doesn't roll over to lie beside me like usual, and instead puts his mouth to my collarbone. Slowly and methodically, he continues to skim his lips over my skin, working left to right and inching down farther along my body. It's not sexual, but it is worshipful, and I watch him with my breath held in my lungs as he kisses his way down my body, scooting his own down the mattress.

When he reaches my stomach, he lies flat on the bed and turns to lay his cheek right over my belly button. My heart thuds hard against my chest and a warmth unlike anything I've felt spreads through me as I realize he's snuggling up to our baby. My fingers go to his hair and I work them through the thick waves, petting him as he lies on top of me.

After a few moments, he lifts his head and turns his eyes to me. "Your stomach is still so flat. I can't wait until you get a baby bump."

I grin down at him. "That probably won't start until week twelve or so at the earliest, so we still have a couple more weeks to go."

Lucas tips his face and presses a kiss to my stomach briefly before looking back up at me with a licentious smile. "You do realize that when you get that bump, it's going to make me hornier."

Snorting in response, I push away at his head. "Whatever."

"I'm serious," he says as he crawls back up my body. "I'm fucking horny right now thinking about your baby bump."

"You're horny because you have a naked woman under you," I point out.

"True," he admits. "But I'll be hornier when you have that little bump sticking out."

"Oh God," I moan in horror as he rolls off and pulls me with him. "That means more clothes, and that's not something I want to have to spend money on."

Lucas holds his silence, and I know this is calculated to keep me in my comfort zone. He knows I don't want my baby daddy buying me maternity outfits, although I do hate shopping so much maybe that would be okay for him to do.

Even though he's being respectful and cautious, he still wants to be in the know. "You have any ideas what you're going to do?"

I don't mind sharing with him and discussing ideas. "I'm just going to put in applications and resumes wherever I can. I'm not picky at this point, but I am going to try to concentrate in the downtown area so I can at least keep this apartment. I don't want to deal with a move anywhere, especially not away from you."

"You're that hot for me, huh?" he jokes, but I also hear the tenderness in his voice, and I know he understands I'm staying in this area so he can be involved with the pregnancy. He doesn't have to say it either, but I know if I fell flat on my face, he'd help me stay in this area, and while I don't want to appreciate that about him, I totally do.

"I've been thinking," I toss out, and then gauge his initial bodily reaction. He's loose, relaxed, and stroking his hand over my hip. He's not poised to jump on any little thing, wanting to come in and rescue me.

No, he's patiently waiting to see what my plan is, and then he'll give me advice.

"I've been thinking," I start again, "of using some of my trust money to start up the nonprofit."

Lucas immediately releases me and pushes back so he can look me in the face. "Really? That would be awesome."

My lips press together in disdain at what I'm about to say. "I'd have to use some of that money to exist on until I got it up and running. I couldn't start a full-time job and do that at the same time."

With his head tilted, Lucas asks, "Why should that bother you?"

"I don't know," I say with frustration at myself. "I've never wanted that money. I didn't earn it. If I use it, I have to be thankful to my parents for something, and I don't want to be grateful to them for anything. I thought I could probably stomach using it to start a nonprofit, but the idea of using it to pay my personal expenses is making me slightly nauseated."

He doesn't say anything at first, but rather sits up in the bed, taking me with him. Lucas then runs a hand down my arm, and back up again in a soothing way meant to reassure. "Steph...I get exactly why you don't want to use that money. Your reasoning is sound and legitimate. But let me offer this. Your parents never gave you the things you needed growing up. You never got love, security, support, conversation, devotion, whatever. But maybe they can give you something now that you need. Yes, it's money, but it will help you. I'm not saying you have to be grateful to them for it, but perhaps you should take it because it's your due for all the ways in which they failed you."

My brows draw together, not because I'm confused by what he says, but because I'm confused by my reaction to it. Confused as shit, because for the first time ever, I don't feel aversion to something that's attached to my parents. It doesn't make me feel slimy and it doesn't turn my stomach to consider taking the money I considered to be a payoff.

Maybe Lucas is right. Maybe it's my due and I would put to very good use.

"I think you might be right," I murmur to him. "Maybe that is the answer to everything."

"See," he says with a bright smile. "That just solved a lot of your problems. And now you can actually do something that you're passionate about."

I lean into him, grab his face, and plant a huge kiss on it. "I'm passionate about you."

"I know," he says cockily, and then he kisses me and it's even better.

When we pull apart, his expression turns sober. "I'm going to offer a bit of help, though, and you can just say yes or no. It's not a big deal."

"What?" I ask guardedly.

"Will you let me buy your health insurance?" he asks hesitantly. "I want the very best for you and our baby, and the very best will be expensive."

"You want to cover the cost?" I ask for clarification, and mainly to stall, because I don't know what my answer would be.

"Well, I know you wouldn't marry me, which would automatically entitle you to my policy, so yeah...let me buy your health coverage."

Lucas's tone is carefree and light, indicating this isn't a big deal. But his tone changed slightly when he talked about marriage, and I wo

nder if that's something he would want. I know it's not something I want, or at least I've never wanted in the past. Granted, Lucas makes me feel something I've never felt before, so perhaps I'm changing.

I'm just not sure it's enough to ever give him what he might truly want from me.

A family.

"I'll think about it," I tell him, giving him a light smile. "I'm definitely not as averse to it as I thought I would be."

But I don't tell him I'm still scared about the ties that are binding us closer together. Smart guy that he is, I'm sure he has that figured out already.

Chapter 19


My mom nudges me in the shoulder and I twist my neck to look over at her. She's a good foot shorter than I am, but her personality is a million times bigger. Any stranger looking at her would never guess she's old enough to have a kid my age. Her hair is blond and wavy, and she wears it in a sassy bob that hangs just below her jaw. While her kids inherited our brown hair from our father, we got our hazel eyes from our mom, and right now hers are filled with curiosity.

"Want to take a walk with me?" she asks with a look that says this isn't a request but I'll be polite and ask anyway.

I loop my arm around her neck, pull her in for a quick kiss to the top of her head, and say, "Sure."

I knew she'd want to talk privately to me at some point.

She and my father flew in late last night. Max and Jules picked them up at the airport since Mom and Dad are staying at their house for a few days. I left Stephanie's apartment early this morning to have a family breakfast with everyone, which I knew would include our parents having personal talks with Simone and me to get a grasp on the new changes in both of our lives. Dad is with Simone now--because she's a daddy's girl--and I knew it was only a matter of time before Mom made her move on me. Jules is cleaning up the kitchen from breakfast and Max is watching TV with the kids. Stephanie is going to meet us all for a late lunch so I can introduce her to my parents, then everyone's going to the game tonight. It's game five in this series against Florida and I fully expect us to put it away tonight.

"Let's walk down to the lake," I suggest as I release my mom and take her hand.

Max and Jules's property abuts a small lake. It's more decorative than functional because of its size, but it's pretty to look at. It's a beautiful late-April day and warm enough that we don't need jackets.

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