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Reed (Cold Fury Hockey 10)

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Another stab in my chest, but I try to shake it off as I rummage through her cabinets for a glass. Josie is doing exactly what she wants to do. She's in a relationship with her career, and that's totally fucking cool. I mean, she's a freaking doctor who saves lives.

But still, there's a part of me that feels sad. She doesn't have any close friends, and I'd venture to say I'm her closest as of now. She's got a fantastic relationship with her parents and talks to her mom a lot, but they're from California, so she doesn't get to see them that often. Until I insinuated myself into her life, she did nothing but work, eat, and sleep. Sleep, eat, and work.

Now she works, eats, sleeps, and fucks. I've added another dimension to her life, but I'm starting to wonder how much more I can add.

There is no wonder over the fact that I apparently want to add more. I dig her big time, and I've always been the guy who goes with the flow. I'm not scared to see where this goes. I'm not scared to have more with her.

The only question is does she want the same thing, because by the way she lives her life by outward appearances, she doesn't seem to need much.

Chapter 12


In my humble opinion, there aren't many better ways to wake up than with a gorgeous man who has his face shoved between your legs.

My heels dig down into Reed's back as his mouth and fingers move over me and in me. Feral sounds rumble out of my throat and my fingers clutch fistfuls of his hair. As if it's not enough that Reed is hitting me in all the right places, in all the right ways, he's making his own sounds of pure pleasure over what he's doing to me.

He loves doing this to me.

I love him doing it to me.

My sexual experiences aren't all that vast, and three years of my experiences belonged to Aiden. I thought we were good in bed. In fact, I can still say that we were good. Really good.

Reed, though, is fantastic. Phenomenal. Amazing. Stupendous.

He presses two fingers deep into me and his tongue flutters against my clit.

"Reed," I groan as my hips wiggle, trying to get more friction going. "God, that feels good."

Lifting those hazel eyes to me, he pulls his mouth away and looks at me with such need my breath catches. "Please tell me you have a condom handy, because after I make you come, I'm going to fuck the hell out of you. God help your neighbors on the other side."

My sex totally clenches over the rough timbre of his voice laced with desperation. I shake my head and my voice sounds whiny. "I don't. Shit...I don't."

If I expected Reed to be disappointed over that proclamation, I'd be wrong. Instead, he gives me a wicked smile that sets off a ripple of pleasure through me, then pushes up onto his hands.

"Guess we'll try something a little different," he says, and before I can even process what he's doing, he's flipping both of us on the bed. He ends up on his back, his huge erection standing straight before my face because that's the way he positioned me. My knees are pressed into the mattress at his sides, and I'm straddling his face.

"Oh God," I moan as it becomes clear what exactly he has in mind.

"Let me have it, Josie," he murmurs as his hands spread over my backside. His thumbs creep inward to spread me apart and I have no control over my body as it lowers to meet his mouth.

The first touch of his tongue causes me to jerk forward and my face smacks against his cock. Reed chuckles against my sensitive flesh.

Full-body shivers hit me and Reed turns his head slightly to the side. "You can put your mouth on me, Doc, if you want."

"Oh God," I moan again, and then I have him in my hand and on my tongue.

"Yes," he hisses as I take him in, going still below me for a moment. I take the opportunity for a long, slow suck of his length into my mouth and I'm rewarded when I feel him tremble.

"So good," he mutters, and then his mouth is back on me.

So fucking good.

Time loses its hold on both of us. I'm drowning in sensation, not only of what Reed is doing to me, but maybe even more so of what I'm doing to him. His hips buck under me, he sounds tortured and pleasured at the same time, and that turns me on so much I feel like I could be happy doing this to him for the rest of my days.

It feels like it goes on forever, but in truth, I don't think it lasts very long at all. My orgasm crashes into me, blindsiding me so surprisingly that I lift my head and cry out Reed's name.

"Christ," Reed mutters against me, and as I stare blankly at the ceiling while I continue to quake, I'm vaguely aware of Reed starting to come. My hand strokes him while his hot release hits me in the chest as I hover over him. His hips continue to buck, pushing his cock through my grip in a concerted effort to jerk every bit out of him.

"Fuck, that was good," he wheezes under me.

My body goes boneless, which has happened every single time Reed has made me come, and I flop over onto the mattress, my hand still loosely holding him. I can feel his semen trickling over my breast and down under my armpit, and I don't give a crap either.

"I don't think they're going away," Reed says, and I have no clue what he's talking about.

I raise my head to look down the bed at him. "What?"

"Someone's knocking on your door," he says, and that's when I hear the loud knocking.

"Shit," I cry out as I fly of the bed.

Reed reacts to the panic in my voice and bounds up after me. "What?"

"I forgot Sutton and Rose were coming over this morning," I say as I run to the bathroom, emerging two seconds later with my robe on. "You stay here. I' get rid of them. No, wait...I can't do that. She's coming to visit. You can just sneak out the window. No, we're on the second floor, you'll kill yourself."

"Josie," Reed says as he walks up to me, gloriously naked, his dick still half hard. His hands come to my shoulders. "Just go answer the door, tell her you overslept. Invite her in, tell her to make herself comfortable, and then you can come and get dressed, okay?"

Okay, I think. That sounds calm and rational.

I take a deep breath and nod vigorously. "Okay."

I try to turn away from Reed toward my bedroom door, but his hands clamp hard on to me. I look up at him in question. His eyes drop to my chest and he says, " might want to wipe me off you before you answer the front door."

My face flames hot as I look down to see the evidence of our happy times all over me. I pull the edges of my robe together and wipe it away, then overlap the sides so nothing's visible.

"Damn, I'm a mess," I mutter as I turn toward the door.

"A hot mess," he says with a laugh, and I don't bother to look back at him. I'm afraid I'll laugh too.

I trot down the stairs, noting the knocking has stopped. When I throw the door open, I find Sutton halfway down my porch steps, a baby carrier in one hand.

She turns and looks at me with surprise. "Oh God...I didn't mean to wake you up."

I shake my head and motion for her to come back. "No, it's fine. I'm sorry it took me so long to get to the door. Come on in."

Sutton beams a smile at me, and it's not my imagination, but she looks more stunning to me now than she did that night of the party before she went into labor. Then she had a beautiful pregnancy glow going on, but now she's practically radiating with happiness. I'm going to guess that's motherhood.

As soon as Sutton walks in, I close the door behind her and make another apology. "I'm so sorry. Come on into the kitchen and I'll start some coffee. Then I'll just get some clothes on."

"How about you go get dressed and I'll make coffee," Sutton suggests as she walks right past me and into the kitchen. She puts Rose's baby carrier on the counter and I catch a small glimpse of a beautiful sleeping baby. "I can find what I need."

"Oh, Sutton," I exclaim softly. "She's beautiful."

"Isn't she?" she exclaims proudly as she leans over the top and adjusts the blanket across Rose's chest.

"Just perfect." I hover over the top for a moment, watching the easy peaceful

ness of her slumber.

"Okay, coffee," Sutton says, and I blink hard to get out of the baby-induced coma.

Still clutching my robe closed at the chest, I point with my other hand. "Coffee is in that cabinet there, coffeepot is pretty simple to figure out."

Sutton smiles at me and starts to turn, but then her eyes move to something behind me. Immediately, the hair prickles on my neck as I see the surprise fill Sutton's eyes as I'm assuming Reed walked into the room.

"Oh," Sutton murmurs, and now her eyes are practically sparkling with amusement. "Hey, Reed."

I don't turn to face him, instead choosing to look at little Rose again. I try not to stiffen up when Reed's arms come around my waist from behind, and I force myself not to kick him when I hear the matching amusement in his tone. "Hey, Sutton. Cute kid."

Swiveling my head to shoot him a glare, I mutter, "I thought you were going to stay in the room."

"Never said that," he says with a grin, and then bends to kiss me on the cheek. "I'm headed to my house to play some Call of Duty. I'd stay here and play it while you two gab, but sadly you have neither a TV nor an Xbox. Call me after Sutton leaves and we'll figure out what to do with the rest of our day. Maybe we'll go buy you a TV later."

I want to tell him to go to hell for embarrassing me in front of Sutton, but then I realize, I'm actually not embarrassed. I can tell by the look on Sutton's face she's happy to see Reed here in my house, and I can tell by the way I focus on the lingering warmth on my cheek where he just kissed me that I'm happy he's here too.

"Get out of here," I grumble at him, but I do turn to give him a playful swat on his chest before he leaves. "And I'm not buying a TV."

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