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Reed (Cold Fury Hockey 10)

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Josie's face goes slightly pale and I know I'm hitting the mark. In this very moment, I know Aiden was speaking pure truth to me.

"I watch you, Josie. I see how amazing you are, and you need things that help keep you motivated to be amazing. You need intelligent discussion and passionate projects to keep you stimulated. You are a healer. You save lives. I'm just a high school graduate who plays hockey now. There are very real things you need that I can't give you."

"But there's more to you than just those things," she points out.

"Sure there is," I say with a wan smile. "But I notice you didn't disagree that you need those things. Listen, and I can't believe I'm actually going to fucking say this, but someone like Aiden...that's really what you need."

Josie's eyes narrow at me and her face turns red. "I actually think you might be a moron, Reed."

I disregard the snark and the anger, and move forward now that we're talking about this. I can see she's not going to take me seriously, so I push at her harder. "I've got training camp coming up."


"So I've got to get my head back in the game. It's a pinnacle season and the pressure is on. I don't have a lot of room in my life for worries, and this is all worrying me, Josie. At least respect that my worry is real."

And I can see it on her face. She's not going to buy a single fucking thing I'm saying. I know that because I can see it deep in her eyes that she's sold on me.

Just as I am on her.

And it's wrong.

At least I think it is.

Fuck...I don't know what we may or may not have together, but I do know one thing. I've got to give her every opportunity to make sure there's not someone better. Someone who's more suited to give her everything that she could possibly ever want in a man.

"I think we should take a break," I say without blinking my eyes.

Her eyes narrow even further at me. "You do, do you?"

"Maybe even give Aiden another chance," I say, and the words taste like shit on my tongue. Pure and utter nasty shit. They're wrong and I need to take them back quickly.

"Hmmm," she says thoughtfully, but I can see the flush of red getting darker on her neck and cheeks. "I should give Aiden another chance. Because...he has something to give me that you can't."

"I want you to have every opportunity--"

"You want to alleviate your conscience that's struggling with something that's not even close to reality," she snaps at me. "So you really want me to go to Aiden?"

No. Fuck, no.

"Yes," I say stubbornly, because she's not only backed me into a corner, she's devaluing my thoughts on this. "Give him a shot. Maybe second time around--"

She doesn't even let me finish. She spins around so fast her hair whips me in the face and she storms through my living room.

Right to the front door where she opens it so hard it bangs against the wall. Without missing a step, she pulls it shut violently, causing my walls to shake.

Okay, that went about as poorly as it could possibly go. But at least I got her thinking. At least I released my worries into the atmosphere for her to consider, and well...apparently, she's well on her way to considering it all.

Goddamn that was stupid. I no more want her to be with Aiden than I want to be hit by a runaway bus. I want her more than I want anything.

But I resolve to let it go and see what happens. I'm sure this will actually blow over and she'll come back any moment now to call me on my bullshit.

Any moment now, she'll confidently tell me I'm so very fucking wrong about everything, and when she does, I'll choose to believe her.

Chapter 26


I bang furiously on Aiden's apartment door. He just moved in here a week ago, deciding living with Kevin was just not conducive to their friendship remaining intact. His car is parked out front and I expect he's not been here too long, as my conversation with Reed didn't take that long.

Nope. Didn't take him long at all to show me just how utterly and completely stupid he can be.

He can sit there and go on and on about how he's not good enough for me, but the truth is, he's not giving me the benefit of the doubt to know that I might actually know what I want. He's taken it upon himself to proclaim that I'm too good for him, and the thing that sucks about that is it's because he believes he's not good enough for me.

I don't let that sadden me, though, because if I start to feel an ounce of sympathy for that jerk, I might turn around and go back to his place to talk some sense into him.

Instead, I let the anger he lit within guide me to do exactly what he goaded me to do.

I'm going to see if there's something there with Aiden.

I bang harder on the door.

It flies open while I'm pounding and Aiden's standing there with a wild look in his eyes. "Jesus, Josie, what the hell is wrong?"

There is simply no answer I can give him. Instead, I throw my arms around his neck, pull him down to me, and plaster my mouth to his.

I ignore the way Aiden jolts in surprise or the way his mouth stays firmly closed to mine. I merely press my mouth harder to his and he finally opens up.

And then we're kissing. It's just like I remembered and nothing like I want.

I freeze in place and open my eyes. Aiden's eyes are wide open and staring right back at me. Both of us go still, staring at each other, and then I pull away.

"Find your answer?" he asks as I drop arms from around him.

"Yup," I say with a sheepish, apologetic grin. "You're not it for me."

"That would hurt my feelings if I didn't agree with you one hundred percent. So why are you here kissing me and not at Reed's kissing him?"

"Got any alcohol?" I ask him blandly.

"Couple bottles of wine," he says as he steps back from the door and motions me in. "Let's get drunk and you can tell me all about it."

"Sounds good," I say as I walk in and drop my purse on his couch. I look around and see Aiden's made no more headway on unpacking his stuff than he had a few days ago when I'd come over to work with him on our project. "And I'll even help you unpack your crap while we get drunk and talk shit about Reed."

Aiden laughs as he heads into the kitchen. "Deal."

I grab a box labeled KITCHEN and put it up on a counter while Aiden pours us two glasses of red wine. I take a healthy slug and then rip into the box.

"So, start from the beginning," Aiden says as he leans back against the counter, content to let me rummage around his stuff.

"He doesn't think he's good enough for me," I say with a casual shrug of my shoulder. It's my way to convey that this isn't hurting me, but truth be told, I'm really fucking hurt he would push me away. We have something special, and that bonehead won't look past his insecurities to hold on to it.

"Well, he's not," Aiden says, and I turn to look at him in surprise, a stack of dish towels in my hand that I'd

pulled from the box. Aiden opens up a drawer by his hip and I toss the towels to him. When he stows them away, he adds, "But no one really is, Josie. You're a total gem. A prime catch. Not many people can stack up to you."

"Oh, shut up," I say with an impatient wave of my hand, and take another hefty sip of wine. "I've totally got my faults."

"What was with the kiss?" Aiden asks curiously. "It was awkward and inappropriate."

I grimace as I think about it. Not that it was bad, because Aiden is a good kisser, but because it was wrong and I was angry at Reed. "Reed told me that I should give you another shot. He apparently thinks you're better suited to give me everything I need."

Aiden's been so laid back about my relationship with Reed that I actually expect him to brush this off. Instead, he looks at me with contemplation. "Could he be right?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't think so," I tell him truthfully, and it hurts me to see a flash of pain on his face. He wipes it away quickly, though, and goes back to being my friend so fast I almost doubt I saw it.

"Why is he pushing you away then?" he asks me.

I think about it a moment while I pull more towels out of the box. "It wasn't an involved conversation, but the gist of it was that he doesn't think he can support me the way I need to be. I think it's wrapped up in what I do for a living. It doesn't make any sense, because Reed is one of the most confident people I know, but I think it's nothing more than pure insecurity on his part. And seriously, Aiden...why do you need this many dish towels?"

"Maybe it's not insecurity but rather pure devotion driving him," Aiden says, ignoring my dish towel jab.

My head pops up and my body locks over his theory. "What?"

Aiden gives me a slightly patronizing look as he pushes off the counter. He grabs my wine from where I'd set it on the counter and hands it to me. I drop the towels and accept, bringing the rim to my lips and polishing off the contents in a drunken bar girl fashion.

As Aiden refills my glass, he smirks at me. "I don't think Reed's pushing you away because he's insecure. I think he's pushing you away because he's crazy, head-over-heels in love with you and he truly wants you to have the absolute best you can have in life. I'd say he's confident in himself and this isn't really about him. It's more of a misguided notion he thinks he knows what's best for you."

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