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Mean to Her - Curvy Women Wanted

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“Then I’ve got to know, why did you keep it a secret?” he asked. “If you didn’t care, why did you do what you did?”

“You’ve never been in love. You’ve never had that moment when you realize the woman you love is right in front of you, and you panic. I panicked. I freaked out. We were like fifteen. I wasn’t supposed to find the love of my life then. I was enjoying girls. I lost my virginity when I was thirteen to a couple of college chicks who didn’t realize how young I was. Then one day, I walked into school, and it was like my world fell apart and came together all at the same time.”

“That sounds like some poetic shit.”

“It is. Leah’s not just some fun to me.”

“What about all those other girls between your great epiphany and now?” John asked. “If you’ve been in love with Leah all this time, that shit wasn’t going to happen.”

Blake laughed. “I haven’t been with anyone since I realized how I felt about her.”

“Come on, I’m your best friend, and girls talk.”

“Yeah, and they all want to be known for having a piece of me. It never happens. I don’t even kiss them. I’m not interested. They spread the rumors, and I just stayed silent. That’s all it has ever been, man. Told you, my heart belongs to another and I just … I’ve never even tried to be with another girl. I hang out with them. They can kiss my cheek but never my lips. It’s all an act.”

“Well, damn, I thought you were fucking playing all of them.”

“Nope. I’ve got my eyes set on one prize and you know what, you’re right. I’m going to win her over.” He bumped fists with his friend with a new determination to win the girl he loved.

Chapter Two

Studying late at the local library, Leah didn’t take the weather into account. She hadn’t brought a jacket, and there was no way she was going to escape the rain. She had walked straight from the high school to the library. Her parents weren’t going to be home until late as they had an appointment in the city. It wasn’t unusual for her to be home by herself.

Stepping out from the cover of the building, she started for the direction of her home. Cars drove past, some of them spraying her with water, and she had to wonder why she wore a skirt today. The temperature had been nice and warm, but still, it was going to get colder in a matter of days.

Hands clenched as the chill started to work into her bones, she tensed as a car pulled up.

“Get in the car, Leah,” Blake said.

Of all the people to stop, why did it have to be him? “Keep on driving.”

“I get that you’re stubborn and independent, but you’re going to get cold. Come on, climb in. I’ll give you a ride.”

“I’m not taking a ride from you.”

“For fuck’s sake,” he said. The car came to a sudden stop as he climbed out. She frowned but then cried out as he did no more than move her into the passenger side of his car. “If you get out, I’ll carry you over my shoulder all the way to your house, and I won’t be a perfect gentleman if your skirt lifts up.” He pointed a finger at her with warning.

She didn’t find it funny, but his car was nice and warm. While Blake climbed into the car, she removed her backpack and put it on the floor between her thighs. Her skirt had ridden up, and she quickly pushed it down.

Being rude wasn’t in her nature. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

He pulled back onto the road. The windshield wipers sped up as the rain fell harder.

“My house is that way.”

“I know where you live.”

“Then why aren’t you taking me home?”

“You’re alone, right? With how you’re shivering, I don’t want to leave you alone.”

“Are you like a stalker?” she asked.

“My parents are friends with your parents, Leah.”

“Oh, yeah? Then why haven’t I ever seen them together?” she asked.

“Because you stopped going to their dinner parties.” He smirked. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep the family gossip to a minimum. My folks aren’t home either.”

“You’re taking me to your place where no parents are?”

“Don’t worry. I have no plans to ravish you.”

She frowned. “Do you read romance novels?”

Blake shrugged.

Leah closed her eyes and turned to look out of the window. “Why were you in town?”

“I picked up some pizza. It’s in the back.”

“Why didn’t you get them to deliver?” she asked.

“They always get my order wrong and besides, if I want something more, I’m in the shop.”

“Your pizza will be cold,” she said.

“Nothing wrong with cold pizza, or warming it up in the microwave.”

She had nothing to say to that.

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