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Dynasty (Boys of Winter 1)

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After tossing and turning for way too long, a nightmare-filled sleep finally takes over me. But when a chilled breeze sweeps over my skin, my eyes fly open, and the feeling that someone is watching me slams through my chest.

Panic takes over, and I sit up in bed, staring around my dark room. My heart races in my chest as the first thing I find is the open window and the sound of the stupid dog yapping out in the yard. My fingers curl into a fist.

Someone is in here.

My head whips around the room, staring into the dark corners until a shadow moves just enough to tell me that my instincts were right.

It’s not the first time someone has snuck into my room, but it sure as hell is the first time I’ve been caught off guard by it.

I fly out of my bed, not prepared to hang around and allow this dirty fucker to get his hands on my body and have his wicked way with me. A low growl comes tearing out of me.

I have two choices. I can run, or I can beat the ever-loving shit out of this motherfucker.

Yeah, option two sounds fucking delicious to me.

I run at him, my brass knuckles firmly in place, and my wild spirit desperate to prove herself. “Not today, fuckface,” I growl, my fist rearing back.

The shadow moves like lightning, stepping out of the darkness and moving into the little moonlight streaming in through my bedroom window. His hand shoots up, and before I can nail him in the face, King catches my fist in his large hand and squeezes it tight. “Calm down,” he orders, his tone coming out as a sharp bark that demands my absolute attention. He slams his hand down over my mouth to keep me quiet. “I’m not going to hurt you, not unless you tell me to.”

I suck in a gasp, and for some stupid reason, I completely believe him. He meets my eyes as a brief moment passes between us before he slowly peels his hand away from my mouth.

“Fuck,” I grunt, pulling back and ripping my fist out of his strong grip, only to attempt to smack it over his wide chest. “What the hell do you think you’re doing in my room? I thought you were Kurt trying to get his dick wet. I was ready to tear you to pieces.”

King scoffs, pushing me away as though just the idea of me tearing him to pieces is absurd. He forces me backward until the backs of my legs are pushed against my bed and I fall into the mess of sheets. I scramble to my feet on top of the bed, standing eye to eye with his impressive height. I shove my hands against his shoulders and push him away from me. “Are you fucking kidding me right now? Do you make it a habit of sneaking into girls’ bedrooms in the middle of the night, or am I just lucky?”

King’s gaze drops to my body, his eyes roaming over my subtle curves with that same interest that he had in the student parking lot, and it takes me a moment to remember that I’m wearing nothing but a flimsy tank and a pair of black panties. “Trust me,” he rumbles, his voice low and filled with desire, instantly making something come alive within me, something that takes me completely by surprise. “You’re far from lucky.”

My eyes narrow, that quick flare of desire instantly bubbling away and morphing into a strange mix of confusion and annoyance. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I demand, hissing through my teeth and trying to keep my voice down. The last thing I want is to wake Irene and Kurt and have their asses in here too.

King slowly walks around my bed, his eyes never moving from mine. “Why did you jam the chair under the door?”

My brows pull down; the confusion this man is making me feel is beginning to infuriate me. “That’s none of your goddamn business,” I snap before repeating for what feels like the millionth time. “Why are you in my room?”

“You need to watch yourself,” he tells me, his warning coming off less than genuine. “Starting shit with my boys … that’s not a smart idea. Cruz will fuck with you, but Carver and Gray, they’ll fucking destroy you.”

I roll my eyes, a soft scoff shooting through my lips. I jump down from my bed and put myself right in front of him, the dark shadows of the night making his hair seem impossibly darker. I stand before him, much like I’d done with Carver this afternoon. “Let them try,” I murmur, tilting my head to meet his hard stare. “Carver and Grayson think they’re pretty tough, huh? But what about you? Why are you really here? Because I don’t buy it for one fucking second. You’re not here to warn me away from your friends.” I slowly begin circling him just as he’d done to me on my bed, my finger trailing over his warm skin as I go. “You want me all to yourself. I saw the way you were watching me at school, so what’s the deal? Trying to get a taste before Carver lays down the law and tells you who you can and cannot fuck with. Because he will, right? And you’ll nod your handsome face like a good little boy. How does it feel being his ‘yes’ man?”

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