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Dynasty (Boys of Winter 1)

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Hitting the door, I barge through them only to break out into a back alley, right where I feel at home.

I stumble up the broken concrete before six or seven shadows move in from the edges, all coming at me with excitement brimming in their eyes.

I come to a stop, a smile spreading across my face.

Fucking perfect.


The men start circling me as I come to a complete stop, so I use the few seconds that I have to really take them in, making note of their height, weight, and searching for any weaknesses to use against them.

It’s like a drug to me, and tonight is going to be my biggest high yet.

Seven. Wow.

What do guys like this think they’re doing? Do they just hang out back here waiting for drunk sorority girls to stumble out before taking advantage of them? Fuck that. Unfortunately for them, tonight is not their lucky night, it’s mine. Besides, it’s better I deal with them than leave them for the next drunk girl to stumble out the door.

If I’m completely honest, I’ve never taken on seven before. I handled five men by myself over the weekend, but I basically had two of them out of the way before the other three were even aware of what was going on. This is seven men, all bearing down on me, each of them ready to go, each of them wanting a show.

It’ll be tough, and after the few drinks I’ve had, it’s probably not the best idea, but I hold the element of surprise; I fight back, and I don’t lose. I also come fully equipped with a brutal rage pulsing through my veins after finding Carver inside the club. Mix that with my need to feel flesh being pummeled beneath my fists, and I feel like the odds may be in my favor.

I guess there’s only one way to find out.

Before the perverted men can finish their assessment of me, I launch for the closest one, my hand curling into a fist and nailing him right in the face. He flies back with a surprised roar and as the others all jump into action, I slam my elbow straight back into the center of someone’s throat, not needing to look back to know what kind of damage I’ve done.

With hands coming at me and men scuffling around, I duck and back up a few steps to keep on the outside of the circle, only as I back up, I slam into a hard chest and all my anger comes soaring out at once.

Before I can fly around and tell Carver what the fuck I think of him coming out here, he grips the top of my arm and throws me back into Cruz, who catches me with ease and holds me so tight that I can’t even think of getting out of his hold, I can hardly even breathe.

“Motherfuckers,” I growl, but without hesitation, Carver, King, and Grayson go for the men, beating the ever-loving shit out of them despite being outnumbered. Though I shouldn’t be surprised. I was ready to do exactly the same thing, and if I can handle it, then these guys should be able to take them on with their eyes closed.

With each blow they deliver, completely rendering the men unconscious, I see it as nothing but a missed opportunity for me, which only has my need to fight growing. I have to hit something. I need to let go of control, I need to be free, and find a way to get this rage out. It’s times like this that my other vices won’t work. I need to hit something and I need to do it now.

My elbow slams back into Cruz’s stomach, and the shock of my hit has his grip loosening just enough so that I can slip out of his hold. I race forward, aiming for the closest guy despite him already being out cold on the ground. My hand curls into a fist, but before I can even get close, Cruz is there, pulling me back against his chest with an impenetrable hold, making it impossible to take what I need.

“Get off me,” I growl, squirming against his body and doing whatever the fuck I can to try and get free.

“Fucking hell, babe. Don’t stop,” he taunts with a deep groan, somehow his hold seeming so soft on my skin while gripping me with a bruising strength. “I’ve been wondering what it’d feel like to have your sweet little body rubbing against mine, and these pants don’t leave much to the imagination.”

My ass slams back into his groin, my stiletto heels making it possible for my ass to reach exactly the right height. Cruz groans low but he doesn’t relent and it makes me wonder if he’d prepared himself for that very moment, though I have to commend him. That particular move has brought every other man who I’ve tried it on to their knees.

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