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Secretary by Day, Mistress by Night

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‘Do you enjoy working for Faraday?’ Blaise’s voice was definitely disgruntled.

‘Not for him personally…but I have enjoyed working with my fellow colleagues and the job itself.’

‘Well, then, let’s not jump the gun here, shall we?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘There hasn’t been any mention of you being let go yet, has there?’

‘No, but—’

‘Then why don’t you cross that bridge when you come to it? Right now it’s all hypothetical. If you really want to keep your job then I’ll have a word with Faraday myself and tell him it was me that made you leave early. There shouldn’t be a problem. Although why you would want to work anywhere near the man is beyond me!’

‘It’s kind of you, but you don’t need to talk to him on my behalf. Besides…’ Maya shrugged awkwardly. ‘I left him a note telling him that I couldn’t work for him any longer after what happened, and if I take back what I said to try and ameliorate the situation then no doubt he’ll endeavour to make my life as miserable as possible as a punishment. No…it’s probably for the best that I leave. I wasn’t exactly ecstatic at being asked to work for a PR agency anyway.’

‘Why was that?’

‘I’m just not mad about celebrity culture, I suppose.’

‘Can’t say I blame you.’ Blaise grimaced a little. ‘But if you’re going to be free for a while then you’ll have time to make a date with me to go out to dinner…right?’


MAYA had directed Blaise to pull up in front of a slim four-storeyed house in a narrow side-street not far from Camden Lock. The area was a Mecca for locals and tourists, flocking to the outdoor and indoor markets selling an eclectic mix of crafts, jewellery, music, clothing and artefacts from all round the world. The soft late summer rain had long since ceased, and the sun had made a welcome reappearance. With the sports car’s top rolled down again it was easy to detect the exotic aromas of food, incense and the other myriad scents that permeated the air.

The surrounding pavements and roads were heaving with cars and people, and it had taken quite some time to negotiate the busy, packed streets to reach Maya’s address. But now they were there, and Blaise realised his stomach was clenched tight as a drum as he lifted her bags from the boot of the car, waiting expectantly—not to mention a little impatiently—for her to finally address the question of a dinner date. He could already tell by the vibes he was getting that she had no intention of inviting him in for a coffee or anything like that and, resigning himself to the fact, he had to irritably bite back his frustration.

‘Well…thanks so much for driving me all the way home. It was above and beyond the call of duty and very sweet of you.’

Sweet? Blaise almost choked on the ironic laughter that bubbled up inside him. Should he regard such a comment as a compliment, or as a sign that he’d definitely lost his touch? Smiling ruefully at the lovely brunette in front of him, he couldn’t help noticing the anxiety reflected in her mesmerising green gaze, and he was intensely curious as to the cause of it. Had some other jerk like Faraday messed around with her? Hurt her, perhaps? The knot in his stomach gripped even tighter.

‘It was my pleasure. Perhaps you’ll think about meeting up again some time soon?’ He was fishing in his wallet for a business card. ‘I’ll be in London at least until the end of next week. After that I’m returning to Hexham.’


‘It’s a market town near where I live in Northumberland.’

She took the card he proffered and folded it in her hand without so much as a glance. ‘I will. I’ll definitely think about it.’

Would she? Contemplating that she might not was definitely a massive blow to Blaise’s pride. To practically be given the brush-off by a woman he’d made it more than clear that he liked was something that had never happened before, and was not an experience he was in a hurry to replicate.

‘Well…’ he shrugged his powerful shoulders with pretended good humour ‘…that’s all I can ask. Take care of yourself, and don’t worry about Faraday. You’ll have no problem finding another position—I’m sure of it. And if you do—give me a call and I’ll see what I can do.’ Lightly he clasped her arms, sensing her bewitching perfume sensually invading him. Then he kissed her continental style, on both cheeks, and moved away. ‘Goodbye, Maya.’

‘Goodbye. Drive safely.’

As he gunned the engine and roared away from the kerb, Blaise saw in his rearview mirror that she stood on the pavement, watching him. Grimly he clenched his jaw, ruthlessly brushing aside any doubt or imagined obstacles that might arise to prevent him seeing her. Of course he would see her again! Now that he knew where she lived, why the hell should he not?

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