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Secretary by Day, Mistress by Night

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‘It’s a real bona fide job, Maya.’ He dropped his hands to his hips and one corner of his mouth nudged fleetingly towards a smile. ‘And I swear I’m not stringing you along. In fact, if you want, I’ll give you my agent’s number and you can verify it with her. Her name’s Jane Eddington and her office is in Shaftesbury Avenue. She’s been a theatrical agent for years and is well known in the business.’

‘I believe you…If you went to so much trouble to find out if I could do the job then I don’t think I need to check.’

There was a brief look of surprise on his face, then his features seemed to relax.

‘To put you in the picture, the play I’m writing has a strong historical context and needs quite a bit of research. I normally get secretarial help via Jane, but I’ve decided to try a different approach this time. To have someone I can directly call upon for help who’s staying in the house with me while I’m writing makes much more sense.’

‘I see.’ Maya swept some long strands of silky, still slightly damp hair behind her ear. To get away from London for a while, away from the noise and constant restless movement of people and traffic, definitely had its allure. But she didn’t doubt it wouldn’t be easy taking on this particular assignment. She already sensed a powerful magnetic pull between herself and Blaise, and that revelation alone potentially signalled the sort of emotional turmoil she should definitely be running a mile from, given her history.

But on the other hand she really did need a job, and it had been a long time since any kind of lucky break at all had knocked on her door.

‘It sounds like the work might be very interesting,’ she admitted cautiously, ‘and frankly it’s a much more appealing prospect than sitting by the phone waiting for the agency to ring.’ She forced herself to gaze steadily back into the long-lashed blue eyes that confronted her…at all that sculpted, breathless masculine beauty and burning intelligence…and knew with sudden stunning clarity that she would have to doubly strengthen her emotional armour against falling for such an incredible man. Even now Maya’s heart throbbed with anxiety.

‘Does that signify a yes or a no?’ Blaise enquired, a definite hint of impatience in his tone. ‘I have to have your answer today, I’m afraid. I’m going back the day after tomorrow.’

‘What kind of remuneration are you offering?’ she asked, dry-mouthed, uneasy at discussing money—but she had living costs and bills to pay, just like everyone else.

He told her, and her jaw almost hit the floor at what he was willing to pay for her services.

‘Okay,’ she heard herself reply, managing to keep her voice surprisingly steady given the circumstances. ‘I’ll do it. I’ll need to make some arrangements with my neighbour about keeping an eye on the flat for me while I’m gone, but…well, when would you want me ready by?’

‘We leave the day after tomorrow. I’ll pick you up around six-thirty or seven in the morning, to beat the traffic. Pack enough for a few weeks, and don’t forget to bring something waterproof. There might still be sunny skies around at the moment, but it’s almost September and the region is notorious for sudden heavy showers of rain.’

Linking her hands in front of her, and feeling suddenly awkward now that the business part of their discussion was ended, Maya nodded towards the just boiled kettle.

‘Right, I’ll remember that. Would you like that drink I offered you now?’

Blaise glanced at his watch and she caught a tantalising glimpse of a strong-boned wrist scattered with fine dark blond hairs. Something inside her—some long-suppressed need to know the sheer physical touch of a man again without the attendant complications and potential deceit—was shaken dangerously awake.

‘I don’t think so.’ The summer blue eyes locked onto hers for an instant. ‘I’ve got various appointments I need to keep this morning, so I’d better get going. I’ll see you the day after tomorrow, as arranged.’

Relief and regret pulsed through Maya at the same time. Right then she was finding it hard to stem the sense of vulnerability and need that Blaise’s presence so disturbingly seemed to arouse, and because of that she definitely wanted him to leave. Yet deep in her heart some perversely opposite feeling silently protested because he wasn’t going to stay longer.

‘Six-thirty or seven, you said? I’ll be waiting.’

She followed him to the door and down the stairs, and now it was her turn to study him more closely…Her skin prickled with warmth as her gaze swept the back of his tarnished gold head, the strong, masculine shoulders lovingly encased beneath the fine wool of his suit jacket, the long and no doubt hard-muscled legs negotiating the worn carpeted staircase with languorous yet athletic ease. Maya’s too acute awareness was all but deluged by all she saw.

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