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Secretary by Day, Mistress by Night

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Biting her lip, she lay back on the bed, her body trembling so hard that she physically hurt. With the tight, coiled feeling inside her hitting an impossible ceiling, she knew she was on the brink of climaxing already because of Blaise’s sensual attentions.

It wouldn’t take much to tip her over the edge, she realised.

‘Try to relax…trust me. I’m going to give you just what you need…I promise…’ His voice flowed over her like warm, luscious honey in the most seductively hypnotic tone she’d ever heard.

Telling herself she was only fulfilling a very basic need—a need she’d long denied herself with a man—Maya shut her eyes. Almost instantly she opened them again. Shock and dizzying hot pleasure poured through her in a volcanic rush as his velvet tongue laved at the soft exquisitely sensitive folds at her centre, across the aching bud there, and then thrust commandingly inside her.

Maya hardly knew how she stayed on the bed the pleasure was so intense. All she could do was gasp and moan out loud, her fingers clutching desperately for purchase into the luxurious silk counterpane, her body helplessly writhing as Blaise’s thrusts became more and more purposeful. And then she couldn’t hold back any longer. An ecstatic cry left her throat as she convulsed with the power of her climax, and still he tormented and thrilled her with that erotic tongue of his—holding her slender thighs firmly apart until she writhed and convulsed no more.

All but exhausted by the ecstatic release he had helped her attain, Maya slowly returned to the world and dazedly sat up. Quite aware of how wild and wanton she must appear, with her long hair falling in a tousled silken mass round her shoulders and the lower half of her body bare and exposed, she self-consciously drew her knees together, feeling her sense of vulnerability magnify. It was the most vulnerable and exposed she had ever felt with a man, and her anxiety at what she’d dared let him do flowed over her, almost stealing every bit of the wild, unfettered pleasure she’d just enjoyed.

If she knew herself to appear wanton, then Blaise looked downright lascivious as he got to his feet. Leaning over her, he tilted her face towards him and delivered a most knowing masculine grin.

‘That was just for starters,’ he teased, then gently moved the pads of his fingers downwards over her cheeks, where the damp trails of her tears still glistened. ‘I wanted to help you forget the past and come back to the present.’

‘You—you certainly did that.’ One corner of her mouth somehow quirked upwards in a smile that, given what she’d just allowed him to do, was ridiculously shy.

‘We’ll continue where we left off later. I want you in my bed tonight, Maya…In fact the truth is I want you anywhere I can have you.’

Without hesitation she touched his smoothly shaven jaw, forcing her anxiety away and for once bravely meeting the burning gaze that surveyed her without withdrawing, ‘I want that too,’ she answered softly, and this time it was Blaise’s audible intake of breath that feathered over her…

Neither of them was able to do full justice to the beautiful dinner Lottie had prepared. Not when a different sort of hunger was gnawing at them instead. With the candlelight glowing between them on the polished dining table, even conversation seemed extraneous. When Blaise asked her to pass him one of the condiments in its antique silver container Maya reacted just as if he’d just asked her to peel off her clothes and lie naked on the table. Her skin burned where his fingers inadvertently brushed against hers, and when she glanced up into his eyes he was studying her so fervently that her breath was suspended for a couple of moments.

‘What is it?’ she whispered.

‘I want to know how long it’s been since you’ve been with someone,’ he replied.

‘I haven’t been with anybody for at least two years.’ Troubled, she blushed hard at the idea that he might believe her to be promiscuous in any way. After all, she’d just allowed him the most intimate access to her body—more intimate than she’d ever let any other man come close to getting.

‘Was it a long relationship?’

Thinking about Sean Rivers was not something Maya liked to do very often. Even now she shuddered at how bitterly their liaison had ended. ‘It lasted about six months, so…not very long at all.’

‘Why did it end?’

‘Because I trusted him a bit too much and he threw my trust right back in my face.’


‘Something happened.’ She took a small sip of wine, the alcohol bolstering her courage. ‘His name was Sean, and for a while I thought I was in love with him…thought that he loved me too. He was the first man I’d ever met who made me think our relationship could go somewhere. When we were together he—he was tender, kind, caring. We’d talk and talk for hours, on every subject under the sun…even about becoming engaged.’

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