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The Tycoon's Delicious Distraction

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It was perverse, but Hal privately admitted to a strange delight in knowing he could get to her—even if her reaction wasn’t the usual smitten one he’d grown used to receiving from women.

Taking a couple of satisfying sips of his coffee, he gave her a disarming grin. ‘I’ll do my best not to aggravate you, sweetheart, really I will. But you surely can’t deny a poor invalid these only too brief opportunities to brighten up his day? That is not unless you have a heart of stone?’

‘So it’s a “poor invalid” you are now, is it?’

‘What else could I be when I’m stuck here in this wheelchair?’ Suddenly, out of the blue, his mood turning on a sixpence, Hal’s frustration at his immobility got the better of him. ‘Trust me, angel. If I wasn’t so incapacitated by this blasted broken leg I’d be chasing you round the room until I caught you and stole a long, satisfying kiss!’ The very idea at being able to carry out such a threat instantly restored his good humour. ‘Although I know one could never possibly be enough.’

‘Don’t you remember you already stole one yesterday?’

‘You told me you’d forgotten about that. Maybe it left more of an impression than you admitted? Perhaps I should take a chance and steal another one to remind you how good it was?’

‘I don’t agree. Although I won’t deny you your harmless little fantasy if it helps to keep your spirits up. Anything that aids your recovery is fine by me, because once you’re up and about again, and you can get back to your busy life and the no doubt infinite number of women who find you so irresistible, you’ll be a lot happier and my job here will be done.’

Just before she turned away to slot some bread into the toaster Hal saw her lips wrestle with the most maddening grin and he couldn’t help scowling because—unbelievably—she had bettered him by finally getting the last word...

* * *

Having pronounced him better than she’d hoped, the cheerful nurse from the private hospital Hal attended departed, promising to see him again in a week’s time and instructing him to call if he needed to see her sooner. When she’d gone he told Kit that he intended to work in his study until lunchtime and that she could please herself what she did until then.

Cutting him down to size with the comments she’d made in the kitchen before the nurse arrived had made her regret being so outspoken, because since then he’d fallen worryingly silent and there had been no more provocative banter between them. Even though her blood had throbbed like honey heated over a slow-burning flame when Hal had confessed he wished he could chase her round the room and steal another kiss...

Kit knew she shouldn’t encourage any more flirtatious comments because it would only make it harder not to see him again when her job came to an end. Besides, she knew he couldn’t possibly be serious about wanting to kiss her for a second time. She was certain that the brief but delicious kiss he’d delivered yesterday had only come about because the circumstances had been so helplessly intimate. After all, you couldn’t get much more intimate than helping a man into the bath and washing his hair, Kit reflected, her blood heating at the memory.

Besides, according to the press, he’d dated some of the most beautiful women in the world. There was no way on God’s good green earth that Kit could ever hope to match up to any of them...but then nor would she want to. If she ever fell in love with someone it would have to be with a man who wasn’t so easily seduced by the temptations of the world, or one who felt he had to keep up some kind of glossy ‘action man’ image to be accepted by it.

No...none of that would be necessary, because the man she settled on would soon learn that he was with a woman who truly loved him for himself...not for what he could achieve or provide materially. Biting her lip, because she’d been drawn into mulling over a scenario that she rarely allowed herself to dwell on, Kit started in surprise when five minutes later Hal called her into his study.

After knocking and entering the room, Kit stared wide-eyed at the proudly displayed evidence of his achievement—awards he’d received from the music industry and stunning photographs of the various sporting challenges he’d participated in round the world. The only evidence of anything more personal was a lovely silver-framed portrait of his sister Sam.

Unable to help herself, Kit twitched her lips in amusement when her glance collided with the calendar above Hal’s desk. The photograph depicting the current month was of a generously curved, famous blonde model wearing a white bikini... Scratch that... Nearly wearing a white bikini. She was still smiling when her gaze returned to Hal and saw that his chameleon-gold eyes were studying her intently, as if he was wondering what she made of all the awards and pictures on show...never mind the audacious calendar.

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