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The Tycoon's Delicious Distraction

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If their loving had anything to do with it, from now on she knew that it would be passion and joy that the bricks and mortar here were imbued with. And as heady desire enslaved them, guaranteeing they would be seductively preoccupied long into the night, the forceful storm of their loving shut out every memory of past hurt and disappointment that might have haunted them, ensuring the future was suddenly not half so fearful as they might once have imagined.

* * *

Just before the dawn broke Kit fell asleep in Hal’s arms. There was no question that she would do anything else. All self-doubt had fled. It had been replaced by calm, assured surrender to whatever came next. As long as they were together she knew she could face any adversity or sorrow and overcome it. That was what love did, she realised. It made you strong, not weak. All these years she’d been labouring under a cruel misconception. What was the point of living if you never experienced loving someone? If you were so afraid of being hurt that you never trusted the wisdom of your own heart? Searching for guarantees and trying to work it all out in your head, clearly wasn’t the answer. Decisions should be made out of love, not fear. From now on, Kit vowed, that would be her mantra.

When she woke a few hours later her eyes opened to find Hal examining her thoughtfully, casually resting back on his elbow as he gazed down at her. His arresting golden eyes, hard chiselled jaw and curling tousled hair was definitely a sight she would never tire of waking up to.

‘Are you all right?’ she asked, suddenly afraid that he might have needed her but had decided against disturbing her to let her know.

‘I’m fine. In fact I’m more than fine. I feel on top of the world. I’ve just been lying here wondering how on earth I’ve had the good fortune to attract someone as good and beautiful as you into my life.’

It wasn’t easy for Kit to keep her humour at bay. ‘Good fortune? Some people might think that the circumstances were a disaster. You broke your leg, remember? I suspect that had something to do with it.’

He scowled, gathered a coil of her russet hair between his fingers and for a few seconds examined it intently. ‘I confess I was expecting a much more romantic reply than that, sweetheart. It’s all well and good that one of your qualities is that you’re eminently sensible and pragmatic, but I’d like to know that you can be dreamy and romantic too.’

She hastened to reassure him. ‘I promise you I can. It’s just that it’s become rather a habit of mine to be sensible. In future one of the things I want to achieve is an ability to give myself permission to enjoy life more—to have fun and be silly if I want to and not worry about looking a fool.’

‘I’m glad to hear it. But you could never look like a fool, Kit. Talking of achieving things—do you remember when you came into my study and asked if there was anything else I’d like to achieve, other than all the business awards and sporting accolades displayed round the room?’

She nodded. ‘I do. As I recall, you said there were other things you’d like to achieve, and it did make me think.’

‘There’s not much you don’t remember, is there? I’ll have to watch out in the future if I dare forget your birthday or what kind of flowers you like. I’ll definitely be in the doghouse if I do.’ Grinning, Hal reached for her hand, then raised it to his lips and planted a kiss. ‘Well, to expand on that comment, the one thing I want to achieve above everything else is to find the woman of my dreams, marry her, then settle down to have a family.’

As Kit all but held her breath his golden-eyed gaze deepened meaningfully.

‘To that end, I’m asking you to marry me, Kit.’

She immediately sat up and stared at him. ‘You’re being serious?’

‘I most certainly am. And, trust me, this moment will be imprinted on my memory for many years to come.’ Disconcertingly, he chuckled. ‘Not just because it’s one of the most momentous occasions of my life, but because I won’t be able to forget what you were wearing when I proposed.’

‘What I’m wearing? But I’m—’ Stricken with embarrassment, Kit realised she was naked. Her sensible pyjamas had long been dispensed with during the night. She made a grab for the counterpane and held it firmly over her breasts.

‘Naked!’ Hal finished for her, unrepentantly wrenching the counterpane back and giving her a lascivious smile. ‘And that’s just the way I want you. Because when you’ve given me your answer—and I’m hoping it’s the one I want to hear...’ He paused to deliver a tantalising little kiss on her mouth and then teasingly caught her lip between his teeth for a moment. ‘I intend to shut out the world for the rest of the day...’ another sizzling kiss was dropped at the satin juncture of her neck and shoulder ‘...and make wild, passionate love to you.’

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