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Required to Wear the Tycoon's Ring

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Yet he had two very good reasons for contemplating it. The first was his friend’s suggestion. It would open many doors for him. And the second was more personally fortuitous. He wanted to live his life differently. And the basis of that desire was the need to share his life with someone—to have a proper connection with another human being that would ensure he didn’t grow old and embittered because of the heart-rending loss he’d endured in his early life.

‘Here we are.’

Carrying a round wooden tray with their drinks on, Imogen briefly stooped down to the coffee table to arrange the crockery. As she did so the recalcitrant neckline that was proving near impossible to keep in its position glided provocatively down over her shoulder. Not only did Seth get an even closer glimpse of her translucent bare skin, he also caught sight of her arresting cleavage encased in an ebony lace bra.

The sight couldn’t help but stir his blood. Loosening his tie a little, he watched her hastily straighten up and knew that she’d caught him studying her... How refreshing to find a woman who blushed so naturally, who didn’t use it as an artifice to come on to him, he thought.

‘Thanks.’ He smiled.

‘I made some chocolate cookies earlier. Would you like to try one?’

Before he could reply, Imogen had disappeared into the kitchen again. Seth likened her to a mini whirlwind and the observation made him smile.

When she sat down again a delicious waft of engagingly sweet perfume briefly enveloped him and made his insides clench. She pushed a small plate of mouthwatering biscuits towards him and, already caught in the spell of her femininity, he couldn’t resist sampling one.

The sublime taste that filled his mouth immediately elicited his appreciation. ‘Mmm. These are terrific. You didn’t tell me what a witch you were at baking. Got any other temptations I should know about?’

Raising her cup of coffee, Imogen temporarily shielded her expression from his glance. Intuiting that his last comment had rattled her, Seth could hardly believe the woman could be so innocent. Most women would have taken it as an invitation to at the very least flirt a little...

‘I don’t bake to try to tempt people. I do it because I enjoy it. If you want to take a couple with you, go ahead.’

‘Maybe I will.’ His candid gaze leisurely roamed her face. What man wouldn’t enjoy staring into those big brown eyes? ‘Are you ready to have that talk now?’

‘I suppose so. What’s on your mind?’


Holding the hot mug of coffee firmly between his hands, he took his time thinking how best to phrase his proposition. He had no idea how Imogen would receive the suggestion. She might immediately tell him to leave for all he knew, but he hoped she wouldn’t...

‘I’ve been reflecting on our situations. It came to me that we’ve both been badly hurt in the past, and understandably neither of us wants to entertain the idea of another relationship—at least not one where we put our hearts on the line. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to spend the rest of my life alone. I’d like a companion, if nothing else—someone I can share my life with but who wouldn’t be beholden to me emotionally. Such an undertaking would also help me in my business dealings. People immediately view men like me as more trustworthy and honourable if they are married. To cut to the chase, I’m asking you if you’d consider being that person, Imogen.’

The atmosphere had suddenly grown tense, as if an impending storm was on its way. Seth honestly couldn’t remember the last time he’d experienced being so unsettled.

Shifting in her chair, Imogen took her time answering him. Just when he’d convinced himself she was going to refuse, one corner of her pretty mouth lifted in an amused smile.

‘It’s funny, but I was thinking about getting myself a companion earlier. I decided that I would get a kitten.’

He frowned. ‘A kitten? Is that really all you want to share your life with?’

‘It would undoubtedly be a lot less demanding than a man.’

‘But it would hardly help support you, would it?’

‘I don’t want anyone to support me. In any case, I’m hardly going to trust a man to help me, am I? I certainly wouldn’t risk giving up my independence to one.’

‘I don’t blame you for feeling that way, but I’m not the idiot who didn’t show up on your wedding day, Imogen. If I give my word I keep it. I’m a very wealthy man, and if you agreed to my proposition I’d take care of everything financially. You’d never have to worry about where you were going to live or how you were going to manage again. It goes without saying that I would give you a generous allowance.’

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