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Required to Wear the Tycoon's Ring

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And then she tried on the shoes. They were a luxurious black leather court with a gold-coloured kitten heel. They might have been made for her.

Allowing herself a small twirl, she smiled at her reflection.

Before she went out to show Seth how she looked she hung back for a few more minutes to retouch her make-up and brush her hair. After touching perfume to her wrists and behind her ears, she collected her favourite black wool coat and returned to the living room.

Dropping the coat onto the arm of a nearby chair, she straightened and looked at Seth. He stared. For a tense moment his jaw briefly clenched and she wondered what he was feeling. He told her.

‘You look incredible. You put me in mind of one of those glamorous movie stars from the fifties. Do you realise this is the first glimpse I’ve had of your legs? I guessed they would be shapely. I’m glad I chose a dress for you.’

Letting down her guard, Imogen didn’t hide her pleasure. ‘It’s wonderful! Even the shoes fit perfectly. I’m sorry if I seemed ungrateful.’

His blue eyes flashed. ‘I never thought for a moment that you were being ungrateful. I realise that you just aren’t used to feeling that you deserve nice things, better treatment than you’ve settled for in the past. It’s not a crime to enjoy some luxury and to expect decent behaviour from the man in your life. The majority of men would naturally want to treat you as you deserve, Imogen. I don’t think I’m unusual.’

It was strange, having him refer to himself as the man in her life. She was still unsure around him, not quite believing that he would choose her to be his wife and companion over anyone else—but having dipped her toe in the water, she had to take a chance and swim...

‘Hadn’t we better go? I’ve just noticed the time.’

‘You’re right. Put on your coat and we’ll go out to the car.’

Imogen had another surprise when they went outside and Seth led her to their vehicle. Instead of the comfortable sedan that she’d expected, parked kerbside was a silver-coloured Lamborghini. Up close, its sleek, flawless lines were like nothing she’d ever seen before. It practically demanded that people stopped and stared, whether they loved cars or not.

She caught her breath. ‘We’re going to London in this?’

Seth chuckled in delight, and the compelling sound cascaded through her body like a shower of electrical sparks. She was tingling all over.

‘I thought I’d introduce you to another little luxury.’ He smiled. ‘The manager of my new dealership loaned it to me for the night. I remembered you said that you’d never experienced riding in one, and I thought it the ideal opportunity to show you what it was like.’

Moving round to the passenger door, he opened it. Before she sat down he helped remove her coat, then waited as she lowered herself onto the butter-soft leather seat and closed the door.

It was one of the most exhilarating experiences Imogen had ever had, travelling down the motorway in such an incredible car. But it was even more exhilarating to watch Seth handle the driving. He applied himself to the task with the kind of consummate skill and dexterity only someone extremely experienced could utilise. What must it be like to be as confident as that? she wondered.

Briefly stealing a glance at her, he remarked, ‘I’m wondering what you’re thinking about.’

‘I’m thinking that I can hardly believe I’m doing this... It seems so surreal.’

‘But you’re enjoying it?’

‘Yes, I am. It’s made me realise how cautious I’ve become. I’ve shied away from doing anything remotely risky in case it backfires on me—even having fun. I really want to try to change that.’

‘That’s good to hear. We’re ahead of the game. Maybe enjoying yourself is just what was needed. Taking risks isn’t so bad after all, hmm?’

Meeting his gaze, she flushed. Then she glanced away again. Maybe she had lowered her expectations for too long. What could be wrong in raising them a little? She might not fulfil her desire of meeting a like-minded soul who wanted a loving long-term relationship as she did, but perhaps being with someone like Seth would provide other things that would compensate. All she could do was wait and see what transpired.

* * *

After being shown to their elegantly dressed table beneath the glinting chandeliers of the dining room, Seth and Imogen took their seats. Seth schooled himself to relax. After all, what had he to worry about? Fate had dealt him a very unexpected but fortunate hand.

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