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Required to Wear the Tycoon's Ring

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He immediately released her and stepped away. There was a slight flush beneath his cheekbones. ‘I put myself wholeheartedly into a relationship that damaged me in more ways than one. Not only was the love of my life killed in a devastating accident, but in the lead-up to that I was belittled and scorned by her father. I vowed never to put myself in such a predicament again. Instead, I focused on becoming successful. I won’t ever let anyone degrade me again, nor give my power away by being at the mercy of my feelings.’


‘I SEE.’ HEARING THE pain and regret in his voice, Imogen honestly felt for him. Having to endure both those things would surely come close to seriously damaging anyone.

But Seth wasn’t in the mood for her commiserations. ‘Do you?’ he flashed irritably. ‘I’ve answered your question. Now why don’t you answer mine?’

She could see that she wasn’t going to wriggle out of this easily. She could tell that Seth had already somehow intuited exactly what was on her mind. Had he gleaned that she was far more inexperienced than a woman of her age usually was? If he had, he was right.

The truth was that she’d kept herself untouched for her wedding night. Since she was very young she’d nursed the romantic notion of giving her virginity to her husband—the man she loved. If she respected herself in that way, then surely the man in her life would, too. She wouldn’t end up with a loser, as her poor mum had.

But after what had happened with Greg her once heartfelt wish now seemed like a joke. When they’d been together he’d frequently tried to persuade her to have sex, but she’d always refused. Whilst he’d appreciated that she had certain principles, he’d said that it was wrong of her to deny him what was only natural. He’d been furious and frustrated, but she had somehow convinced herself that he would be more than pleased that she’d kept to her vow on their wedding night.

Her sacrosanct promise had backfired on her. He’d been driven into the arms of another woman, cruelly paying her back for not giving him what he wanted.

It wasn’t the first time she’d reflected on these events since being jilted at the altar, and every day the memory seemed heavier. It had devastated her that Greg hadn’t seen the innocence she’d offered him as the gift she’d intended it to be.

Glancing back into Seth’s crystalline gaze, she brought herself firmly back to the present. Jutting her chin, she declared, ‘I’m not afraid.’

He lowered his voice. ‘I think you’re lying.’

It wasn’t an insult. His tone was kind. But as he returned to her, using his long, artistic fingers to comb back her hair, his touch was almost unbearably seductive.

Transfixed, she replied, ‘I’m just confused. First you tell me that you want me to be your paid companion. Then you say that I shouldn’t feel any pressure about making our relationship intimate, that we should wait and see how things unfold... But now you seem to have changed your mind and you think that we should—we should...’

‘Become lovers?’


‘Would that really be so abhorrent?’

Imogen strangely felt like crying. Would this handsome and incredibly successful man of the world even believe her if she confessed that she was a virgin? Would he tell her that she was ridiculously naive, saving herself for her wedding night, that such a quaint idea didn’t belong in the twenty-first century?

She moved her tongue over her lips to moisten them. ‘I’m sure it wouldn’t, but it would be crossing a line I told myself I wouldn’t cross,’ she answered.

‘Why? Because you’re scared I might be using you? A man in my position doesn’t have to use women, sweetheart. And I certainly wouldn’t try to trap you in that way.’ Expelling a sigh, he shook his head thoughtfully. ‘Just because we’re entering into what is ostensibly a business arrangement doesn’t mean we have to suppress our natural instincts. Why don’t you think about what I’ve said and mull it over? I’m not saying we should take things further tonight—all I’m saying is that it would be a fitting way to end a lovely evening if we kissed.’

She couldn’t deny that she desperately wanted him to kiss her. It seemed to be the case that whenever Seth was within a few feet of her it was all she could think about.

Because she couldn’t help herself, she lifted her hand to touch his face delicately. To her intense pleasure she discovered that even the five-o’clock shadow on his cheek had the texture of burnished velvet.

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