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Required to Wear the Tycoon's Ring

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‘By the way,’ he added, not quite meeting her eyes, ‘I’ve arranged to sleep in another room down the hall tonight. I think it’s best. There are some phone calls I need to make, and you’re going to need some privacy to prepare for the wedding. I’ve asked Celia Bamford to call on you in the morning, to help you with the dress. She’ll also be joining us at the ceremony, and at the wedding breakfast afterwards. I’ve arranged for separate cars to take us to the venue, so we won’t be seeing each other until the ceremony. Is there anything else I can do for you before I go?’

Imogen wished she could say, Yes...I need you to look at me as if I’m important to you and not distance yourself as you’re doing now. Instead, she answered, ‘No, there’s nothing. It sounds as if you’ve taken care of everything.’

There was a fleeting glimmer of what seemed to be disquiet on his face, but it quickly disappeared. ‘In that case I’ll say goodnight.’

‘Goodnight, Seth.’

She wanted him to take her in his arms and kiss her, to reassure her that everything would work out for the best. But it seemed he had decided to maintain his distance until tomorrow, and after her outburst just now there was nothing she could do about that but accept it...

* * *

Rising from the sumptuous bed that she had occupied on her own last night, Imogen glanced out of the window to see that the morning was bright, but likely very cold. A lone leaf skittered across the immaculate lawns that were covered in a veil of icy frost, and the sounds of birdsong seemed muted.

Was it an omen that she would end up alone after all? That Seth wouldn’t follow through with the marriage?

Impatient that she still found it so hard to trust, she escaped into the bathroom to take her shower.

When she emerged a while later her gaze immediately fell on the exquisite dress she would be wearing that day. It was draped on a hanger outside the wardrobe, its delicate shimmering folds resembling the magical garb of a mythical princess. But it wasn’t at all easy to feel joyful about it. How could she? She was marrying a man who didn’t love her and history seemed to be repeating itself.

Would she ever be able to reach Seth’s heart and help him see that she had come to believe that love wasn’t a mere emotion, that it was the truest thing of all? That if he gave it a chance it would help dissolve the fear of loss that undoubtedly dogged him and allow him to see that he deserved to love and be loved again, by a woman who honestly adored him? Imogen wanted him to know that there were second chances in life and that his first love didn’t have to be his only one.

With a heartfelt sigh, she moved across to the dressing table to fix her hair...

* * *

It had been ten years ago that Seth had started his career in America, and with his knowledge of mechanics and his enthusiasm to work on the most desirable sports cars that career had spectacularly taken off to catapult him into the elite world of the rich and famous. Since then he had experienced many social events amongst the great and the good, but he had never felt more tense or nervous about an occasion as he did now, on the day of his marriage to Imogen.

Last night he’d found out that she wasn’t entirely happy with him. Her outburst had seriously given him cause to doubt his decision to marry her. What was she looking for in this upcoming partnership of theirs? Had he missed something?

Because of his disquiet he hadn’t enjoyed the best night’s sleep. In fact he’d hardly slept at all. He’d been far too restless. Restless and frustrated. Dominating his thoughts had been the moment when he would hopefully take her in his arms and make her his own...

As arranged, they were travelling to the Peel Tower in separate cars, so that he wouldn’t see his bride before the wedding. Acting as one of their witnesses, the hotel manager sat beside him. He was a friendly young man called Aziz, and with his cheerful upbeat manner he gamely endeavoured to help Seth feel more relaxed.

In truth it was a futile exercise, because he wouldn’t relax until he had put his ring on Imogen’s finger and officially made her his wife. It was a matter of honour to him. He wanted her to know that not all men were cheats and liars like her ex-fiancé.

On their arrival at the venue, they discovered that the ancient tower was situated amidst a sea of manicured lawns and surrounded by a graceful meadow. The scene was utterly charming for a young bride to see on her wedding day, he mused, and he hoped that Imogen would be delighted by it.

When they’d disembarked from the white Rolls Royce they’d arrived in, the immaculately dressed steward waiting for them directed them inside. Seth and the affable Aziz would wait there for Imogen and the concierge, Nina, to arrive.

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