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Required to Wear the Tycoon's Ring

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‘Hmm... I think we make a very good match. Don’t you? But I have to ask... Do you have any regrets about not giving your virginity to your ex-fiancé?’

‘Are you serious?’

‘Perhaps deep down you’re sad that it wasn’t him who was your first lover?’

Imogen was shocked. ‘That’s ridiculous. I told you—I don’t regret for a moment that things didn’t turn out the way I’d hoped. Why would I? It was beyond cruel of him to humiliate me like that. And now I know that he also did me a favour when he didn’t turn up that day.’

‘So it’s true that you really didn’t love him after all?’

‘Yes, it’s true.’ She sighed. ‘I didn’t. Like I told you before, I was only kidding myself about that. When he stood me up at the church I finally realised it was just the idea of being in love that I was mesmerised by, and consequently I got my comeuppance.’

‘And now... Can you be content with not achieving the dream of real love that you wanted, Imogen? Is the pragmatic arrangement we’ve talked about going to be enough for you?’

As he uttered the words Seth knew without doubt that he no longer wanted such a soulless partnership for himself. He abhorred the very idea. Imogen had invaded his blood with her beauty, her innocence and her wonderful, kind nature, and he would be a fool to pretend that he wanted a marriage of convenience any longer.

Realising the depth of his feelings, he could no longer deny what he really wanted from her...

The question he’d asked Imogen made her heart sink. It was suddenly brought home to her that Seth was still pledged to the memory of Louisa...even after all these years. What if that never changed? Could she be content with just being his companion? Sharing his bed, but not ever having his love?

Another more startling thought went through her mind just then. What if they had children? They’d been swept along with the wedding, and the practicalities of using protection had seemingly gone out of their heads...

Right at that moment she didn’t have the courage to ask him about it. It was bad enough to know that he didn’t love her.

Her expression grave, she said, ‘You’re a good man, Seth. I know that. And you’ve been very frank with me about what you want from the start. So we’ll just leave things as they are for now, shall we?’

Unable to disguise her sadness, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and got out, dragging a sheet with her. Winding it round her, she turned away.

Alarmed, and hardly able to believe what he was witnessing, Seth sat up. ‘Where do you think you’re going?’

‘I’d like to take a shower...on my own.’

‘Do you really have to do that right now? Why don’t you wait and I’ll—?’

But she had gone before he’d even realised that she was serious, and she shut the bathroom door with a resounding bang that echoed warningly round the room. He was in no doubt that she was mad at him.

Galvanised into sudden action, Seth dragged the other sheet off the bed and wrapped it round his lean, hard middle. Then he planted himself firmly outside the bathroom and banged hard on the door.

‘Imogen! For God’s sake, what’s going on with you? Do I have to remind you that it’s our wedding night?’

The tense moments that passed as he anxiously waited for her response felt like an eternity. Then, in a voice that was barely discernible, she said softly, ‘I just need some space for a few minutes. Is that a problem?’

He emitted a frustrated breath and agitatedly pushed his fingers through his hair. ‘Why do you need some space? If there’s something bothering you, can’t you just come out and talk to me about it?’

‘It’s probably best if I don’t.’

‘What the hell does that mean?’

The door suddenly opened. Studying him with those big brown eyes of hers, Imogen protectively crossed her arms over the sheet that she’d wound round herself. The gesture made her appear disarmingly fragile. If Seth didn’t get to the bottom of this soon he swore he’d go crazy.

‘It means that I don’t think I can pretend anymore.’

‘Pretend about what?’

‘About how I feel about things.’

‘Then, why don’t you tell me? Please, Imogen. It’s very important to me to know how you feel.’

His natural concern coming to the fore, he reached out his hand to touch her bare shoulder. Once again he was reminded of how exquisitely soft her skin was. Beneath his fingers, she shivered a little.

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