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GIO (Interracial Rockstar Romance)

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“Now, you sound like Ru.”

“Writing music can take a lot out of you. It requires patience, time, effort, and a serious connection with your inner self.”

“That makes sense.”

“And that connection gets stronger when you put the music down and walk away from it. Basically, you need to find a balance between your passion for music and the love you have for yourself.”

“You’re right.”

“I’m glad you get it. That was Jason’s biggest problem. He drowned in his passions until the music choked him, had him gasping. To the point that when he came out of it, he had no way to make himself happy. So, he went to drugs and sex. Make sure you have other things besides music that keeps you happy.”

I was scared to ask, but I had to. “It really hurt you when he left?”

“It broke me apart. That’s the other reason I came out here. I needed a break from all the flashing lights. I had to get away.”

“I can see that.”

He looked uncomfortable talking more about it and switched to a new topic. “Speaking of Ru, I called him and left a message saying you were okay.”

“Thanks. I should call him too before he rushes out here.”

His jaw twitched. “Yeah. At this point, I only want you to myself. To focus on the music, of course.”

“Of course.” I finished washing. An urge came over to just lay in the water, close my eyes, and listen to Gio’s deep voice all day. Never move. Never leave. Just turn on the hot water if it got cold.

It would be perfect to stay here all night.

I let out a long breath, squeezed the washcloth, and placed it on the edge.

“You’re ready?” he asked.


“Do you need help getting up?”

“Really, Gio? You’re perfect, but I didn’t break my leg. I truly can take care of myself right now.”

“Then, just give me two days to dote on you.”


“Tomorrow you’ll be princess for the day.”

“I love the sound of that.”

“Should we make it princess for a week?”

“No, my ego isn’t ready for all of that. We have to feed her in sips or I’m scared I’ll probably turn into a spoiled bitch.”

“No, we can’t have that. Will the princess need my help with drying?” Gio tossed me this wicked grin and I knew exactly what he meant by that. But I’d told myself that this stay with him would be business first and possibly pleasure later.

I had to get to know this gorgeous man who’d taken hold of me, pampering the shit out of me. I needed to learn about who he really was. Not the Gio I saw on tv, but the Gio in front of my eyes, bringing me dinner, caring for my injuries, helping me in any way possible.

And even more, I needed real answers about what he wanted out of life, and what he saw with us. It wasn’t like I was thinking marriage and kids with him. But I didn’t want to fall into this beautiful man—to drown—and be nothing but a one or two-night stand.

I don’t know if I could fuck a man like Gio once and be happy with walking away.

I hadn’t dated in so long. I was still new to dating, love, and even the music industry. I had to take my time, figure this all out so that months later, we were on the same page as lovers, friends, or just co-artists.

One thing I knew, we could be awesome with whatever path we chose. I just had to take my time and figure it out.

After helping me into my towel and carrying me off to my bed, he rushed down to get my luggage. He’d become my personal butler, taking care of all my needs.

The rest of the day we talked about music—our favorite songs, styles that we enjoyed. We fell asleep to that sweet conversation.

The next day, he brought me breakfast and washed my hair again as I bathed. Later, he showered and dressed as I changed in his bedroom. I put on something comfortable—jeans, slippers, and a chocolate brown shirt with Marvin Gaye smiling on the front. It was super casual, but he’d barely wanted me to even leave the bedroom. I doubted I would be out and about for too long and chose comfort over style.

Besides, Gio made me feel at home. If I’d been around any other guy, I would’ve tried to stumble around in heels and a dress that was too tight and constricting on my stomach. My insecurities would’ve told me that I wasn’t beautiful enough, still not as gorgeous as the women around me.

Meanwhile, Gio gazed at me like no other female existed. He watched me with this intense look, trapping me in those blues, forcing me to swim around that ocean between his eyelids.

A knock came from the door.

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