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GIO (Interracial Rockstar Romance)

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My mind went back to when I’d watched her on the bed. She’d woken me up with her moans, and it was the way I wanted to be woken up from now on.

She had writhed from side to side on the bed, kicking off the fur blankets and diving her hand into her jeans. I had no idea what she’d been dreaming about just that I wished I were in her head. And then there was the moment that I couldn’t get out of my mind.

“Gio, fuck me, please baby.”

It had torn me open. My cock went stiff. I’d gripped it not even thinking how it would look and the whole time, she moaned my name and gyrated that sweet pussy on her hand. Her panties and jeans must’ve been drenched.

Was that why she changed into that sexy dress? She was too wet. Damn, I wish I knew.

That sweet body rocked back and forth, shaking the bed, and her moans were just as sweet as her singing voice. It set me on fire. I’d risen from my chair and rubbed my cock. I’d lost all goddamn control, towering over her and rubbing my cock as she dreamed about me.

Thankfully, sanity had won over my horniness. I was close to pulling my jeans down, getting on the bed, and fucking her until she woke up. But I couldn’t. Her dreaming about fucking me wasn’t exactly an invitation for me to spread those legs open and slam my cock into her. Most men might’ve tried that bullshit, calling it dominance and sexual power.

My mom had drilled too many feminist values into my head as a kid. No matter how delicious and welcoming that body looked on my bed, I couldn’t just go after her without complete consent.

So, I’d lowered myself back on the chair and woke her up by saying her name. When she opened those eyes, desire didn’t swim between her eyelids. It was shock and embarrassment. I knew then that I had to give her a minute to calm herself down. She looked completely blown away as she covered herself with the blankets.

And then she spotted me holding my dick on the outside of my jeans.

It was neither one of our best moments. By then, we were both embarrassed. I knew the best path would be to give us both some alone time.

Damn it. But why do I keep thinking I should’ve just woken her up with my mouth between her legs? What the fuck? If a woman is dreaming about fucking you, can you politely lick her pussy until she wakes up?

It was one of those feminist questions I couldn’t ask my mother.

Everyone around me continued eating their dessert and conversing. I gave up on eating as I felt my cock swell under the table. After thinking about her having that wet dream, I wanted to sink my cock right inside of her.

Calm down.

I turned to Simone. “So, you’re Gullah, right? Do they celebrate holidays just like everyone else?”

She nodded. “Oh yes. Christmas is pretty much the same.”

“Do you speak differently?” I asked.

“Definitely,” she said. “The language can be very hard to understand although it’s a form of English. For example, brother would be bubbuh.”

“Wow. That’s different.” I leaned back in my chair. There was this magic to her. Every time I thought I knew her better, I realized I hadn’t even scratched the surface.

“Do you all do something different for New Year’s Eve?” I asked.

“Not really, but everyone cooks the New Year Trinity—pork, black-eyed peas, and greens. It’s symbolic. The greens represent wealth for the New Year. The black eyed-peas offer good luck.”

Ru scrunched his face. “And what’s up with the pig?”

“It’s a superstition dealing with a pig’s behavior. Pigs like to root at the ground with their snouts, typically in a forward movement. Similarly, the tradition of eating pork on New Year’s is said to allow one to move forward in the New Year.”

“We should do this,” I said. “I’ll let the chef know. Anything to bring us luck is worth eating.”

“Food is a big thing for us,” Simone said. “We believe that food holds energy, so it should be grown in a peaceful atmosphere and harvested with love and care.”

“That makes sense,” Ru said. “The French believe something similar. They believe food is an art and the steady consumption of a diet infused with love is healing and healthy.”

I nodded at him but wished he’d shut the fuck up and take a plane back to New York. I didn’t like that he was here, listening to her voice, drinking in her words. Although she was so talented and deserved to be heard by the world, I was now starting to realize I didn’t want to share her with him or anyone else.

Simone talked a bit more about her heritage. The whole time, Ru watched her. His face held a neutral expression, but those eyes gave him away. They were all over her, desiring and needing.

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