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GIO (Interracial Rockstar Romance)

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She quirked her eyebrows. “But?”

“I want more. So much more.”

She blinked.

“I want your heart,” I whispered. “And we can leave it at that for now. In the end, I could say all I want, but my actions will show you that I’m not like these others.”

She stared at me. Shock filled her eyes. I knew I’d hit her with a whole lot, but Jason’s death taught me to live in the moment. Playing life safe was not living at all. I wasn’t going to tiptoe around my feelings with her. Anything that came to me, I would say it.

It is what it is. I just met her and now I’m falling for her.

I closed my eyes and let the depth of what I said cover us both in quiet.

I’d meant to take a short break before making love to her again, but we lay there, comfortable in each other’s arms, listening to our breathing and slowly falling asleep.

Simone. Simone.

Chapter 15


The most important thing about music

is the sense of escape.

~Thom Yorke

My phone buzzed on the nightstand next to Gio’s bed.

I woke in Gio’s arms.

Damn. I could do this every morning. Just wake up in his arms...and I wouldn’t need anything else. Not fame. Not money. Nothing.

Shadows danced around his bedroom, yet a little sunlight peeked around the heavy curtains covering the windows.

Since I’d been here, he’d been doting on me, always checking in, bringing me breakfast, and bathing me. And then he had the nerve to call me princess constantly. And I felt like one too. That wasn’t something I’d ever had in my life. I was past the age of needing someone to look out for me, but it was good to have it for once in my life. Plus, I’d never had anyone be so gentle, yet so passionate at the same time.

Lying along his warm body, I felt important to him. Special. My phone buzzed again on the nightstand. It was crazy, but I was about to leave his arms and break the bonds between us. It was like, if I left his hold, I would wake up from the dream.

My phone buzzed a third time.

I thought Gio was still asleep, but he stirred against me.

He whispered against my ear, “Is that your phone?”

“Yes.” I yawned, moved the furry blankets away, and left the warmth of him to grab it. “It’s probably Ru calling. I promised to meet him this morning.”

I checked the screen. “Wow. It’s already one in the afternoon.”

He chuckled. “I tired you out.”

“You tired us both out. You were knocked out just like me.” I brought the phone to the bed and lay back against him, checking Ru’s text. Gio placed his arm around my shoulders and ran his fingers through my hair. He’d made a mess of it last night. I’d blown my hair out and kinky curls sat on my head in disarray. Still, he toyed with them like I was a goddess.

RU: Up yet?

RU: Simmy, what’s up? What are you doing?

RU: Simmy?

RU: We need to talk.

Gio asked behind me. “Who’s Simmy?”

I looked over my shoulder. “Ru calls me that sometimes.”

A frown spread across his face.

“What?” I asked.

“He likes you,” Gio said.

“He’s never tried to come on to me.”

“But you know that he likes you?”

I gave him a slow shrug. “I would say that Ru is attracted to me. And I’m not trying to act like I’m the most beautiful woman in the world or anything—”

“You are.”

I blushed. “Thank you.”

“Go ahead.”

“I’m just saying that...Ru is attracted to me like a man would be with any woman. Men are around women for a while and they just want to try her.”

“That’s very simple terms, princess.”

“I don’t know men well enough to think of them in complex turns. Ru is attracted to me, but I imagine he’s attracted to most women. Sure, he’s married, but he’s not exactly Mr. Faithful. I have no intentions of doing anything more with him than business.”

“He’s not loyal to his wife?”


“If he’s not loyal to his wife, do you think he would be loyal to you?”

“Now you’re being silly, Gio. If I decided to only have a manager that is faithful to his wife, I would not have a manager.” I leaned back. “Is your manager faithful to his wife?”

His serious face broke into a smile. “Monogamy and Midnight don’t go together.”

“Yet, you trust Midnight with your career?”

“Fine. You’ve got a point.”

I rose from the bed. He grabbed my arm and gently pulled me back. “So, you’re going to see him?”

I grinned. “Yes.”

He directed his gaze down to my breasts and licked his lips. “Fuck. I had something to say, but I forgot.”

“Our meeting won’t be long.” I licked my lips, missing him already.

He shifted, pulling me closer. “Tell Ru no.”

I widened my eyes. “Why?”

“Because I want you in my bed. Meet with him tomorrow.”

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