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GIO (Interracial Rockstar Romance)

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A smile broke across my face.

“But, baby, you’re acting like you’re pussy-whipped. That’s making my bank account nervous. I hate when that motherfucker gets nervous. Change needs to come when that happens. And I don’t mean pocket change.”

“We’re enjoying each other.”

“Ru said you kidnapped the poor girl and took her to some undisclosed place, cut off her communication, and have probably forbid her from talking to him.”

“Ru is overexaggerating. I took her on a trip. We’re in Salt Lake City, for god sakes. He’s back at my house. She has her phone.”

“So, you took the pretty new singer on a...trip...and left her manager at your house by himself?”


“Because?” Midnight asked.

“It was a better option than strangling him.”

“Goddamn it, Gio. Am I going to have to come to white ass Utah to check on this? You don’t sound like yourself.”

“I’m fine. She’s fine. I didn’t kidnap her.”

“Why hasn’t she answered her phone? Ru said he’s been calling all day.”

I smiled. “I took her phone and turned it off. It’s in my car.”

“Wow. And you sound happy as hell with yourself.”

“I’m not displeased.”

“Have you made any music at least?”

I frowned. “What’s up with everybody asking me that question?”

“Because motherfucker, that’s what you both are supposed to be doing. That’s the very reason why she flew out there.”

I shrugged. “We’ll be in the studio soon.”


“When Ru gets his ass out of my house.”

“Goddamn it.”


“How cold is it there?”

“Twenty degrees. Why?”

Midnight grumbled. “You, motherfucker, you.”


“I’m coming.”

Pain hit my temples. I raised my hand to my forehead and massaged. “No, you’re not.”

“This shit sounds crazy. And even worse, Ru is threatening to cancel the contract. In some ways, you’re breaking it, being that you’re not starting the business and putting your dick in her. If she wants to yell sexual harassment, she could.”

“She won’t. It’s not like that. Ru is the predator, not me.”

“Ru’s a lot of things, but I don’t see him as a predator.”

“He’s in love with her. He has no control over his emotions when it comes to her.”

“Yeah, well you don’t sound that in control either. In fact, I want to meet this amazing singer that’s got you boys open.”

I shook my head. “Please, don’t bring your fat ass up here. Last time you visited me in Paris, my chef quit from being overworked.”

He chuckled. “Well, you better hire a sous chef and stock up your pantry. The king is on his way.”

I groaned. “And will you be bringing guests?”

“Of course. I don’t look this good all by myself. The team will be with me. Just a few people.”

I sighed.

“My stylist, masseuse, nail technician, chakra specialist, taster, and one of my new side chicks I’m breaking in.”

“Oh joy. It sounds like a fucking party.”

“Hey, I’m not excited to come to Utah either, but we all have to make sacrifices.”

“Whatever. I’ll tell the staff. Come for a day or two. No more. You’ll see everything is fine and that Ru is acting irrationally. And then you can deal with him before I do.”

“You both are sounding irrational.”

“Doesn’t matter.” I considered something else. “It’s actually good that you’re coming. Simone will need a manager eventually.”

“Damn man, you just dove over the ledge with this one. She must have that Queen Elizabeth pussy.”

For some reason, Midnight had this odd fascination with England’s royal family. One could find him on a regular Sunday afternoon, not looking at football, but snacking on chips as he updated himself on royal gossip.

“Eh, Mee Mee!” Midnight yelled on the phone. “Get the gold nail polish. We’re going on a trip.”

Already, I could picture Midnight and his entourage crowding my house. All I’d wanted was Simone to come to my home and make music with me. And now Ru had arrived, and Midnight would be following with his gang.

Fuck. Who else will be there?

“Keep your traveling under the radar please,” I said. “I don’t want any paparazzi out here. And no more than two days, Midnight.”

“Baby, Utah would be lucky to have a brother stay there for one day. I’m going to try to bring the sun to that motherfucker, if I can.”

We hung up and I returned to Simone, wishing that the world would leave us alone and let us enjoy ourselves.

I stuck my phone in my pocket. “Sorry. That was Midnight.”

“The legend himself.”

I snorted.

“He is a legend,” she said.

“He’s the legend of something. Anyway, he’s coming for a visit.”

Her face brightened like I told her Prince had been resurrected and would be performing Purple Rain in our suite’s living room. “I’m going to meet Midnight?”

I rolled my eyes. “Yes.”

“So cool.”

“Yeah. I’m so excited.”

She quirked her eyebrows. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m becoming obsessed with you. I just want you by yourself. No one else around. Not my manager or yours. No one.”

“I love that idea too.”

“Good, so then you’ll join me with plan B?”

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